Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Green-Eyed Monster

Let's talk about envy. Envy is defined as "a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc." (ref: Touchy subject, huh? We all know that envy is quite closely related to jealousy and none of us wants to lay claim to being either of these. Seriously, we have all been envious of someone or something at some point or another whether we admitted it or not. It is such an ugly thing to see it rear its head.

The thing about wanting what someone else has is this....all that glitters ain't gold. The grass may look greener but it takes a whole lotta shit manure to make it that way. I remember sitting behind a couple where the husband was so attentive to his spouse, placing his arm around her and holding her hand in church. I used to think, Dang, I wish my hubby payed that much attention to me. Yeah well, I really did not want that type of attention because it was quickly revealed that the husband was physically abusive. I love my husband but "I'll kill him dead before he lays his hands on me."  (Another Color Purple flashback, can you tell I love that book/movie?) Maybe there's a friend with a huge house and lovely car, designer bags all the current trendy fashions that you wish you were rocking. For all you know, she might not have a bit of furniture in that huge house or lick of cash in the bank. She could be robbing Peter to pay Paul, charging up credit cards to boost her ego. Do you really want to be in that situation? I think not. Nothing pisses me off more than a friend saying to me, "I've never seen that before." Do you really think that because we are friends, you should know everything in my closet? Why are you studying my clothes that hard anyway? We all have a bag of tricks nobody knows about but Jesus.

There is nothing new about envy. It starts back in biblical times. Cain was envious of his brother Abel because God favored Abel's offering, never mind that Cain failed to offer God his best. Letting his envy get the best of him, Cain murdered Abel. (ref: Gen. 4:3-8) Surely, none of us is that envious of anyone, I hope. We can see how that seed of jealousy can turn in to something much more sinister. God must've known how we'd be,  because  He addresses this in the tenth commandment. We shouldn't covet anything that doesn't belong to us.

I know it is easier said than done. We all want something we don't or can't have. Perhaps, God knows we don't need that particular thing because we really can't handle it. There is a reason we are supposed to be content with what we have. Don't be envious of anyone, compliment them and move on. What God has for you, is for you.  Until next time, I am outta here. Smooches!

Copyright October 11, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting but the color makes this a difficult read. I guess you had to match the color with the monster. Anyway, loved it.

