Thursday, January 18, 2018

My #hashtag

It’s the year that most of my closest friends and I
Celebrate our golden birthday. When I look into the mirror, I find it absolutely unbelievable that I’m turning 50. It is what it is and life continues no matter what curves and valleys we face. So it’s definitely real. Thank goodness, Black don’t crack and we all look fantastic for our age. We got them good genes. We have weathered many storms and are still standing. That being said, until June 3rd. My birthday in the best month of the twelve, I created a hashtag to keep the occasion in perspective. I’ll be #flirtingwith50.

Join me as I celebrate the entire year. In fact we got that party started this past weekend. We celebrated my college BFF with a great party. They say fifty is the new forty. Whatever it ts, it’s going to be fabulous for us.  Hers s peak of how cute 50 can be. 

Aging can be priceless. No botox and no medical procedures. 
Here’s my #hastag. Hope you like it:

 Feel free to comment. For now, I’m out! 

In Diva Love,

Pamela 👑🥂💜

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wordless Wednesday-January 17, 2018

In Diva Love,

Pamela 😇🙏🏽👑