Sunday, October 18, 2009

Can You Stand Yourself?

When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? When you are alone are you pleased with your thoughts, actions, and deeds? What is the way you talk to yourself? Is it positive or negative? Can you even stand to be alone with yourself and your thoughts?

If you are afraid to really be alone, you should check the root of that problem. Solitude is important (see previous post entitled "Where Do You Escape.)" I love being alone. I really like myself but not in a narcissistic way. I can see my good attributes but I can also be objective enough to know that I have not arrived. I am keenly aware that I have imperfections and flaws.

The voice that speaks clearly to me is one full of positive energy. I encourage myself to be better and to do better each day. We are all given that opportunity each morning we are blessed enough to open our eyes and see a new day. I also know that the Holy Spirit speaks too. Sometimes He corrects and convicts and other times I'm given clear direction. In other cases, I am reminded of God's love for me despite my frailties and imperfections.

I know people that have difficulty being alone. They can't sleep without the television on at night. They fill their lives with activities during the day, and sometimes fill their beds with unworthy folks at night. They are in loveless marriages or maybe participating in activities they don't particularly enjoy.They have let the activity crowd out the positive, or any, self talk and perhaps have given ear to Satan and his demons.  Spiritual warfare begins in the mind. An idle mind can be the devil's workshop but you have to be proactive not to allow that to happen.

Sometimes it's easy and others, not so much. Have you ever been chilling with your thoughts, say gazing out the window and your mind wanders someplace inappropriate? It has happened to me and I know it has happened to you. You are sitting there reflecting on something and all of a sudden you are thinking about someone who has done you wrong and how you are going to beat the crap out of them or embarrass them. (SMH)

When you look in the mirror and you are dressed to the nines, do you ever doubt your beauty? Where does that doubt come from. It could be a tiny seed planted years ago, when you were little, and some adult made a random negative comment that you haven't let go. Well I'm here to tell you to replace the message. Affirm yourself everyday til you can stand in that mirror and feel worthy of the beauty you possess.

If you can't stand being with you, the time has come to make a change. (Y'all know I love MJ's Man in the Mirror, right)  Alone time is necessary for clarity. With clarity you can discover your purpose. Sometimes you can put your finger on a problem that needs resolution. Being alone allows you to focus and become aware of changes in your body, your relationships, or your mental health. So today, I challenge you...if you don't like yourself, make a small cange each day. Other people can't like you if you don't like yourself. So check yourself, before you wreck yourself. Let the healing begin my friend. You need to love you before someone else can.

Copyright October 18, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

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