Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Life, Uninhibited

Here's a really good question for you......answer honestly. If you could do anything in the world and money was not an issue, what would you do? Think of the answer without limiting yourself based on the thoughts of other people and your own self imposed restrictions. Now get your mind churning and tell us all exactly what you'd do. I am excited to see what your plans would be.

Now you know I wouldn't put such a wonderful question out there with first letting you in on my thoughts. Here goes..........After I open my Hallmark and Baskin-Robbin franchises, I would get my foundation in order. My foundation would be set up to mentor African American girls and expose them to opportunities normally not within their reach. I would also focus on eradicating illiteracy, and educating on the importance of fiscal responsibility, home ownership, and development of relevant small businesses. I would love to travel the world with my family doing random acts of kindness(small things with huge impact). I'd write several books and become a motivational speaker. Last of all, I'd go back to school to broaden my mind. What I want taken away from this experience is for my children to appreciate other cultures, to understand and value life from every perspective, and realize that they are, in fact, their brother's keeper.

This is not the first time I have put this question out there to folks. The first time, people wanted to make sure their responses would be confidential because they were hampered by what other folks would think of them. LISTEN UP! This is not a question for judgement. It is a question for you to lose your inhibitions and and just be whomever you want. If you could do whatever you want, what would you do? Who would you be? How would you utilize your personal influence? It isn't really that deep. Everyone is not going to be selfless. Everyone is not going to impact the world. The point is you have the freedom to be and do whatever you want, plain and simple. Share! Share anonymously! Be creative! Be free! You never know when that opportunity to live out your dream just might present itself.

Copyright November 17, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe


  1. Well, since you said money is NO object and the sky is the limit... you can have Baskin Robbins, cause I got Krispy Kreme and Zaxby's. I would love to write a self hep book.. you know one motivation and inspiring women to be all they can be, to stop letting sucka men make them feel less than they are and stop taking their crap!

    I would have to do some kind of home/shelter for the homeless. Like take a football stadium size building.. and remodel it into rooms for them, making sure they had everything they needed on a daily basis. Have someone come in and teach the ones that needed it skills to become self sufficient. I would adopt alot of children...sounds funny since my own children rattle my nerve sometimes butI would. And not from another country, but from right here in the USA. My home would be bigger and better than Neverland ever was!

    I would buy a mustang, the 47,000.00 one w/ all the trimmings and find someone to teach me to drive it b/c I can't drive a stick shift! HA!

    Every weekend, I would go on a trip.. someplace exotic and far away oh and have a clothing and shoe closet bigger than the house I live in now.

  2. Danette, I love it! The stadium remodel sounds fantastic. I would have to steal that idea and have you run it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I would go back to school and become a large animal Vet. I would also buy a huge farm and rescue all the homeless animals that I could and provide them with a home for life. I would also provide as many homeless women and children with money, food, clothing and a place to live. I would take my daughter to see the Effel tower in Paris and the rest of the family to Isreal and Egypt.
