As we close out 2009, it goes without saying that it's been a helluva year. Some are going to be very sad to see 2009 end and others will not. Whatever the case may be, we all look to the future with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. It is a time of new beginnings, so we reflect on things we did wrong in the past and want to correct or change in the future. Some of us make resolutions...most of which will not be kept. They will be broken before January comes to a close. Y'all know I'm right.
This year was full of surprises. Barack Obama became America's first African American President. Sonia Sotomayor became the first Hispanic Supreme Court judge. Huge financial institutions had to be bailed out lest we suffer serious financial collapse. Ted Kennedy, Michael Jackson, and Walter Cronkite, just to name a few, passed away leaving huge legacies. People married, divorced, and had babies. America continued to fight in countries that have no desire for us to be there. Tiger Woods' sexual indiscretions became international news and media fodder. America continues to be voyeuristic and indulges itself in the myriad choices of reality television. The list goes on and on.
They year was full of broken hearts, broken promises, and broken dreams. It was also a year of hope, change, and promise for some. Any year can be any number of things to any number of people. Depends on who you are and what life threw your way. It is also about how you chose to handle the obstacles and blessings that you faced.
No matter what you did or how you perceived 2009, it will go out like every other year. A quick but distant memory. What changes are you gonna make to improve your life? to improve the life of someone else? to make a difference in your community? to impact your little world?
No life is perfect. We all have some dream to fulfill. What baggage are you leaving behind? What purpose are you planning to pursue? What attitude will you change? The answer for each of us will be different. The thing that will be the same for all of us is this...we all can start fresh once we ring in 2010. Actually, each day we can start anew and make one small change. Before we know it, we will have made some significant change.
It starts with you. You do your part. God handles the rest. So welcome to the New Year. Welcome to the rest of your life. What are you gonna do? Here is my plan, not resolutions, just a plan. I am going to exercise. I have employed my gung-ho hubby to help me out. In that process, I hope to lose a little weight. I hope you will check up on my progress. I need accountability you know. I am going to also try to cut out processed foods. I eat pretty healthily most of the time but there is always room for improvement. I am going to be more faithful to God. He has NEVER forsaken me. So I am stepping up my prayer life and recommitting myself to my daily devotions and Bible readings. I feel guilty that this is the first year in the last six that I have not read the Bible in its entirety. I also want to resume tithing. I guess it would help, if we actually belonged to a church. Our finances were all over the place for 09 and we need to be vigilant in 2010. So pray that my family and I can agree on a church. While there is so much more I could plan, this one is important enough to mention.....I am following my first mind, it is never wrong! I am ridding myself of negativity and cynicism(that's gonna be difficult!). I am also ridding myself of toxic people and relationships. Other folks and their baggage is too much for me to carry, I got enough of my own ish. Lastly, I am committing to making a difference in some one's life each day. Care to join me?
However you foresee 2010...the past is the past. It is meant to be left behind. Your future is waiting but the present is a gift. Each day you have 24 hours to make a change, impact the world and be someone new. Don't let anyone impose their "shoulds" on you. Life is short and you have a destiny to fulfill. If God showed up for you in 2009, He will show up for you in 2010. You need to show off for Him. So as we say, "Good-bye, Sayonara, and Peace out!" to 2009.....I wish you a God-filled, safe, and prosperous New Year. Let 2010 be your year! It really is a choice you know? Go out and manifest your destiny! Here's to New Beginnings! Cheers! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Copyright December 31, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Happy Birthday, Chante!!!!

Twelve years ago today, I gave birth to my first child. It was a beautiful winter day and snow was falling from the sky. Labor began around 5:45 AM with my water breaking. I felt no contractions whatsoever. Dmitri and I knew we were having a girl and we had already decided that she would be named Chante Aliya. Let me just say that labor is work but the fruit of labor is worth every moment.
Chante's birth was interesting, to say the least. I had a very close group of friends and Chante was really the first birth in our little circle. Dmitri was adamant that no one would be present in the delivery room. Yea, well that went out of the window rather quickly. While I won't bore you all with the details, Chante was born at 5:12 PM weighing over 7.5lbs about 20 inches long. Present at her birth were several of my closest friends who helped get me through the birthing process and who have and will impact both Chante and I for many years to come. Chante came out of the womb and just looked around. No tears, just wide eyed and bushy-tailed with a head full of hair and very fat cheeks. My very wise grandmother said, "She's going to be something, that's just a sign." Yea, well Nanno is hardly ever wrong, so like Mary, mother of Jesus, I pondered that, in my heart.
Chante is something. She is an old soul in many ways. She accepted Jesus Christ as her Personal Savior at the young age of four. She requested to be baptized several months later. She is perceptive. She is unique in her sense of style and personality. She is outspoken and articulate. That runs in her genes. She is very stubborn and always wants things to go her way. Chante is asthmatic but never lets that interfere with her zest for life. Chante has the potential to be a leader. She has the gift of gab and her friends seem to look to her for guidance. Chante is unaware of her magnetism and potential. She is keenly aware that Dmitri and I have very high expectations for her and her brother. My desire is for her to realize the potential and not be afraid to use her influence in a positive way. I keep telling her it will liberate her and her friends from conforming to the status quo.
I could go on and on about my daughter. I love her from the bottom of my heart. She has brought me joy and pain. She makes me smile and laugh. I am amazed at her fierce determination and her conviction about things she is passionate about. Yes, she is a fickle, hormonal tween, but she can also be a loving big sister who is very competitive. She will impact the world, about that, I have no doubt. For now, I am enjoying watching her grow up and become a young woman. I hope that her faith in God, her sheer loquaciousness, and her extreme determination will carry her far and open doors for her. She has big dreams and knowing her like I do, NOTHING will stand in her way. So today, with a grateful heart, I say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chante, My sweet child. May God bless you today and always, and May He smile richly upon your future!"
Copyright December 27, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to each of you, my loyal readers! I appreciate you so much. It means the world to me that you take time out of your busy schedule to read my thoughts and sometimes comment on them. I've said any times that this is my favorite time of year. I really do enjoy the shopping, baking, and overall mayhem associated with the season.
I also love that Christmas is a celebration of Christ. My spiritual birthday is in October(the earthly one in in June) but Christ really should be celebrated daily. Society is doing everything it can to commercialize what should be a remarkably religious celebration. The kids can't mention God in school. My hubby(his co-workers, too) was warned, like a child, not to forward e-mail that had religious overtones so as not to offend those who don't believe.
The Christmas Story has been told for years. The Virgin Mary along with her betrothed, Joseph, would have a son and call him, "Immanuel" which means "God with us." He would come to save the lost and provide eternal life for a sinful world. Simple story. We know He was born in a manger with animals all around. Three wise men would come bearing gifts to behold the magnificence of His birth and to worship Him. And so the details of the story go. The Nativity Story is important for so many reasons but the most important is that the Savior of the world was born. No greater gift exists! Until you develop a relationship with Him, you will never know that personal experience of faith, hope, and unconditional love.
While you are enjoying the special moments of the season, I hope your mind will journey back to that lowly manger of many years ago. Reflect on the fact that Jesus, the Light of the World, was born to a Virgin mother. She had the same hopes and dreams as any new mother, but God had chosen her child for a special task. Her child, Jesus, would be perfect, sinless. He would live a short life by today's standards. He would also die an extremely painful death on a cross between two sinful prisoners. Not only that, He would experience the weight of the WORLD'S sin(past, present, and future). Can you imagine that, He who knew no sin, carrying every sin? UGH! I think of Him carrying just my sin, and I feel tremendously guilty. He would leave the tomb for a short time and walk the earth before eventually being carried up to Heaven to be with God, to judge and to intercede on our behalf. How awesome is that?
When you take time to reflect on that information, you become acutely aware that gifts are wonderful, but That gift really was something special. The Bible is full of stories but the Nativity story remains one of my favorite. I prefer to read it in the book of Luke. That account is the most detailed. "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." (ref. Luke 2:11) That sums it all up in a nutshell.
So it is with a grateful happy heart that I say to everyone of you, "Happy Birthday, Jesus!!! Merry Christmas!!!" Enjoy your family and hold them close! Encourage your friends! Bless a stranger! The priceless gifts are those you unselfishly give from the heart. So I end by saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"
Copyright December 25, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
I also love that Christmas is a celebration of Christ. My spiritual birthday is in October(the earthly one in in June) but Christ really should be celebrated daily. Society is doing everything it can to commercialize what should be a remarkably religious celebration. The kids can't mention God in school. My hubby(his co-workers, too) was warned, like a child, not to forward e-mail that had religious overtones so as not to offend those who don't believe.
The Christmas Story has been told for years. The Virgin Mary along with her betrothed, Joseph, would have a son and call him, "Immanuel" which means "God with us." He would come to save the lost and provide eternal life for a sinful world. Simple story. We know He was born in a manger with animals all around. Three wise men would come bearing gifts to behold the magnificence of His birth and to worship Him. And so the details of the story go. The Nativity Story is important for so many reasons but the most important is that the Savior of the world was born. No greater gift exists! Until you develop a relationship with Him, you will never know that personal experience of faith, hope, and unconditional love.
While you are enjoying the special moments of the season, I hope your mind will journey back to that lowly manger of many years ago. Reflect on the fact that Jesus, the Light of the World, was born to a Virgin mother. She had the same hopes and dreams as any new mother, but God had chosen her child for a special task. Her child, Jesus, would be perfect, sinless. He would live a short life by today's standards. He would also die an extremely painful death on a cross between two sinful prisoners. Not only that, He would experience the weight of the WORLD'S sin(past, present, and future). Can you imagine that, He who knew no sin, carrying every sin? UGH! I think of Him carrying just my sin, and I feel tremendously guilty. He would leave the tomb for a short time and walk the earth before eventually being carried up to Heaven to be with God, to judge and to intercede on our behalf. How awesome is that?
When you take time to reflect on that information, you become acutely aware that gifts are wonderful, but That gift really was something special. The Bible is full of stories but the Nativity story remains one of my favorite. I prefer to read it in the book of Luke. That account is the most detailed. "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." (ref. Luke 2:11) That sums it all up in a nutshell.
So it is with a grateful happy heart that I say to everyone of you, "Happy Birthday, Jesus!!! Merry Christmas!!!" Enjoy your family and hold them close! Encourage your friends! Bless a stranger! The priceless gifts are those you unselfishly give from the heart. So I end by saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"
Copyright December 25, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Thursday, December 24, 2009
All I Want For Christmas Is......
Children have been making their wish lists and checking them twice for weeks now. I'm done shopping and I know we have over indulged my children yet again. Funny, no one asked me for my list, so I thought I'd share it with you , my faithful readers. Really, it isn't what I want just for Christmas but the whole year through.
I wanna deeper relationship with God. Up close and personal. I want to be better about my quiet time. I don't want Him to neglect me so I have to make sure that I carve out time to sit at His feet and bask in His Sweet Presence.
I want the best for each member of my family. I want them to be safe and healthy. I want them to have giving spirits. I want us all to see each other more often and have the means to make that happen.
This year, I want to find a church that feeds the needs of each member of my small family. Sounds simple but it has been no easy task. In fact, it's been downright daunting. Who knew wanting a Bible teaching church who values family and has good praise and worship would be so difficult?
I want to become gainfully employed. That would alleviate a small bit of boredom I experience on a daily basis and make my husband extremely happy. I would like the job to pay well and challenge me without a commute. I also need to be able to maintain my side hustle, preparing tax returns. This would also allow us to return to being home-owners.
I would like to own another home in a diverse neighborhood with an excellent school system.
I would like to be able to take a trip without my kids so the hubby and I can connect as well as a family trip for my little family to better connect. You all need some time away from the mundane cares of life and the daily routine.
I want to be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, co-worker, or friend that I can be. I want to let things roll off my back. I want to hold my tongue and attitude in check a little more.
I would like to handle all that life throws my way with wisdom and grace, without whining and complaining.
For each of my family members and friends who are suffering financially, I pray for employment with benefits.
Of course I'd like world peace, no recession, no racism or terrorism, safety and well being for the Obama family, as well as wisdom for our government leaders, and safety for all children.
So now you know how you can be praying for me. Of course we all know that God is in control. I will be praying for you and your family as well. If you sent me a holiday card with a picture, I will be placing it in an album and praying for your family(I stole that idea from my friend, Tracie Nall) during my daily devotions.
If you want to make a change, you might need to change what you do. I encourage you to be the best person you can be and to step out of your comfort zone sometimes. You just might bless someone else in the process. I hope that you are successful in all of your endeavors. Take time out each day to be thankful and to pray. In the words of Steve Harvey, "Prayer really does change things, you can take that to the bank!" From my heart and home to yours, I wish you bountious peace, hope, and love. Be safe. Till next time, "Merry Christmas! Christmas is about Christ, not about you! Peace!
Copyright December 24, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
I wanna deeper relationship with God. Up close and personal. I want to be better about my quiet time. I don't want Him to neglect me so I have to make sure that I carve out time to sit at His feet and bask in His Sweet Presence.
I want the best for each member of my family. I want them to be safe and healthy. I want them to have giving spirits. I want us all to see each other more often and have the means to make that happen.
This year, I want to find a church that feeds the needs of each member of my small family. Sounds simple but it has been no easy task. In fact, it's been downright daunting. Who knew wanting a Bible teaching church who values family and has good praise and worship would be so difficult?
I want to become gainfully employed. That would alleviate a small bit of boredom I experience on a daily basis and make my husband extremely happy. I would like the job to pay well and challenge me without a commute. I also need to be able to maintain my side hustle, preparing tax returns. This would also allow us to return to being home-owners.
I would like to own another home in a diverse neighborhood with an excellent school system.
I would like to be able to take a trip without my kids so the hubby and I can connect as well as a family trip for my little family to better connect. You all need some time away from the mundane cares of life and the daily routine.
I want to be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, co-worker, or friend that I can be. I want to let things roll off my back. I want to hold my tongue and attitude in check a little more.
I would like to handle all that life throws my way with wisdom and grace, without whining and complaining.
For each of my family members and friends who are suffering financially, I pray for employment with benefits.
Of course I'd like world peace, no recession, no racism or terrorism, safety and well being for the Obama family, as well as wisdom for our government leaders, and safety for all children.
So now you know how you can be praying for me. Of course we all know that God is in control. I will be praying for you and your family as well. If you sent me a holiday card with a picture, I will be placing it in an album and praying for your family(I stole that idea from my friend, Tracie Nall) during my daily devotions.
If you want to make a change, you might need to change what you do. I encourage you to be the best person you can be and to step out of your comfort zone sometimes. You just might bless someone else in the process. I hope that you are successful in all of your endeavors. Take time out each day to be thankful and to pray. In the words of Steve Harvey, "Prayer really does change things, you can take that to the bank!" From my heart and home to yours, I wish you bountious peace, hope, and love. Be safe. Till next time, "Merry Christmas! Christmas is about Christ, not about you! Peace!
Copyright December 24, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Gifts of the Season
As we proceed with the festivities and celebrations of the Christmas(Ramadan, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa) season, we are sort of forced to reflect on many things. For me, I reflect on the goodness and mercy of Christ, as well as God's love toward me and my family. As the year closes, I have renewed hope and faith for the year to come.
Family is important to me. I love my family immensely even when they get on my nerves, which I might add, is often. My family is scattered in various parts of the States which I actually hate. I've missed so much of my nephew's and niece's lives. This year my sister and I wasted six months because we were too stubborn to get past a misunderstanding. I know my dad would be disappointed with both of us. Family matters. It is with those people, with whom you should be able to let go of all of your inhibitions, and just do you.
Peace is important to me. If God is all that I profess Him to be, I should let each day take care of itself. (ref. Matthew 6:34) I could stop right there but in case you are reading this and you don't know the peace which surpasses all understanding(ref. Philippians 4:7), let me say this.....We only get 24 hours in each day, no more, no less. Everyday you have a chance to make a fresh start. Our bodies require a minimum of 7 hours of sleep to heal itself, more would be better. Nothing that causes you anxiety can be changed in your sleep. Some stress is natural but worrying about things which might happen is a waste of time and energy. If you have faith, then trust that God will utilize the situations to your good. Be a peacemaker and don't let anyone disturb your peace.
Hope is vital to everyone. You have to have dreams. Dreams sustain you and carry you through the rough patches. Things can always change even when they seem impossible. I try to maintain a positive attitude because optimism works for me. No doom and gloom in this camp. My life has many valleys but I have always known that something better would eventually come along. God has not failed me yet. It is true, you will have disappointments and people will not live up to your expectations but if you have hope, you will be able to take the next step.
Love is the final gift that I am addressing. Love covers a multitude of sins. Jesus came to earth in the form of man to save each and everyone of us from the destruction of our sin. He was sinless, yet He bore the weight of every one's sins on the cross so that we could have eternal life. Now that is a real present. It doesn't get any better than that. That is what the true gift of the season is really all about. God loves us unconditionally and NOTHING that we do can separate us from Him if we believe in Him.
God has called us to be in relationship with others. Every relationship is symbolic of His love for the the Church. I Corinthians 13 is the "Love Chapter." Nowhere else is love defined so sacrificially. This is best evidenced when we look at a newborn. Babies don't thrive if they aren't loved(or touched). Adults don't either, they just might cope better. Today my neice asked me to define love for her via text. What a loaded question! I told her that it was complicated and that the defination varied from person to person. That will be another blog for another day!
Whatever you celebrate this season, I certainly pray that you have love, hope, and peace as well as a family to support you through the good times and the bad. If you are missing any of those things, my prayer for you is that you find it in the New Year. If you are at odds with your family, mend fences and be genuine about it. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. If you are burdened with anxiety and stressed out, turn it over to God and move on. The best gift you could give yourself is a good night's sleep and good health, both of which you are missing, if you are suffering from anxiety. Peace of mind is simply priceless! Then, there is always hope. You gotta have something to believe in and hold on to. Love is not elusive, it can be found in the strangest places. To get love, you might just have to show love. Really, if you have the Love of God in your heart, most things will fall into place. Do you have the gifts of the season? If you don't take time to reflect and try to attain them. We all deserve these presents more than any other. Till next time, may the gifts of the season be yours now and forever. Blessings!
Copyright December 22, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Family is important to me. I love my family immensely even when they get on my nerves, which I might add, is often. My family is scattered in various parts of the States which I actually hate. I've missed so much of my nephew's and niece's lives. This year my sister and I wasted six months because we were too stubborn to get past a misunderstanding. I know my dad would be disappointed with both of us. Family matters. It is with those people, with whom you should be able to let go of all of your inhibitions, and just do you.
Peace is important to me. If God is all that I profess Him to be, I should let each day take care of itself. (ref. Matthew 6:34) I could stop right there but in case you are reading this and you don't know the peace which surpasses all understanding(ref. Philippians 4:7), let me say this.....We only get 24 hours in each day, no more, no less. Everyday you have a chance to make a fresh start. Our bodies require a minimum of 7 hours of sleep to heal itself, more would be better. Nothing that causes you anxiety can be changed in your sleep. Some stress is natural but worrying about things which might happen is a waste of time and energy. If you have faith, then trust that God will utilize the situations to your good. Be a peacemaker and don't let anyone disturb your peace.
Hope is vital to everyone. You have to have dreams. Dreams sustain you and carry you through the rough patches. Things can always change even when they seem impossible. I try to maintain a positive attitude because optimism works for me. No doom and gloom in this camp. My life has many valleys but I have always known that something better would eventually come along. God has not failed me yet. It is true, you will have disappointments and people will not live up to your expectations but if you have hope, you will be able to take the next step.
Love is the final gift that I am addressing. Love covers a multitude of sins. Jesus came to earth in the form of man to save each and everyone of us from the destruction of our sin. He was sinless, yet He bore the weight of every one's sins on the cross so that we could have eternal life. Now that is a real present. It doesn't get any better than that. That is what the true gift of the season is really all about. God loves us unconditionally and NOTHING that we do can separate us from Him if we believe in Him.
God has called us to be in relationship with others. Every relationship is symbolic of His love for the the Church. I Corinthians 13 is the "Love Chapter." Nowhere else is love defined so sacrificially. This is best evidenced when we look at a newborn. Babies don't thrive if they aren't loved(or touched). Adults don't either, they just might cope better. Today my neice asked me to define love for her via text. What a loaded question! I told her that it was complicated and that the defination varied from person to person. That will be another blog for another day!
Whatever you celebrate this season, I certainly pray that you have love, hope, and peace as well as a family to support you through the good times and the bad. If you are missing any of those things, my prayer for you is that you find it in the New Year. If you are at odds with your family, mend fences and be genuine about it. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. If you are burdened with anxiety and stressed out, turn it over to God and move on. The best gift you could give yourself is a good night's sleep and good health, both of which you are missing, if you are suffering from anxiety. Peace of mind is simply priceless! Then, there is always hope. You gotta have something to believe in and hold on to. Love is not elusive, it can be found in the strangest places. To get love, you might just have to show love. Really, if you have the Love of God in your heart, most things will fall into place. Do you have the gifts of the season? If you don't take time to reflect and try to attain them. We all deserve these presents more than any other. Till next time, may the gifts of the season be yours now and forever. Blessings!
Copyright December 22, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
The storm actually hit Virginia! Yea us! As I write this post, the snow is still falling(and has been since about 8:45 PM) and it is so beautiful. My kids are ecstatic, my hubby(who has to shovel), not so much. My son is requesting a family snowball fight. My dogs are confused as all get out but the American Bulldog, Spike, is loving it. Cinnamon, the princess dog, not so much.
The ingredients for baking some really good cookies are set out. First up, oatmeal-raisin, and then sugar cookies that will be baked tomorrow. On tomorrow's baking agenda, chocolate chip and peanut butter blossoms, along with the sugar cookies, whose dough will have chilled long enough. Yum! The house will smell great.
I am going to rearrange the gifts under my tree. The gifts are randomly thrown under it right now. If you want something done right, do it yourself! I have two movies to watch and plenty of books to read. Life is good for me. I have already caught up with one my BFFs. Shout out to my my girl, Monica Ann Cowans. We've been friends since dirt! Going to catch up with a couple of others later on! Does it get any better than that? I don't think so!
Again, I wish each of you the joy of the season. Be safe! Share your blessings with others. Have a prosperous New Year!
Copyright December 19, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Friday, December 18, 2009
Let It Snow
So we have a threat of a serious snow storm here in the Mid-Atlantic. The prediction is 8-12 inches of the white stuff. That translates to pure pandemonium for some and a serious time to relax and enjoy quality family time for others. I like snow when it is fresh fallen and clean. It looks so beautiful and it reminds me of the peace of God. Plus, we need cold to get rid of germs.
I like being in the house with my family. We bake, play games, and watch lots of movies. The children will play in the snow. Unfortunately, we live in area where traffic tends to be horrendous when the sun is shining brightly so you can imagine what it's like when the snow falls(or even if it rains). I grew up in Cleveland and attended college in Pittsburgh so I am used to snow and cold. Who knew I'd live somewhere that actually could run out of salt? WOW! Needless to say things get a little hairy, folks forget how to drive, and things like milk, toilet paper, and orange juice disappear off the grocery shelves like there is no tomorrow. The first time that happened, I was so confused. I am out doing my regular grocery shopping and alas, the shelves were bare. I inquired as to why and to my surprise the store clerk said, "Ma'am, there going to be a snow storm!" I had a WTF moment. After living in this area for years now, I still have to laugh.....I mean how long can we really be stuck in the house. The stores are open and the folks out are few. You can get what you need.
So here is to the impending storm! I look forward to the time spent with those I love the most at the time of year that I love the most. I love the Thanksgiving through New Year period. Time together is priceless, we all like the arrival of a lot of snow....No School, No work, All play! Yea! So what does your family do? Do you make the best of the situation and bond? Do you get out the sleds? Do you bake cookies and drink hot chocolate? However you choose to spend the time, I hope you make the best of it. Forced family fun and games can bond your family and create priceless memories for the future. It looks like we just might have a white Christmas after all....and that makes me immensely happy! Be careful and be neighborly! Shoveling snow is back breaking work and injuries can be had. Be careful but more importantly, see this as an opportunity to have fun and enjoy your loved ones!
Copyright December 18, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
I like being in the house with my family. We bake, play games, and watch lots of movies. The children will play in the snow. Unfortunately, we live in area where traffic tends to be horrendous when the sun is shining brightly so you can imagine what it's like when the snow falls(or even if it rains). I grew up in Cleveland and attended college in Pittsburgh so I am used to snow and cold. Who knew I'd live somewhere that actually could run out of salt? WOW! Needless to say things get a little hairy, folks forget how to drive, and things like milk, toilet paper, and orange juice disappear off the grocery shelves like there is no tomorrow. The first time that happened, I was so confused. I am out doing my regular grocery shopping and alas, the shelves were bare. I inquired as to why and to my surprise the store clerk said, "Ma'am, there going to be a snow storm!" I had a WTF moment. After living in this area for years now, I still have to laugh.....I mean how long can we really be stuck in the house. The stores are open and the folks out are few. You can get what you need.
So here is to the impending storm! I look forward to the time spent with those I love the most at the time of year that I love the most. I love the Thanksgiving through New Year period. Time together is priceless, we all like the arrival of a lot of snow....No School, No work, All play! Yea! So what does your family do? Do you make the best of the situation and bond? Do you get out the sleds? Do you bake cookies and drink hot chocolate? However you choose to spend the time, I hope you make the best of it. Forced family fun and games can bond your family and create priceless memories for the future. It looks like we just might have a white Christmas after all....and that makes me immensely happy! Be careful and be neighborly! Shoveling snow is back breaking work and injuries can be had. Be careful but more importantly, see this as an opportunity to have fun and enjoy your loved ones!
Copyright December 18, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Crunk Carols
I love Christmas but I really love Christmas music. Nothing gets me in the mood or spirit of the season other than a good Christmas song. The Motown Christmas Album(oops CD) is the absolute best. Here are a few of my favorites in no particular order. Check them out! Let me know what I might be missing. As always, get your Christmas jam on and if you don't have a spirit rousing play list, you can always borrow mine(you can tweak it later!).
1. Silent Night-Temptations
2. Santa Baby-Macy Gray
3. Hallelujah Chorus-Morman Tabernacle Choir
4. What Child is This-Vanessa Williams
5. O Holy Night-Mariah Carey
6. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire-Nat King Cole
7. O Come All Ye Faithful-Luther Vandross
8. I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus-Jackson 5
9. White Christmas-Destiny's Child
10. This Christmas-Donnie Hathaway
11. Do You Hear What I Hear-Whitney Houston
12. The Little Drummer Boy-Temptations
13. Christmas Just Ain't Christmas-O'Jays
1. Silent Night-Temptations
2. Santa Baby-Macy Gray
3. Hallelujah Chorus-Morman Tabernacle Choir
4. What Child is This-Vanessa Williams
5. O Holy Night-Mariah Carey
6. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire-Nat King Cole
7. O Come All Ye Faithful-Luther Vandross
8. I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus-Jackson 5
9. White Christmas-Destiny's Child
10. This Christmas-Donnie Hathaway
11. Do You Hear What I Hear-Whitney Houston
12. The Little Drummer Boy-Temptations
13. Christmas Just Ain't Christmas-O'Jays
So get your holiday groove on. Trim the tree, decorate, and be cheerful. These songs should definitely help. Most importantly, reflect on the love of Christ and remember to reflect it in your day to day dealings. Without Christ, there would be no Christmas!
Copyright December 9, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Keep Your Friends Close and your Frenemies Closer
What is a frenemy you ask? A frenemy is a supposed friend who doesn't quite treat you right. Yes, it is defined in popular dictionaries. So is the person a friend or an enemy? Both and Websters define a frenemy in a way that shows that the friend is a fake with bad intentions. I like's definition best. "A person who is ostensibly friendly or collegial with someone but who is actually antagonistic or competitive."
Do you have someone in your life who fits that description? I hope not but let's be real, you probably do. I hate to say it but I have a frenemy or two and so do most of my friends. I think my mama even has a frenemy or two. So who is this person and what is really going on with them? Maybe the person is jealous of you, maybe they don't feel that they measure up and you are their model of perfection so they are in your space toget something learn from you.
I hope at this age none of us is guilty of smiling in a person's face and then stabbing or talking about them behind their backs. That was elementary and middle school stuff that should have been left behind. Our friendships should be authentic, honest, and true. We should seek to spur our friends to greatness, not tear them down.
As a parent, it is important to exemplify realness in friendships for my daughter. I so don't want to see her placed in position to get hurt, but I know, it will eventually be inevitable. She's popular, but even popular girls have their fair share of frenemy encounters. I constantly remind her to be careful of her text messages, IMs, and social networking sites. I am on Facebook, and I have received friend requests from people who I think simply want to get in my business. I have had discussions with my friends and I know it is not just me. My husband wants an acquaintance button to distinguish friends from associates. He really hates to bestow the friendship title on someone who really isn't his friend.
In an age where we have instant access to everything and reality television has extremely high ratings, we seek out the familiar, even if the familiar wasn't our cup of tea in the past. I warn you all to be cautious of what you put out there as well as how much information you allow others to have on you. Everyone is not meant to be a part of your audience. Some will really be in your corner, others are simply haters. Let your haters be your motivators. There is nothing like overcoming the naysayers.
If you are superficial in your relationships, check yourself. The person who may be hurt the most is you. When Jesus encountered anyone, He met their basic needs first and then He made a positive change in their lives. He is our greatest example of how to be a friend. Philippians 2:3-4(NKJV) states, "let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." The New Year is approaching, commit to being authentic in each and every relationship that you are in. Life is too short to be phony, cutting the loss may make room for the real blessing that God has in store for you.
Copyright December 8, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Do you have someone in your life who fits that description? I hope not but let's be real, you probably do. I hate to say it but I have a frenemy or two and so do most of my friends. I think my mama even has a frenemy or two. So who is this person and what is really going on with them? Maybe the person is jealous of you, maybe they don't feel that they measure up and you are their model of perfection so they are in your space to
I hope at this age none of us is guilty of smiling in a person's face and then stabbing or talking about them behind their backs. That was elementary and middle school stuff that should have been left behind. Our friendships should be authentic, honest, and true. We should seek to spur our friends to greatness, not tear them down.
As a parent, it is important to exemplify realness in friendships for my daughter. I so don't want to see her placed in position to get hurt, but I know, it will eventually be inevitable. She's popular, but even popular girls have their fair share of frenemy encounters. I constantly remind her to be careful of her text messages, IMs, and social networking sites. I am on Facebook, and I have received friend requests from people who I think simply want to get in my business. I have had discussions with my friends and I know it is not just me. My husband wants an acquaintance button to distinguish friends from associates. He really hates to bestow the friendship title on someone who really isn't his friend.
In an age where we have instant access to everything and reality television has extremely high ratings, we seek out the familiar, even if the familiar wasn't our cup of tea in the past. I warn you all to be cautious of what you put out there as well as how much information you allow others to have on you. Everyone is not meant to be a part of your audience. Some will really be in your corner, others are simply haters. Let your haters be your motivators. There is nothing like overcoming the naysayers.
If you are superficial in your relationships, check yourself. The person who may be hurt the most is you. When Jesus encountered anyone, He met their basic needs first and then He made a positive change in their lives. He is our greatest example of how to be a friend. Philippians 2:3-4(NKJV) states, "let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." The New Year is approaching, commit to being authentic in each and every relationship that you are in. Life is too short to be phony, cutting the loss may make room for the real blessing that God has in store for you.
Copyright December 8, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Friday, December 4, 2009
Weekend Plans
I am going camping with the Girl Scouts. Pray for me. I am not a camping kinda girl. I do love my daughter. I also love her troop leader. She's one of my good girlfriends. Thank goodness, my daughter and her troop thinking camping equals bonding, not bonfires. They want to work on a photography badge and prepare their own meals. That, sandwiched between them doing their nails and watching as many movies as possible constitutes their idea of a great camping experience. Lucky for me, I can handle that. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Don't spend too much money, January bills arrive much faster than you think!
Copyright December 4, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Copyright December 4, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Random Musings Again
So Many things going on, so little time to get them all down. What? With celebrating the birth of Christ, who has time to write it all down? I have to get things in where I can fit them in so.....who knew the end of the year would have us scratching our heads so often.
Tiger Woods-Ummm, to keep it short, I will say, Bruh(and you are a brother, so you just got a reality check), you screwed up. We all do. Unfortunately, the media never respects your boundaries when you mess up. They drop the rules and make up their own. We can all tell the tale whether you speak publicly or not. You had sexual relations outside of the marriage bed and got caught. Elin opened a can of Whoop a$$ on you and went the heck off. Girlfriend was going to wear that a$$ out with your golf club(if you tried that crap, you'd go to jail, it would be a damn weapon). You drove off in a tizzy, indignant that her kept, excuse me, well kept, a$$ challenged your infidelity and crashed your SUV. Kinda hard to keep the media whores from humping you for info. They are relentless. Now she's rumored to be revising her pre-nuptial agreement and you are apologizing like crazy. Yep the pre-nup will be revised, you will agree to the changes, after all she has your babies and that speaks volumes in most courts unless she is just trifling. Then you will do a Kobi(Bryant that is) and buy a ring that is a house...oh and probably a house that is a house as well. Won't be the end of story because now everyone will want to get paid and let's face it, tabloids will pay top dollar to put your ish on front street. So all the women will give you up and tarnish your name. Some of the endorsements might disappear. Does your sexual habits have anything to do with your golf game? Not at all but this will be the time they remind you that you are a Black Man. Need I say more? I doubt it because my readers are extremely intelligent.
Homosexuality-why has it become so stylish? I mean really. I don't hate the people who are living this lifestyle but I don't agree with it. When did it become acceptable for TV series to have at least one homosexual act(or relationship) in each episode? Do I have to see two women kiss every time I watch Greys or whatever other show? Ugh! Leave some things to the imagination. Meredith Baxter Birney revealed she was gay this morning on the Today Show. Come on, Alex Keaton's mom? Actually, I wasn't surprised but hey if it took her this long to figure it out welllll, I think it is suspect. No visibility, no roles, wanna resurrect my career or at least get people talking, reveal something publicly. Even our youngsters think being gay is cute. It's not. Parents don't be wimps, advise and guide your children...the decisions they make now can affect them for the rest of their lives. If you don't have their ear, their peers do, and they may not be giving them the right information if they are confused about their sexuality.
The Salahis-okay, they were dead wrong but they maintain their innocence. Come on people! We are not stupid. Your own family is calling you media whores. No more press for you on my blog.
Secret Service-don't slack on security. We ain't never seen no ish like that happen before. You all know folks are still ticked that Barack made it to the big, I mean White House.
Papparazzi/media-damn, give our nosey a$$e$ a break. Yes we have gotten used to the fact that you hide in trees and leap single buildings in a bound but really sometimes enough is simply enough. It's a wonder ain't nobody gone postal on y'all's crazy selves. Inquiring minds do want to know but there is a cost and nobody knows the price the constant pressure places on anyone. Sometimes you need to respect the privacy of others.
Sesame Street-they are 40 years old! How cool is that? They are still relevant and remain contemporary, teaching kids basic values and pre-school basics. They continue to maintain a level of diversity along with a good balance of celebrities hanging with those interesting muppet creatures. I loved Sesame Street as a kid and when I catch a glimpse of it now, I am still impressed.
Vampires-someone please tell me what the fascination is. I know the Twilight series is popular but really folks.....the books stores are now innundated with vampire knock-off series. Team Jacob or Team Edward? Who cares?
Having a pet-Audriel, this is for you. ;0 I was perfectly content with our very lazy chill beagle, Cinnamon and lo and behold, my son started asking us for "a bulldog named, Spike." I politely ignored the request and humored him appropriately. See I knew I'd end up taking care of said pup. My husband took it upon himself to start researching and found a heck of a del for a bulldog from a local breeder. He called me from work with this bright and brilliant idea to surprise DJ with his request. (raised eyebrow and scratching my head trying hard to hide my growing anxiety and anger-WTF moment). I maturely explain the burden of a new puppy with no home training. He agreed. Well a day or two later, he makes an executive decision and vetoes my vehement, resounding "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Another WTF moment. Let me just say that I am so not used to being vetoed. Excuse me, I need my reality back! So long story short we get Spike the American Bulldog at 8 weeks old. Damn, he was cute. He was still a puppy though. I love dogs, note the word, dogs, not puppies. Puppies need training. Spike is no exception. So after several months, there are several things that need to be replaced in my house. Spike is playful and man does he love to chew. Spike will chew on any and everything. Flip-flops, comforters, and Web-kinz are his favorite objects. If something has a tiny hole in it, Spike will find it and enlarge it and eventually the stuffing will be all over my floor. Spike is a typical bully dog and doesn't know when to leave his smaller big sister alone. He will ignore you when you call but let you call the other dog and Spike is off and running. I could go on and on but I will stop for now. Despite his shortcomings, Spike is loyal just like Cinnamon. Both of them are adept at reading people's moods and acting accordingly. They are man's best friend. Audriel, in other words, don't do it, get some fish! LMAO!
Christmas-it really is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the hustle and bustle. I love the spirit of charity. I love the music....ain't nothing like the Motown Christmas CD to get your spirits up. Aside from that, it is most important to remember the gift of Christ. He came to save us from all of our sins, past, present, and future. Christmas is a time of hope and renewed faith. None of us is perfect but Jesus Christ is. If you are missing joy or peace, seek a relationship with your Heavenly Father. Your life will change and the void will be filled. Jesus is the reason for the season and without Christ, there would be no Christmas.
Till next time, I wish you hope, joy, and the peace of this season. May Christ fill your heart with His presence and peace.
Copyright December 2, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Tiger Woods-Ummm, to keep it short, I will say, Bruh(and you are a brother, so you just got a reality check), you screwed up. We all do. Unfortunately, the media never respects your boundaries when you mess up. They drop the rules and make up their own. We can all tell the tale whether you speak publicly or not. You had sexual relations outside of the marriage bed and got caught. Elin opened a can of Whoop a$$ on you and went the heck off. Girlfriend was going to wear that a$$ out with your golf club(if you tried that crap, you'd go to jail, it would be a damn weapon). You drove off in a tizzy, indignant that her kept, excuse me, well kept, a$$ challenged your infidelity and crashed your SUV. Kinda hard to keep the media whores from humping you for info. They are relentless. Now she's rumored to be revising her pre-nuptial agreement and you are apologizing like crazy. Yep the pre-nup will be revised, you will agree to the changes, after all she has your babies and that speaks volumes in most courts unless she is just trifling. Then you will do a Kobi(Bryant that is) and buy a ring that is a house...oh and probably a house that is a house as well. Won't be the end of story because now everyone will want to get paid and let's face it, tabloids will pay top dollar to put your ish on front street. So all the women will give you up and tarnish your name. Some of the endorsements might disappear. Does your sexual habits have anything to do with your golf game? Not at all but this will be the time they remind you that you are a Black Man. Need I say more? I doubt it because my readers are extremely intelligent.
Homosexuality-why has it become so stylish? I mean really. I don't hate the people who are living this lifestyle but I don't agree with it. When did it become acceptable for TV series to have at least one homosexual act(or relationship) in each episode? Do I have to see two women kiss every time I watch Greys or whatever other show? Ugh! Leave some things to the imagination. Meredith Baxter Birney revealed she was gay this morning on the Today Show. Come on, Alex Keaton's mom? Actually, I wasn't surprised but hey if it took her this long to figure it out welllll, I think it is suspect. No visibility, no roles, wanna resurrect my career or at least get people talking, reveal something publicly. Even our youngsters think being gay is cute. It's not. Parents don't be wimps, advise and guide your children...the decisions they make now can affect them for the rest of their lives. If you don't have their ear, their peers do, and they may not be giving them the right information if they are confused about their sexuality.
The Salahis-okay, they were dead wrong but they maintain their innocence. Come on people! We are not stupid. Your own family is calling you media whores. No more press for you on my blog.
Secret Service-don't slack on security. We ain't never seen no ish like that happen before. You all know folks are still ticked that Barack made it to the big, I mean White House.
Papparazzi/media-damn, give our nosey a$$e$ a break. Yes we have gotten used to the fact that you hide in trees and leap single buildings in a bound but really sometimes enough is simply enough. It's a wonder ain't nobody gone postal on y'all's crazy selves. Inquiring minds do want to know but there is a cost and nobody knows the price the constant pressure places on anyone. Sometimes you need to respect the privacy of others.
Sesame Street-they are 40 years old! How cool is that? They are still relevant and remain contemporary, teaching kids basic values and pre-school basics. They continue to maintain a level of diversity along with a good balance of celebrities hanging with those interesting muppet creatures. I loved Sesame Street as a kid and when I catch a glimpse of it now, I am still impressed.
Vampires-someone please tell me what the fascination is. I know the Twilight series is popular but really folks.....the books stores are now innundated with vampire knock-off series. Team Jacob or Team Edward? Who cares?
Having a pet-Audriel, this is for you. ;0 I was perfectly content with our very lazy chill beagle, Cinnamon and lo and behold, my son started asking us for "a bulldog named, Spike." I politely ignored the request and humored him appropriately. See I knew I'd end up taking care of said pup. My husband took it upon himself to start researching and found a heck of a del for a bulldog from a local breeder. He called me from work with this bright and brilliant idea to surprise DJ with his request. (raised eyebrow and scratching my head trying hard to hide my growing anxiety and anger-WTF moment). I maturely explain the burden of a new puppy with no home training. He agreed. Well a day or two later, he makes an executive decision and vetoes my vehement, resounding "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Another WTF moment. Let me just say that I am so not used to being vetoed. Excuse me, I need my reality back! So long story short we get Spike the American Bulldog at 8 weeks old. Damn, he was cute. He was still a puppy though. I love dogs, note the word, dogs, not puppies. Puppies need training. Spike is no exception. So after several months, there are several things that need to be replaced in my house. Spike is playful and man does he love to chew. Spike will chew on any and everything. Flip-flops, comforters, and Web-kinz are his favorite objects. If something has a tiny hole in it, Spike will find it and enlarge it and eventually the stuffing will be all over my floor. Spike is a typical bully dog and doesn't know when to leave his smaller big sister alone. He will ignore you when you call but let you call the other dog and Spike is off and running. I could go on and on but I will stop for now. Despite his shortcomings, Spike is loyal just like Cinnamon. Both of them are adept at reading people's moods and acting accordingly. They are man's best friend. Audriel, in other words, don't do it, get some fish! LMAO!
Christmas-it really is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the hustle and bustle. I love the spirit of charity. I love the music....ain't nothing like the Motown Christmas CD to get your spirits up. Aside from that, it is most important to remember the gift of Christ. He came to save us from all of our sins, past, present, and future. Christmas is a time of hope and renewed faith. None of us is perfect but Jesus Christ is. If you are missing joy or peace, seek a relationship with your Heavenly Father. Your life will change and the void will be filled. Jesus is the reason for the season and without Christ, there would be no Christmas.
Till next time, I wish you hope, joy, and the peace of this season. May Christ fill your heart with His presence and peace.
Copyright December 2, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Totally Random Musings
Black Friday-headed out to Wal-Mart at 4AM. I was sleepy and not excited. If you know me, this is not something I'd ever do and I enjoy shopping. Got what I need relatively quickly. My thoughts are...Never again! Too damn many people! I love people but I ABSOLUTELY HATE crowds. I am all for shopping on Cyber Monday. Also, why not offer deals all damn season long, we are in a recession! It might be more stimulating to the economy.
Thanksgiving Dinner-let's emphasize the word "Dinner." Dinner is usually eaten in the evening. We got invited to a "Leftover Dessert Gathering" on Thanksgiving. Guess what time the invite was for? Can you all believe it was for 5PM? I love all my friends but let me put out a memo....most Black folks don't eat that early. My family didn't plan to eat til after 6 and everything was completely done much earlier.
Despicable Behavior Part II and III-I haven't gotten around to posting the blogs of this title so I will just put my next two contenders for this title on blast right here. Dalia Dippolito, a newlywed from South Florida, tried to have her husband of six months, Michael Dippolito, murdered by a gun for hire. Her reasoning was that she wanted a townhouse and $240000 in cash all to herself. Umm, can we say divorce? Candidate number two is Antoinette Davis, a mother who reported her 5 year old child, Shaniya Davis missing, only for it to be found out later, that she attempted to prostitute the child and sell her into sexual servitude. WTF? Shanyia was found days later dead and a nation mourned for her and her father. Shout out to Shaquille O'Neal for paying for her funeral services.
Tiana-Yea! We finally have an African-American Disney Princess. Need I say more?
White House State Dinners-Don't be stupid folks. Someone is gonna lose their damn job over Tareq and Michaele Salahi crashing the dinner to honor the Prime Minister of India. Inquiring minds are wondering how the TV Celebrity Wannabes made it through security. Word is that she is going to be on the RHO Washington DC. Nuff said on that one too. (insert side eye..wink, wink)
Christmas Season-After being inundated with holiday decor well before Halloween, I am now over the holiday hype. I love Christmas, but really, does it have to get earlier and earlier every year. Soon we will just have Christmas music and decoration year round. I'm just saying...SMH
Oprah-She isn't leaving...she is starting her own network folks. Why the tears? I loves me some Oprah, Lawd knows I do....but she is human. I want to write and publish my book and have her endorse it so I can be catapulted to a bestseller in a matter of moments. After 25 years, she's accomplished much and now she is moving on. Let's face it, September 9, 2011 is a little far off and many things can happen. What better way to ensure continued viewership for the next 18 months? Hmm..then she launches her own network that reflects her "Values, vision, and interests." (insert raised eyebrow) I thought her show did all of that. So what does that mean? My simple thoughts would be that she will free herself to state that she really loves Gail, in the Ellen sense. Now I really don't watch Oprah that often but I saw her interview Ellen and her wife, Portia DiRossi and Oprah seemed extremely moved by their love for each other. I'm just sayin, I might be wrong but if I am not, you read it here first.
Old School Music-I miss it so much! Shout out to Roger Troutman & Zapp, EWF, Klymaxx, EnVogue, Boys 2 Men and so many more.
Unsung-on TV-1. Great show to see what happened to many now defunct musicians and musical geniuses. Check it out.
Okay, enough for now. Thanks for letting me get some of my thoughts out. I hope you are reflecting on the real meaning of Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season!
Copyright November 28, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Thanksgiving Dinner-let's emphasize the word "Dinner." Dinner is usually eaten in the evening. We got invited to a "Leftover Dessert Gathering" on Thanksgiving. Guess what time the invite was for? Can you all believe it was for 5PM? I love all my friends but let me put out a memo....most Black folks don't eat that early. My family didn't plan to eat til after 6 and everything was completely done much earlier.
Despicable Behavior Part II and III-I haven't gotten around to posting the blogs of this title so I will just put my next two contenders for this title on blast right here. Dalia Dippolito, a newlywed from South Florida, tried to have her husband of six months, Michael Dippolito, murdered by a gun for hire. Her reasoning was that she wanted a townhouse and $240000 in cash all to herself. Umm, can we say divorce? Candidate number two is Antoinette Davis, a mother who reported her 5 year old child, Shaniya Davis missing, only for it to be found out later, that she attempted to prostitute the child and sell her into sexual servitude. WTF? Shanyia was found days later dead and a nation mourned for her and her father. Shout out to Shaquille O'Neal for paying for her funeral services.
Tiana-Yea! We finally have an African-American Disney Princess. Need I say more?
White House State Dinners-Don't be stupid folks. Someone is gonna lose their damn job over Tareq and Michaele Salahi crashing the dinner to honor the Prime Minister of India. Inquiring minds are wondering how the TV Celebrity Wannabes made it through security. Word is that she is going to be on the RHO Washington DC. Nuff said on that one too. (insert side eye..wink, wink)
Christmas Season-After being inundated with holiday decor well before Halloween, I am now over the holiday hype. I love Christmas, but really, does it have to get earlier and earlier every year. Soon we will just have Christmas music and decoration year round. I'm just saying...SMH
Oprah-She isn't leaving...she is starting her own network folks. Why the tears? I loves me some Oprah, Lawd knows I do....but she is human. I want to write and publish my book and have her endorse it so I can be catapulted to a bestseller in a matter of moments. After 25 years, she's accomplished much and now she is moving on. Let's face it, September 9, 2011 is a little far off and many things can happen. What better way to ensure continued viewership for the next 18 months? Hmm..then she launches her own network that reflects her "Values, vision, and interests." (insert raised eyebrow) I thought her show did all of that. So what does that mean? My simple thoughts would be that she will free herself to state that she really loves Gail, in the Ellen sense. Now I really don't watch Oprah that often but I saw her interview Ellen and her wife, Portia DiRossi and Oprah seemed extremely moved by their love for each other. I'm just sayin, I might be wrong but if I am not, you read it here first.
Old School Music-I miss it so much! Shout out to Roger Troutman & Zapp, EWF, Klymaxx, EnVogue, Boys 2 Men and so many more.
Unsung-on TV-1. Great show to see what happened to many now defunct musicians and musical geniuses. Check it out.
Okay, enough for now. Thanks for letting me get some of my thoughts out. I hope you are reflecting on the real meaning of Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season!
Copyright November 28, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This really is my favorite season. From the time the leaves begin to fall till we ring in the New Year, I just feel very grateful and pretty happy. I love watching people prepare for the holidays. In fact, I love everything about it. Yet it is important not to lose sight of the true meaning of the season. For me, I am constantly reminded of how blessed my life truly is, even on my worst day. Like most people, I feel more charitable and I enjoy finding the perfect gift for those I love.
I am so thankful that I learned that there was a difference between going to church and having a relationship with the Lord. Prayer brings peace and joy. The bumps still occur and often they are painful, but I am rooted in the fact that God really has orchestrated everything for our benefit. (Romans 8:28)
I am thankful for a wonderful family and many awesome friends. My mom and my grandmother have always represented strength and perseverance. They are my sheroes. I have a husband who puts up with me and my many quirks. He tries to gracefully handle the fact that I am an extrovert and he clearly is not. I am thankful for my children who challenge me and crack me up. They are a constant reminder that you shouldn't sweat the small stuff. My friends are a varied bunch...they are talented, sensitive, thoughtful and any and everything between. All of the people in my life make me a better person.
I am thankful for a blessed life. I have a roof over my head. I have a closet full of clothes. I never go hungry. I have transportation. I have what I need and every blue moon I get some of my wants. I am fortunate enough to give my children way too much(gonna work on that in 2010).
I am thankful that I can read and study my Bible whenever and wherever I want. I can worship and praise God with freedom. Not every country has that luxury.
I am so thankful that each day we are given opportunity to be better than the day before. If you screw up today, hopefully you will wake up tomorrow and have another chance to improve a situation, to right a wrong, or to forgive and forget.
This blog could go on forever. Unfortunately, I have cooking to do because my sister and her family will join us tomorrow, and my cousin too. I look forward to it. I love feeding people. I will miss my mom, grandmother , and brother but they all know that I love them and sometimes distance(and money) gets in the way. However you spend tomorrow, don't forget to thank God for whatever it is you are thankful for.
As the season continues, don't forget to share your abundance with those who are in need. Remember, need doesn't always look poor. Your neighbor might need their grass cut, the single parent in your midst might need a minute to herself for her sanity or to shop for her little ones. An older person might need you to run an errand or write out their greeting cards. Take the time to keep a divine appointment. You small gesture of kindness can impact someone in ways that you may never fathom.
Tomorrow, each of us will sit down to a table laden with food, with the people that we care most about. We will laugh, share fond memories, and hopefully make some new ones. Wherever you are and whatever you do, take a moment to reflect on what you cherish the most. Don't take it for granted. In the course of the year, there are trials and triumphs. There is loss and there is victory. We face seen and unforeseen obstacles but still, most of us stand. I am no exception. As I grow older, I realize that life really does throw you some curves but you have to stand tall and be positive. We are all works in progress and learn so many lessons along the way.
Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! May the joy of the season resonate in your hearts for many days to come! Be safe! Be a blessing!
Copyright November 25, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
I am so thankful that I learned that there was a difference between going to church and having a relationship with the Lord. Prayer brings peace and joy. The bumps still occur and often they are painful, but I am rooted in the fact that God really has orchestrated everything for our benefit. (Romans 8:28)
I am thankful for a wonderful family and many awesome friends. My mom and my grandmother have always represented strength and perseverance. They are my sheroes. I have a husband who puts up with me and my many quirks. He tries to gracefully handle the fact that I am an extrovert and he clearly is not. I am thankful for my children who challenge me and crack me up. They are a constant reminder that you shouldn't sweat the small stuff. My friends are a varied bunch...they are talented, sensitive, thoughtful and any and everything between. All of the people in my life make me a better person.
I am thankful for a blessed life. I have a roof over my head. I have a closet full of clothes. I never go hungry. I have transportation. I have what I need and every blue moon I get some of my wants. I am fortunate enough to give my children way too much(gonna work on that in 2010).
I am thankful that I can read and study my Bible whenever and wherever I want. I can worship and praise God with freedom. Not every country has that luxury.
I am so thankful that each day we are given opportunity to be better than the day before. If you screw up today, hopefully you will wake up tomorrow and have another chance to improve a situation, to right a wrong, or to forgive and forget.
This blog could go on forever. Unfortunately, I have cooking to do because my sister and her family will join us tomorrow, and my cousin too. I look forward to it. I love feeding people. I will miss my mom, grandmother , and brother but they all know that I love them and sometimes distance(and money) gets in the way. However you spend tomorrow, don't forget to thank God for whatever it is you are thankful for.
As the season continues, don't forget to share your abundance with those who are in need. Remember, need doesn't always look poor. Your neighbor might need their grass cut, the single parent in your midst might need a minute to herself for her sanity or to shop for her little ones. An older person might need you to run an errand or write out their greeting cards. Take the time to keep a divine appointment. You small gesture of kindness can impact someone in ways that you may never fathom.
Tomorrow, each of us will sit down to a table laden with food, with the people that we care most about. We will laugh, share fond memories, and hopefully make some new ones. Wherever you are and whatever you do, take a moment to reflect on what you cherish the most. Don't take it for granted. In the course of the year, there are trials and triumphs. There is loss and there is victory. We face seen and unforeseen obstacles but still, most of us stand. I am no exception. As I grow older, I realize that life really does throw you some curves but you have to stand tall and be positive. We are all works in progress and learn so many lessons along the way.
Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! May the joy of the season resonate in your hearts for many days to come! Be safe! Be a blessing!
Copyright November 25, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Attention!!......Your 15 Minutes of Fame Are Over
There is so much going on in the world that is serious and newsworthy. Yet, the media has a fascination with people and things who do not deserve unlimited attention and time of day. Frankly, I am sick of media whores whose lives are constantly invading my home uninvited. This is my current list of people who need to sit down and shut the hell up. Go away and live your life! Make us all happy....fade into oblivion! My list is random and not necessarily in order of how much you've gotten on my damn nerves. Loyal fans of mine, feel free to shout out those people who are intruding on you day to day lives without invitation. I am curious to see who is irking you.
1. Jon & Kate Gosselin-we are over you and your adorable children. Yes, they will need therapy but just think, they will have had such wonderful experiences gleaned from you prostituting them on TLC for years. It is now time for you to handle your business privately and figure out how to be the best parents possible for your 8 children without the help of loving fans everywhere lavishing them with gifts.
2. Sarah Palin-yea you, with your rogue self. Get yourself some real intelligence and go take care of your family. Read a magazine or two, legitimate ones, and stop playing the blame game. Your rhetoric is fueling ignorance and reflecting badly on the Republican party.
3. Levi Johnston-so you knocked up Sarah's daughter and now you are capitalizing on it by trying to taint her reputation(she's doing a fine job of that herself). You are playing a game that has been played for years and you really aren't that good at it. Your Playgirl photo shoot should shoot you right into oblivion because you are lacking in substance just like your baby's grandma.
4. Kanye West-capitalizing on being an @$$ is so not cute. You should indulge in a therapist's couch and work out your issues because your childish antics overshadow the popularity of your music.
5. Michael Jackson's entourage-you should all be ashamed to come out publicly....if you are his kid's sperm donor, who the heck cares. You are entitled to nothing because he's dead. Maybe in your haste to oblige his whacked out request you should've thought through all possible scenarios. Each of us is one day closer to death. I could go on but you all get the picture...
6. Former VP Dick Cheney-why you've decided to start talking now after an 8 year career of relative silence is beyond me. You too fan the flames of negative rhetoric that reflects poorly on the Republican Party.
7. Carrie Prejean-oops we found out that you really were a calculating air headed beauty queen. How are you going to promote a book and then get pissed off when people question the things you've written. Hello! Book tour! It's nobody's fault that you chose to be sanctimonious and then not one, but 8 sex videos surfaced. Like you, everyone wants their minute of fame.
8. Anne Coulter-the queen of controversy. Some of the aforementioned folks should take notes from her. She is a piece of work.
9. Unethical and/or scandoulus politicians-represent your constituents not your own personal agenda. Excuses are tools of the incompetent.
10. Conservative people who disrespect everything about the President's policies and agenda. Stop trying to hide your racism under the guise of a political agenda.
11. The Real Housewives of Atlanta-a poor representation of the ATL's African American elite. Someone tell me why it is the only one to have a token. Kim sure ain't African American(she's not married either) and there sure as hell are NOT any minorities on the other shows.
That's it for now but I am sure we can re-visit this topic at any time. Have a great weekend!
Copyright November 21, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
1. Jon & Kate Gosselin-we are over you and your adorable children. Yes, they will need therapy but just think, they will have had such wonderful experiences gleaned from you prostituting them on TLC for years. It is now time for you to handle your business privately and figure out how to be the best parents possible for your 8 children without the help of loving fans everywhere lavishing them with gifts.
2. Sarah Palin-yea you, with your rogue self. Get yourself some real intelligence and go take care of your family. Read a magazine or two, legitimate ones, and stop playing the blame game. Your rhetoric is fueling ignorance and reflecting badly on the Republican party.
3. Levi Johnston-so you knocked up Sarah's daughter and now you are capitalizing on it by trying to taint her reputation(she's doing a fine job of that herself). You are playing a game that has been played for years and you really aren't that good at it. Your Playgirl photo shoot should shoot you right into oblivion because you are lacking in substance just like your baby's grandma.
4. Kanye West-capitalizing on being an @$$ is so not cute. You should indulge in a therapist's couch and work out your issues because your childish antics overshadow the popularity of your music.
5. Michael Jackson's entourage-you should all be ashamed to come out publicly....if you are his kid's sperm donor, who the heck cares. You are entitled to nothing because he's dead. Maybe in your haste to oblige his whacked out request you should've thought through all possible scenarios. Each of us is one day closer to death. I could go on but you all get the picture...
6. Former VP Dick Cheney-why you've decided to start talking now after an 8 year career of relative silence is beyond me. You too fan the flames of negative rhetoric that reflects poorly on the Republican Party.
7. Carrie Prejean-oops we found out that you really were a calculating air headed beauty queen. How are you going to promote a book and then get pissed off when people question the things you've written. Hello! Book tour! It's nobody's fault that you chose to be sanctimonious and then not one, but 8 sex videos surfaced. Like you, everyone wants their minute of fame.
8. Anne Coulter-the queen of controversy. Some of the aforementioned folks should take notes from her. She is a piece of work.
9. Unethical and/or scandoulus politicians-represent your constituents not your own personal agenda. Excuses are tools of the incompetent.
10. Conservative people who disrespect everything about the President's policies and agenda. Stop trying to hide your racism under the guise of a political agenda.
11. The Real Housewives of Atlanta-a poor representation of the ATL's African American elite. Someone tell me why it is the only one to have a token. Kim sure ain't African American(she's not married either) and there sure as hell are NOT any minorities on the other shows.
That's it for now but I am sure we can re-visit this topic at any time. Have a great weekend!
Copyright November 21, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Friday, November 13, 2009
Despicable Behavior
Today, I am going to rant for a second or two. This morning I heard a story about a woman in Waco, Texas who faked breast cancer to raise money for her breast implants. First off, Waco, TX must be full of crazy folks. That's another story for another day but something to think about. Here's the simple version.
Trista Joy Lathern, age 24, lied to her husband and the public about a breast cancer diagnosis. She preyed on the public and her co-workers. A benefit was given to raise money for the chemotherapy treatments because she stated that she lacked health coverage. Her co-workers donated leave to her to enable her to receive the treatments. The mother of two did, in fact, have a lump, but it was found to be benign. The heifer went as far as to shave her head (and don a doo-rag) to give the appearance of the side effects of chemo. The benefit raised $10,000 for Lathern.
Her story fell apart when she sought breast augmentation from a local plastic surgeon who was aware of the benefit given in her honor. Thankfully, he wasn't a greedy doctor and based on his suspicions, contacted his attorney, who went to the sheriff. She went to another plastic surgeon a little further away and received her new improved boobs.
Now get this folks, her husband thought she had cancer like everyone else. Now this speaks volumes because what....he must not have been accompanying her to her treatments. Well the story goes on to say that they were having marital problems and she thought that the cancer would bring them closer. Then she goes on to state that she thought that the breast augmentation would mend the marriage. She is a sick puppy, huh? Needless to say, her husband of 7 months filed for an annulment on the same day that she was arrested.
This is despicable behavior on so many levels. It makes me want to kick her a$$ first. It is absolutely disgusting to prey on people for any reason. One of the reasons it raises my level of pissivity is this, I have had a breast cancer scare. It is harrowing to have a questionable mammogram and then have to wait or get a biopsy. It is also disappointing from the perspective of a person who has lost a loved one to cancer. You are eager to see a cure and you are vulnerable to victims of the disease. Her asinine actions cause the public to become leery of giving to worthy causes. It does reinforce the idea that you have to give with a free heart and let God take care of the rest. As we approach the true season of giving, be mindful that every one's heart is not aligned with Christ but not everyone is an underhanded snake like Lathern either. Give and give freely, but pray about the causes that you donate to and seek God's guidance. Use those discernment skills. I hope this is an isolated incident because we can't afford to have innocent people taken advantage of in such a despicable manner. Till next time, have a blessed weekend!
Copyright November 13, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Trista Joy Lathern, age 24, lied to her husband and the public about a breast cancer diagnosis. She preyed on the public and her co-workers. A benefit was given to raise money for the chemotherapy treatments because she stated that she lacked health coverage. Her co-workers donated leave to her to enable her to receive the treatments. The mother of two did, in fact, have a lump, but it was found to be benign. The heifer went as far as to shave her head (and don a doo-rag) to give the appearance of the side effects of chemo. The benefit raised $10,000 for Lathern.
Her story fell apart when she sought breast augmentation from a local plastic surgeon who was aware of the benefit given in her honor. Thankfully, he wasn't a greedy doctor and based on his suspicions, contacted his attorney, who went to the sheriff. She went to another plastic surgeon a little further away and received her new improved boobs.
Now get this folks, her husband thought she had cancer like everyone else. Now this speaks volumes because what....he must not have been accompanying her to her treatments. Well the story goes on to say that they were having marital problems and she thought that the cancer would bring them closer. Then she goes on to state that she thought that the breast augmentation would mend the marriage. She is a sick puppy, huh? Needless to say, her husband of 7 months filed for an annulment on the same day that she was arrested.
This is despicable behavior on so many levels. It makes me want to kick her a$$ first. It is absolutely disgusting to prey on people for any reason. One of the reasons it raises my level of pissivity is this, I have had a breast cancer scare. It is harrowing to have a questionable mammogram and then have to wait or get a biopsy. It is also disappointing from the perspective of a person who has lost a loved one to cancer. You are eager to see a cure and you are vulnerable to victims of the disease. Her asinine actions cause the public to become leery of giving to worthy causes. It does reinforce the idea that you have to give with a free heart and let God take care of the rest. As we approach the true season of giving, be mindful that every one's heart is not aligned with Christ but not everyone is an underhanded snake like Lathern either. Give and give freely, but pray about the causes that you donate to and seek God's guidance. Use those discernment skills. I hope this is an isolated incident because we can't afford to have innocent people taken advantage of in such a despicable manner. Till next time, have a blessed weekend!
Copyright November 13, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Living Water
Hey Folks! I am in a dry patch. You know, a little funk. Things are off in my world for various reasons. Don't get it twisted, I am still blessed beyond measure, but I am still down. When I am in this place, I turn to the Word or encouraging/inspirational quotes to feed my mind and soul. I am sure we all have little tricks to pull ourselves up and for me, nothing works better that God ministering through His Word. I keep an index card folio next to my bed. While I do my morning devotions, if a verse ministers to me, I write it in there for future reference. So I thought I would share some the verses that I depend on to give me back a little life and pep. If you are feeling blue, perhaps these same scriptures can also minister to your soul. I am going to stick with the NKJV to keep things simple. Also I have listed the verses in no particular order. Be blessed but more importantly, be a blessing.
Phillipians 4:6-8: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Psalm 46:10: Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
2 Corinthians 4:8-9: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—
Proverbs 17: 27-28: He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.
James 1:12: Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
Psalm 30:5: For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Zephaniah 3:17: The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Psalm 34:19: Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
1 Corinthians 15:33: Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
Proverbs 23:13-14: Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell.
1 Corinthians 15:58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I haven't listed the verses in any particular order. They are as random as they come. Depends on the moment and mood or whatever I am going through as to whether something touches me enough to jot down. I certainly hope this encourages you in a dry spell. Maybe you have different verses that quench your thirsty soul. By all means, please share them. You never know who you might encourage at the time. Be blessed and be a blessing. That is the best that we can offer anyone at any time. Till next time, I hope I have watered your soul. Peace!
Copyright November 10, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Phillipians 4:6-8: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Psalm 46:10: Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
2 Corinthians 4:8-9: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—
Proverbs 17: 27-28: He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.
James 1:12: Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
Psalm 30:5: For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Zephaniah 3:17: The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Psalm 34:19: Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
1 Corinthians 15:33: Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
Proverbs 23:13-14: Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell.
1 Corinthians 15:58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I haven't listed the verses in any particular order. They are as random as they come. Depends on the moment and mood or whatever I am going through as to whether something touches me enough to jot down. I certainly hope this encourages you in a dry spell. Maybe you have different verses that quench your thirsty soul. By all means, please share them. You never know who you might encourage at the time. Be blessed and be a blessing. That is the best that we can offer anyone at any time. Till next time, I hope I have watered your soul. Peace!
Copyright November 10, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Life, Uninhibited
Here's a really good question for you......answer honestly. If you could do anything in the world and money was not an issue, what would you do? Think of the answer without limiting yourself based on the thoughts of other people and your own self imposed restrictions. Now get your mind churning and tell us all exactly what you'd do. I am excited to see what your plans would be.
Now you know I wouldn't put such a wonderful question out there with first letting you in on my thoughts. Here goes..........After I open my Hallmark and Baskin-Robbin franchises, I would get my foundation in order. My foundation would be set up to mentor African American girls and expose them to opportunities normally not within their reach. I would also focus on eradicating illiteracy, and educating on the importance of fiscal responsibility, home ownership, and development of relevant small businesses. I would love to travel the world with my family doing random acts of kindness(small things with huge impact). I'd write several books and become a motivational speaker. Last of all, I'd go back to school to broaden my mind. What I want taken away from this experience is for my children to appreciate other cultures, to understand and value life from every perspective, and realize that they are, in fact, their brother's keeper.
This is not the first time I have put this question out there to folks. The first time, people wanted to make sure their responses would be confidential because they were hampered by what other folks would think of them. LISTEN UP! This is not a question for judgement. It is a question for you to lose your inhibitions and and just be whomever you want. If you could do whatever you want, what would you do? Who would you be? How would you utilize your personal influence? It isn't really that deep. Everyone is not going to be selfless. Everyone is not going to impact the world. The point is you have the freedom to be and do whatever you want, plain and simple. Share! Share anonymously! Be creative! Be free! You never know when that opportunity to live out your dream just might present itself.
Copyright November 17, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Now you know I wouldn't put such a wonderful question out there with first letting you in on my thoughts. Here goes..........After I open my Hallmark and Baskin-Robbin franchises, I would get my foundation in order. My foundation would be set up to mentor African American girls and expose them to opportunities normally not within their reach. I would also focus on eradicating illiteracy, and educating on the importance of fiscal responsibility, home ownership, and development of relevant small businesses. I would love to travel the world with my family doing random acts of kindness(small things with huge impact). I'd write several books and become a motivational speaker. Last of all, I'd go back to school to broaden my mind. What I want taken away from this experience is for my children to appreciate other cultures, to understand and value life from every perspective, and realize that they are, in fact, their brother's keeper.
This is not the first time I have put this question out there to folks. The first time, people wanted to make sure their responses would be confidential because they were hampered by what other folks would think of them. LISTEN UP! This is not a question for judgement. It is a question for you to lose your inhibitions and and just be whomever you want. If you could do whatever you want, what would you do? Who would you be? How would you utilize your personal influence? It isn't really that deep. Everyone is not going to be selfless. Everyone is not going to impact the world. The point is you have the freedom to be and do whatever you want, plain and simple. Share! Share anonymously! Be creative! Be free! You never know when that opportunity to live out your dream just might present itself.
Copyright November 17, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My MJ Favs
After writing the previous blog about Michael Jackson's movie, This Is It, I thought I would grace you with my all time favorites from his vast collection of songs. They are in no particular order. Trying to narrow it down to a few songs is no difficult feat. I love music and had not realized just how many songs of MJ's were in rotation on my Ipod. I'd love to hear what your favs are and why. Who else could make you halt your plans while they debuted their latest video? No one but MJ. Here's to you, music may not agree but hey there's hundreds of other songs to suggest to me and my fans to check out.
1. Man in the Mirror
2. I'll Be There
3. Human Nature
4. Got To Be There
5. You Are Not Alone
6. Earth Song
7. Smooth Criminal
8. She's Outta My Life
9. Black or White
10. I Just Can't Stop Lovin You
11. Gone Too Soon
12. Another Part of Me
13. Heal the World
14. Butterflies
15. Remember the Time
16. The Lady in My Life
17. Liberian Girl
Til next time.....Jam on my friends! Jam on!
Copyright November 3, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
1. Man in the Mirror
2. I'll Be There
3. Human Nature
4. Got To Be There
5. You Are Not Alone
6. Earth Song
7. Smooth Criminal
8. She's Outta My Life
9. Black or White
10. I Just Can't Stop Lovin You
11. Gone Too Soon
12. Another Part of Me
13. Heal the World
14. Butterflies
15. Remember the Time
16. The Lady in My Life
17. Liberian Girl
Til next time.....Jam on my friends! Jam on!
Copyright November 3, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Monday, November 2, 2009
This Is It

Since his death, my opinion has changed somewhat. I now view him as a musical genius who died of a broken heart. I have listened to his music so much in the past few months because my children have become obsessed with his music and his extraordinary videos. From the moment that the documentary, This Is It, was announced, my son has insisted that we see it. Who can deny an energetic, persistent, moon-walking kid the pleasure? There was no school, so off I went on a little date with my youngest child. He was very excited and I was reserved.
All I can say is MJ was the damn man as far as musical entertainment goes. The concert would've been off the chain! Based on the footage shown, I would scrape, beg, and borrow to witness the show. MJ's energy and genius made me think I could dance my arse off. NOT! Yet, there were moments where I just felt like I could get up and jam. My son articulated that same feeling. There are scenes where the dancers are in awe of MJ despite the fact that they were rehearsing onstage with him. They are so hyped by his performance and watching him, you can understand it. At one point, it is like they are at church where the worship and praise is so high that folks are getting happy. At another they are cheering and high fiving like crazy. Even holding back, vocally, the viewer is keenly aware that MJ has serious range and very good tone. He had planned to include his most popular songs and each one would be its own unique production within the concert itself. He's confident and in control of what is going on onstage. He's also a master at pleasing and teasing the audience, no doubt leaving them clamoring for more. For the record, MJ really does appear to be in good health and at the top of his game lyrically and physically.
Okay so we all know MJ took music videos to a whole nother level.....well I know his concert would raise the bar for other entertainers. His use of imagery and other creative methods was phenomenal. Absolutely awesome! MJ cared about humanity as well as protecting our planet for our future generations. All of this is evident in the superb production. I am positive it cost a mere fortune to put on a show of this calibur but would be worth every dollar spent. As I reflect on the number of concerts that I've seen, I realize that while they may have been good shows, none put forth the thought or the effort that was evidenced by this film. Shucks, they probably didn't even put this much thought into how the audience would percieve it.
All that said, I left the theater quite impressed with what could've been. MJ was treated with reverance and the utmost respect throughout the process. All of the individuals involved took their jobs quite seriously. They were inspired and honored to be a part of the tour. Of course, you couldn't have a better reference to boost your career. MJ was professional and respectful of everyone else and their feelings. He was serious about his craft. He was serious about preserving his voice for when it would matter. He was emphatic about elevating his show to a high level for the audience as well as letting his performers have their moment to shine. Say what you want about the tragic commentary that had become MJ's reality but no one can deny his ability to thrill and move his dedicated fans.
This Is It was to have been Michael Joseph Jackson's final curtain call and what a helluva curtain call it would've been. Unfortunately, God had other plans. We don't know what happened in Michael's home on that fateful morning, but God does, because He ordained it long long ago. What we do know is that his music is timeless and the effects of his genius will impact and inspire generations to come, in terms of elevating their craft, vocally and visually. We also know that a family is devasted and still mourning the death of a cherished loved one. It appears Michael Jackson will be larger and more profitable in death than he was in life. Whatever the case, I certainly hope he has attained the peace that seemed to elude him in life. I hope that his legacy will inspire each of us to be the best at whatever it is we do and to be more concerned about preserving humanity and our land. Now all we can do is wish and wonder how great that show would've been.
Copyright November 2, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

So this is a rather random post. Halloween brought out all the ghosts, goblins, and spooks. My kids have collected enough candy to feed a small nation and rot the teeth of everyone living in it. My neighborhood does Halloween pretty big so imagine what Christmas is like. (SMH) Now we all know Halloween is really for our children. Check this bull crap out.....My hubby, as usual, was left at home to distribute what would end up being not enough candy. Of course, I bought enough to feed a small army. He's a six foot African American man(who I left on the porch steps with a huge bowl of various kinds of candy) who is not thugged out, is very clean shaven. Anyhoo, I digress. He relayed to me that there were several individualswho would not allow their children to "trick or treat" from him. One was a man whose child was dressed as a Confederate soldier. Let's just say that we reside in a homogenous neighborhood with little color. Come on folks, how ignorant can you be? I was appalled to say the least. Reality check: Obama in the white house doesn't mean we've put aside our racist notions. Of course, I knew this, but come on, it's candy. Acceptance and tolerance are taught and learned in the home. Be careful what you teach your children.
Copyright November 2, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Copyright November 2, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Keeping a Prayer Journal
In light of my last post, I found this information to be quite useful. There are all types of ways to journal but if you are spiritual, you may find yourself keeping a prayer journal. The prayer journal can serve many purposes such as highlighting the valley and mountaintop experiences or may track the way God has chosen to answer your prayers. If you want to keep a prayer journal but have no idea where to begin, this information may help you. Let me know what you think.
Organizing a Prayer Journal
Set a Pattern
•Decide how and when you will use your prayer journal. Do you require the discipline of writing in it at a fixed time in a regular place? Or do you prefer the freedom of carrying it with you so you can use it whenever? The key element is purposefulness.
Record Praise and Intercession
•Keep two running lists: thank you notes to God and requests to bring before Him. While the requests may come easier, balance is the focus.
•Leave space for answers and write them in. This can inspire gratitude for some items and perseverance for others.•Track petitions and praises for those for whom you pray regularly. You will see more clearly how God is using your prayers in their lives and avoid the dangers of spiritual narcissism.
Include Personal Worship
•Reserve a special page for permanent prayer items. "Lord, give me the perfect love of 1 Corinthians 13" can't be fully answered in this lifetime, but is the sort of prayer God uses to transform you and draw you closer to Himself. Likewise, "Father, thank You for Your great mercy and salvation" is a praise that will never end, and fulfills the high purpose of giving glory to God.
•Write out prayers. This need not stifle the Spirit's spontaneous leading. Many saints of the past, from King David to A.W. Tozer, have invested significant time and energy in recording their prayers. These are not public liturgies, but personal psalms from you to God.
•Meditate over Bible passages on prayer. Or the prayers of individuals such as Mary, Nehemiah, Hannah, Paul, and Christ Himself. Copy down verses and jot down thoughts that impact you.
Store Treasures
•Collect prayer "gems." If a sermon expands your understanding of prayer, note the helpful points. If a quotation says it as you've never thought of it before, copy it down.
•Keep a list of prayer techniques that will break you out of ruts. These might be anything from "Pray for those suffering every time I hear a siren" to "Try a different prayer posture."
Incorporate "Stones of Remembrance"
•Look back to look forward. Prepare your heart for prayer by reviewing the previous day's or week's journal entries. Or devote a special time to talk to God about your recent prayer life—reminding you of what needs prayer and His greatness in hearing you.
•Mark signposts. Several times a year, set aside one or more journal pages for reflections on the impact of prayer in your Christian experience. How has God used prayer in your life? How has prayer deepened your walk with God?
Copyright © 2009, Pray!, a publication of NavPress and The Navigators. All Rights Reserved. NavPress is the publishing ministry of The Navigators, an international Christian organization and leader in personal spiritual development. NavPress is committed to helping people grow spiritually and enjoy lives of meaning and hope through personal and group resources that are biblically rooted, culturally relevant, and highly practical. To find more spiritual-growth resources, visit
Copyright October 27, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Organizing a Prayer Journal
Set a Pattern
•Decide how and when you will use your prayer journal. Do you require the discipline of writing in it at a fixed time in a regular place? Or do you prefer the freedom of carrying it with you so you can use it whenever? The key element is purposefulness.
Record Praise and Intercession
•Keep two running lists: thank you notes to God and requests to bring before Him. While the requests may come easier, balance is the focus.
•Leave space for answers and write them in. This can inspire gratitude for some items and perseverance for others.•Track petitions and praises for those for whom you pray regularly. You will see more clearly how God is using your prayers in their lives and avoid the dangers of spiritual narcissism.
Include Personal Worship
•Reserve a special page for permanent prayer items. "Lord, give me the perfect love of 1 Corinthians 13" can't be fully answered in this lifetime, but is the sort of prayer God uses to transform you and draw you closer to Himself. Likewise, "Father, thank You for Your great mercy and salvation" is a praise that will never end, and fulfills the high purpose of giving glory to God.
•Write out prayers. This need not stifle the Spirit's spontaneous leading. Many saints of the past, from King David to A.W. Tozer, have invested significant time and energy in recording their prayers. These are not public liturgies, but personal psalms from you to God.
•Meditate over Bible passages on prayer. Or the prayers of individuals such as Mary, Nehemiah, Hannah, Paul, and Christ Himself. Copy down verses and jot down thoughts that impact you.
Store Treasures
•Collect prayer "gems." If a sermon expands your understanding of prayer, note the helpful points. If a quotation says it as you've never thought of it before, copy it down.
•Keep a list of prayer techniques that will break you out of ruts. These might be anything from "Pray for those suffering every time I hear a siren" to "Try a different prayer posture."
Incorporate "Stones of Remembrance"
•Look back to look forward. Prepare your heart for prayer by reviewing the previous day's or week's journal entries. Or devote a special time to talk to God about your recent prayer life—reminding you of what needs prayer and His greatness in hearing you.
•Mark signposts. Several times a year, set aside one or more journal pages for reflections on the impact of prayer in your Christian experience. How has God used prayer in your life? How has prayer deepened your walk with God?
Copyright © 2009, Pray!, a publication of NavPress and The Navigators. All Rights Reserved. NavPress is the publishing ministry of The Navigators, an international Christian organization and leader in personal spiritual development. NavPress is committed to helping people grow spiritually and enjoy lives of meaning and hope through personal and group resources that are biblically rooted, culturally relevant, and highly practical. To find more spiritual-growth resources, visit
Copyright October 27, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Un-journal Journal
Do you journal? Journaling is putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper. In the past few years, journaling and scrap booking have become the rage. You can find all types of journals in card stores, Christian bookstores, and stores that specialize in stationary. There are guided journals which lead you in jotting down your inner most thoughts and there are open ended journals which allow you to free flow your thoughts. Whatever journal chosen, you can believe it can be beautiful or plain but it is meant to achieve the same thing. You getting to a place to feel comfortable enough to express yourself freely. A place to dream, and hope and sometimes to lament.
I love buying journals despite my reluctance to actually jot my thoughts down. My friends encouraged me to write often but despite the fact that I know writing is one of my many callings, I had the hardest time actually putting pen to paper and expressing anything. Not that I didn't have opinions or things to hope for and dream about, I just hated to feel committed to doing it. I wondered who would read the things in later years? What assumptions would they make about me, the writer? I felt like if I started, I had to be committed to doing it daily. I thought my words had to be politically correct. I thought everything I wrote had to have significance and purpose. So, I collected journals but did not write in them. Silly, huh? Yea, I agree.
One day I read a devotional that pretty much articulated all the things I was feeling about journaling. The author was all in my head thinking exactly like me. I had to laugh because I wasn't alone. What she did for me was to me to let go of my preconceived notions about journaling and just start to write about whatever, whenever.
I decided to term it "the un-journal journal." There are pages where I doodled instead of writing. There are pages where I made lists of my favorite things long before Facebook was even a reality. Some of those lists include my favorite ice cream flavors, my favorite love songs, and my house must haves and everything in between. When in doubt, there are lists of the things that I am thankful for on that particular day. There are poems and inspirational quotes. There are lists of Internet sites that I think might be of interest gleaned from news shows, magazines, and conversations with my friends. In other words, it is whatever I want it to be at the moment I choose to put my pen to my paper.
So if you are at all like me, free yourself. Be unconventional! Pick up a journal and just go for it. Sometimes you will want to write, out of anger frustration or happiness. Sometimes you won't. In the moments that you have nothing to say make a list of things you like or places you want to go. Express what you are thankful for at that moment. Chances are once yo free yourself of the burden of having to express yourself, you just might find that you have quite a bit to say. Next thing you know, you will be blogging. :) Okay, maybe not but honestly, you never know. Get busy. Then share with me your journaling journey. Perhaps it will look like mine and perhaps it won't but it will be a true expression of you. Peace and Love!
Copyright October 27, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
I love buying journals despite my reluctance to actually jot my thoughts down. My friends encouraged me to write often but despite the fact that I know writing is one of my many callings, I had the hardest time actually putting pen to paper and expressing anything. Not that I didn't have opinions or things to hope for and dream about, I just hated to feel committed to doing it. I wondered who would read the things in later years? What assumptions would they make about me, the writer? I felt like if I started, I had to be committed to doing it daily. I thought my words had to be politically correct. I thought everything I wrote had to have significance and purpose. So, I collected journals but did not write in them. Silly, huh? Yea, I agree.
One day I read a devotional that pretty much articulated all the things I was feeling about journaling. The author was all in my head thinking exactly like me. I had to laugh because I wasn't alone. What she did for me was to me to let go of my preconceived notions about journaling and just start to write about whatever, whenever.
I decided to term it "the un-journal journal." There are pages where I doodled instead of writing. There are pages where I made lists of my favorite things long before Facebook was even a reality. Some of those lists include my favorite ice cream flavors, my favorite love songs, and my house must haves and everything in between. When in doubt, there are lists of the things that I am thankful for on that particular day. There are poems and inspirational quotes. There are lists of Internet sites that I think might be of interest gleaned from news shows, magazines, and conversations with my friends. In other words, it is whatever I want it to be at the moment I choose to put my pen to my paper.
So if you are at all like me, free yourself. Be unconventional! Pick up a journal and just go for it. Sometimes you will want to write, out of anger frustration or happiness. Sometimes you won't. In the moments that you have nothing to say make a list of things you like or places you want to go. Express what you are thankful for at that moment. Chances are once yo free yourself of the burden of having to express yourself, you just might find that you have quite a bit to say. Next thing you know, you will be blogging. :) Okay, maybe not but honestly, you never know. Get busy. Then share with me your journaling journey. Perhaps it will look like mine and perhaps it won't but it will be a true expression of you. Peace and Love!
Copyright October 27, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Friday, October 23, 2009
Ask any parent and you know parenting ain't easy. It has its share of ups and downs. Emotions run deep and wide and high and low. It is a monumental task, not for the faint of heart. It is always a work in progress.
I love my children. Often, they take me places I really don't want to go. They challenge and inspire me in ways I never thought possible. They make me laugh and yes they make me cringe. As much as I want them to represent me in a favorable way, I don't want them to be little mini-mes. I want them to be independent thinkers who impact the world in great ways, and small.
No parent wants to raise a child molestor, murderer, or crack addict. Hopefully all parents do the best they can. Parenting doesn't come with a handbook. Parenting takes stamina. You deal with upgrades, downgrades, and everything in between. You are working against peer pressure, entitlement, childhood rights, and so many other things. Sometimes good parents raise bad ass children. Children make disappointing choices. That doesn't make you a poor parent.
There are no longer villages to assist you on the journey. Your parents may not live nearby. We no longer live in the same neighborhood for years and years where people have each others may not even know your neighbor's name. Yet, it really still takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes, your baby needs someone they can talk to and depend on, that's not you. They still need someone to trust. You need someone you trust, to be there for your child in those harrowing moments that they "hate you and you don't understand the complications of being 11, 14, or 17." You can't be everything to your child all the time. It's just not possible.
One of the most important things you do as a parent is discipline your child. You have to set boundaries but you also have to foster an environment where they learn, think and grow independently. My friends and I discuss discipline all the time. Another controversial spank or not. Whatever your choice, you need to make sure you are parenting your own values, not society's. What I mean is, some things are more important than others. Example, do you fuss at your children for running around the store at the mall because it is really irritating to you or do you fuss because you see how everyone in the mall is looking at you for having unruly children? Sometimes, we discipline for things that might not be important because of the expectations of others. I shared this with a dear friend of mind and she agreed that often she fussed at her kids because she was concerned about what people might think about her as a parent. Personally, once I freed myself of that pressure, things worked better for me and my children. I have to parent based on what I believe is important and not worry about how you judge me.
What is the legacy that I leave for my children? Will I recover if they do something so out there that I am ashamed to show my face in public? Will they impact they world for the better? or worse? Whatever the future holds, I know this to be true...Parenting is a gift. Sometimes you like it and sometimes you don't. Occasionally you want to trade it in for something else. You can't re-gift your kids. We don't chose our children and they don't choose us. God gives us all exactly what we need. Each day is a new day to do better for you and them. My advice to you, mother or your best, model the best, and give your all. Leave the rest up to God. Til next time, enjoy your weekend!
Copyright October 23, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
I love my children. Often, they take me places I really don't want to go. They challenge and inspire me in ways I never thought possible. They make me laugh and yes they make me cringe. As much as I want them to represent me in a favorable way, I don't want them to be little mini-mes. I want them to be independent thinkers who impact the world in great ways, and small.
No parent wants to raise a child molestor, murderer, or crack addict. Hopefully all parents do the best they can. Parenting doesn't come with a handbook. Parenting takes stamina. You deal with upgrades, downgrades, and everything in between. You are working against peer pressure, entitlement, childhood rights, and so many other things. Sometimes good parents raise bad ass children. Children make disappointing choices. That doesn't make you a poor parent.
There are no longer villages to assist you on the journey. Your parents may not live nearby. We no longer live in the same neighborhood for years and years where people have each others may not even know your neighbor's name. Yet, it really still takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes, your baby needs someone they can talk to and depend on, that's not you. They still need someone to trust. You need someone you trust, to be there for your child in those harrowing moments that they "hate you and you don't understand the complications of being 11, 14, or 17." You can't be everything to your child all the time. It's just not possible.
One of the most important things you do as a parent is discipline your child. You have to set boundaries but you also have to foster an environment where they learn, think and grow independently. My friends and I discuss discipline all the time. Another controversial spank or not. Whatever your choice, you need to make sure you are parenting your own values, not society's. What I mean is, some things are more important than others. Example, do you fuss at your children for running around the store at the mall because it is really irritating to you or do you fuss because you see how everyone in the mall is looking at you for having unruly children? Sometimes, we discipline for things that might not be important because of the expectations of others. I shared this with a dear friend of mind and she agreed that often she fussed at her kids because she was concerned about what people might think about her as a parent. Personally, once I freed myself of that pressure, things worked better for me and my children. I have to parent based on what I believe is important and not worry about how you judge me.
What is the legacy that I leave for my children? Will I recover if they do something so out there that I am ashamed to show my face in public? Will they impact they world for the better? or worse? Whatever the future holds, I know this to be true...Parenting is a gift. Sometimes you like it and sometimes you don't. Occasionally you want to trade it in for something else. You can't re-gift your kids. We don't chose our children and they don't choose us. God gives us all exactly what we need. Each day is a new day to do better for you and them. My advice to you, mother or your best, model the best, and give your all. Leave the rest up to God. Til next time, enjoy your weekend!
Copyright October 23, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Monday, October 19, 2009
Being Proactive about Preventing the Swine Flu(H1N1)
Hey folks! Just sharing some info since everyone is in an uproar about Swine flu, lack of availability of flu shots, and panic in general. It is better to be proactive. I am still on the fence about getting the shot...For the record, I've never even had a regular flu shot. My immune system tends to be really strong but I spend a lot of time around m kids and I've gotten more very mild colds than anything else since I had them and spend so much time in school.
The only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/throat. In a global epidemic of this nature, it's almost impossible to avoid coming into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions. Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is.
While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of H1N1
infection, in order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms
and development of secondary infections, some very simple steps, not
fully highlighted in most official communications, can be practiced
(instead of focusing on how to stock N95 or Tamiflu):
1. Frequent hand-washing
2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch
any part of face (unless you want to eat, bathe).
3. *Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you
don't trust salt). *H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the
throat/ nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms.
Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt
water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on
an infected one. Don't underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative
4. Similar to 3 above, *clean your nostrils at least once every day
with warm salt water. *Not everybody may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra
Neti (very good Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but *blowing the
nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds
dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral
5. *Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C
(Amla and other citrus fruits). *If you have to supplement with
Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost
6. *Drink as much of warm liquids (tea, coffee, etc) as you can.
*Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the
reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach
where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.
So what do you think, are you getting the shot or not? Why or why not?
Copyright October 19, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
The only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/throat. In a global epidemic of this nature, it's almost impossible to avoid coming into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions. Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is.
While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of H1N1
infection, in order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms
and development of secondary infections, some very simple steps, not
fully highlighted in most official communications, can be practiced
(instead of focusing on how to stock N95 or Tamiflu):
1. Frequent hand-washing
2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch
any part of face (unless you want to eat, bathe).
3. *Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you
don't trust salt). *H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the
throat/ nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms.
Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt
water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on
an infected one. Don't underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative
4. Similar to 3 above, *clean your nostrils at least once every day
with warm salt water. *Not everybody may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra
Neti (very good Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but *blowing the
nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds
dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral
5. *Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C
(Amla and other citrus fruits). *If you have to supplement with
Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost
6. *Drink as much of warm liquids (tea, coffee, etc) as you can.
*Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the
reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach
where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.
So what do you think, are you getting the shot or not? Why or why not?
Copyright October 19, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Can You Stand Yourself?
When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? When you are alone are you pleased with your thoughts, actions, and deeds? What is the way you talk to yourself? Is it positive or negative? Can you even stand to be alone with yourself and your thoughts?
If you are afraid to really be alone, you should check the root of that problem. Solitude is important (see previous post entitled "Where Do You Escape.)" I love being alone. I really like myself but not in a narcissistic way. I can see my good attributes but I can also be objective enough to know that I have not arrived. I am keenly aware that I have imperfections and flaws.
The voice that speaks clearly to me is one full of positive energy. I encourage myself to be better and to do better each day. We are all given that opportunity each morning we are blessed enough to open our eyes and see a new day. I also know that the Holy Spirit speaks too. Sometimes He corrects and convicts and other times I'm given clear direction. In other cases, I am reminded of God's love for me despite my frailties and imperfections.
I know people that have difficulty being alone. They can't sleep without the television on at night. They fill their lives with activities during the day, and sometimes fill their beds with unworthy folks at night. They are in loveless marriages or maybe participating in activities they don't particularly enjoy.They have let the activity crowd out the positive, or any, self talk and perhaps have given ear to Satan and his demons. Spiritual warfare begins in the mind. An idle mind can be the devil's workshop but you have to be proactive not to allow that to happen.
Sometimes it's easy and others, not so much. Have you ever been chilling with your thoughts, say gazing out the window and your mind wanders someplace inappropriate? It has happened to me and I know it has happened to you. You are sitting there reflecting on something and all of a sudden you are thinking about someone who has done you wrong and how you are going to beat the crap out of them or embarrass them. (SMH)
When you look in the mirror and you are dressed to the nines, do you ever doubt your beauty? Where does that doubt come from. It could be a tiny seed planted years ago, when you were little, and some adult made a random negative comment that you haven't let go. Well I'm here to tell you to replace the message. Affirm yourself everyday til you can stand in that mirror and feel worthy of the beauty you possess.
If you can't stand being with you, the time has come to make a change. (Y'all know I love MJ's Man in the Mirror, right) Alone time is necessary for clarity. With clarity you can discover your purpose. Sometimes you can put your finger on a problem that needs resolution. Being alone allows you to focus and become aware of changes in your body, your relationships, or your mental health. So today, I challenge you...if you don't like yourself, make a small cange each day. Other people can't like you if you don't like yourself. So check yourself, before you wreck yourself. Let the healing begin my friend. You need to love you before someone else can.
Copyright October 18, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
If you are afraid to really be alone, you should check the root of that problem. Solitude is important (see previous post entitled "Where Do You Escape.)" I love being alone. I really like myself but not in a narcissistic way. I can see my good attributes but I can also be objective enough to know that I have not arrived. I am keenly aware that I have imperfections and flaws.
The voice that speaks clearly to me is one full of positive energy. I encourage myself to be better and to do better each day. We are all given that opportunity each morning we are blessed enough to open our eyes and see a new day. I also know that the Holy Spirit speaks too. Sometimes He corrects and convicts and other times I'm given clear direction. In other cases, I am reminded of God's love for me despite my frailties and imperfections.
I know people that have difficulty being alone. They can't sleep without the television on at night. They fill their lives with activities during the day, and sometimes fill their beds with unworthy folks at night. They are in loveless marriages or maybe participating in activities they don't particularly enjoy.They have let the activity crowd out the positive, or any, self talk and perhaps have given ear to Satan and his demons. Spiritual warfare begins in the mind. An idle mind can be the devil's workshop but you have to be proactive not to allow that to happen.
Sometimes it's easy and others, not so much. Have you ever been chilling with your thoughts, say gazing out the window and your mind wanders someplace inappropriate? It has happened to me and I know it has happened to you. You are sitting there reflecting on something and all of a sudden you are thinking about someone who has done you wrong and how you are going to beat the crap out of them or embarrass them. (SMH)
When you look in the mirror and you are dressed to the nines, do you ever doubt your beauty? Where does that doubt come from. It could be a tiny seed planted years ago, when you were little, and some adult made a random negative comment that you haven't let go. Well I'm here to tell you to replace the message. Affirm yourself everyday til you can stand in that mirror and feel worthy of the beauty you possess.
If you can't stand being with you, the time has come to make a change. (Y'all know I love MJ's Man in the Mirror, right) Alone time is necessary for clarity. With clarity you can discover your purpose. Sometimes you can put your finger on a problem that needs resolution. Being alone allows you to focus and become aware of changes in your body, your relationships, or your mental health. So today, I challenge you...if you don't like yourself, make a small cange each day. Other people can't like you if you don't like yourself. So check yourself, before you wreck yourself. Let the healing begin my friend. You need to love you before someone else can.
Copyright October 18, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Where Do You Escape?
Where do you run when you need a quiet moment? What do you do to ease the burden of life? A moment of solitude is tantamount to one's overall well being. So what does that look like for you? I imagine that it looks different for everyone of us but it is still a small piece of heaven that makes a world of difference to your sanity.
Solitude is vital to your well being. It will help you focus, or in some cases refocus. It will enable you to be a better person for those who depend on you. It is not something you should feel guilty about. Everyone NEEDS an escape from time to time. Prayer is always a wonderful way to shut out the noise and calm the spirit. Can't nobody do you like Jesus! We all know that that is not always the first thing we think of and that's okay but trust me, a few minutes with the Father and every child will feel better.
When I get that opportunity to escape, I am reading a book, a magazine, or a devotional. Nothing like a good novel to lose your worries and focus on someone else's. A good book will have characters you can imagine or situations you understand but perhaps would resolve differently.
Another escape for me is cooking or baking. I love feeding people but on my terms. I want to do it when I want to do it, not on demand. Chances are if I have to cook or bake, it is best done when I can get in my kitchen and be alone. No distractions, no help. In my house this tends to happen late at night. If we are having people over, I wait til everyone is settled and go for it on my own.
My last favorite escape is a good book store or a Hallmark store. I love cards. Hallmark has the best little trinkets and great stationary. The book store is just a wonderful place to browse for not only books but CDs, journals, and sometimes even games. No one ever looks disgruntled in the bookstore.
So what brings you joy in the midst of chaos? Is there a place you can go and just be free of life's burdens, even if it is only for a few minutes. If you can't define it, re-evaluate your situation. Sometimes, it only takes a five minute reprieve to clear your head. Your solitude might not look like mine, but chances are it will make you feel better. Jesus always stole away to pray. He knew the value of solitude and we should defintely follow His example. You can't be everything to all people if you are not good to yourself. So I am looking forward to some new and exciting ideas for solitude. Share with me folks!
Copyright October 13, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Solitude is vital to your well being. It will help you focus, or in some cases refocus. It will enable you to be a better person for those who depend on you. It is not something you should feel guilty about. Everyone NEEDS an escape from time to time. Prayer is always a wonderful way to shut out the noise and calm the spirit. Can't nobody do you like Jesus! We all know that that is not always the first thing we think of and that's okay but trust me, a few minutes with the Father and every child will feel better.
When I get that opportunity to escape, I am reading a book, a magazine, or a devotional. Nothing like a good novel to lose your worries and focus on someone else's. A good book will have characters you can imagine or situations you understand but perhaps would resolve differently.
Another escape for me is cooking or baking. I love feeding people but on my terms. I want to do it when I want to do it, not on demand. Chances are if I have to cook or bake, it is best done when I can get in my kitchen and be alone. No distractions, no help. In my house this tends to happen late at night. If we are having people over, I wait til everyone is settled and go for it on my own.
My last favorite escape is a good book store or a Hallmark store. I love cards. Hallmark has the best little trinkets and great stationary. The book store is just a wonderful place to browse for not only books but CDs, journals, and sometimes even games. No one ever looks disgruntled in the bookstore.
So what brings you joy in the midst of chaos? Is there a place you can go and just be free of life's burdens, even if it is only for a few minutes. If you can't define it, re-evaluate your situation. Sometimes, it only takes a five minute reprieve to clear your head. Your solitude might not look like mine, but chances are it will make you feel better. Jesus always stole away to pray. He knew the value of solitude and we should defintely follow His example. You can't be everything to all people if you are not good to yourself. So I am looking forward to some new and exciting ideas for solitude. Share with me folks!
Copyright October 13, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
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