Black Friday-headed out to Wal-Mart at 4AM. I was sleepy and not excited. If you know me, this is not something I'd ever do and I enjoy shopping. Got what I need relatively quickly. My thoughts are...Never again! Too damn many people! I love people but I ABSOLUTELY HATE crowds. I am all for shopping on Cyber Monday. Also, why not offer deals all damn season long, we are in a recession! It might be more stimulating to the economy.
Thanksgiving Dinner-let's emphasize the word "Dinner." Dinner is usually eaten in the evening. We got invited to a "Leftover Dessert Gathering" on Thanksgiving. Guess what time the invite was for? Can you all believe it was for 5PM? I love all my friends but let me put out a memo....most Black folks don't eat that early. My family didn't plan to eat til after 6 and everything was completely done much earlier.
Despicable Behavior Part II and III-I haven't gotten around to posting the blogs of this title so I will just put my next two contenders for this title on blast right here. Dalia Dippolito, a newlywed from South Florida, tried to have her husband of six months, Michael Dippolito, murdered by a gun for hire. Her reasoning was that she wanted a townhouse and $240000 in cash all to herself. Umm, can we say divorce? Candidate number two is Antoinette Davis, a mother who reported her 5 year old child, Shaniya Davis missing, only for it to be found out later, that she attempted to prostitute the child and sell her into sexual servitude. WTF? Shanyia was found days later dead and a nation mourned for her and her father. Shout out to Shaquille O'Neal for paying for her funeral services.
Tiana-Yea! We finally have an African-American Disney Princess. Need I say more?
White House State Dinners-Don't be stupid folks. Someone is gonna lose their damn job over Tareq and Michaele Salahi crashing the dinner to honor the Prime Minister of India. Inquiring minds are wondering how the TV Celebrity Wannabes made it through security. Word is that she is going to be on the RHO Washington DC. Nuff said on that one too. (insert side eye..wink, wink)
Christmas Season-After being inundated with holiday decor well before Halloween, I am now over the holiday hype. I love Christmas, but really, does it have to get earlier and earlier every year. Soon we will just have Christmas music and decoration year round. I'm just saying...SMH
Oprah-She isn't leaving...she is starting her own network folks. Why the tears? I loves me some Oprah, Lawd knows I do....but she is human. I want to write and publish my book and have her endorse it so I can be catapulted to a bestseller in a matter of moments. After 25 years, she's accomplished much and now she is moving on. Let's face it, September 9, 2011 is a little far off and many things can happen. What better way to ensure continued viewership for the next 18 months? Hmm..then she launches her own network that reflects her "Values, vision, and interests." (insert raised eyebrow) I thought her show did all of that. So what does that mean? My simple thoughts would be that she will free herself to state that she really loves Gail, in the Ellen sense. Now I really don't watch Oprah that often but I saw her interview Ellen and her wife, Portia DiRossi and Oprah seemed extremely moved by their love for each other. I'm just sayin, I might be wrong but if I am not, you read it here first.
Old School Music-I miss it so much! Shout out to Roger Troutman & Zapp, EWF, Klymaxx, EnVogue, Boys 2 Men and so many more.
Unsung-on TV-1. Great show to see what happened to many now defunct musicians and musical geniuses. Check it out.
Okay, enough for now. Thanks for letting me get some of my thoughts out. I hope you are reflecting on the real meaning of Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season!
Copyright November 28, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This really is my favorite season. From the time the leaves begin to fall till we ring in the New Year, I just feel very grateful and pretty happy. I love watching people prepare for the holidays. In fact, I love everything about it. Yet it is important not to lose sight of the true meaning of the season. For me, I am constantly reminded of how blessed my life truly is, even on my worst day. Like most people, I feel more charitable and I enjoy finding the perfect gift for those I love.
I am so thankful that I learned that there was a difference between going to church and having a relationship with the Lord. Prayer brings peace and joy. The bumps still occur and often they are painful, but I am rooted in the fact that God really has orchestrated everything for our benefit. (Romans 8:28)
I am thankful for a wonderful family and many awesome friends. My mom and my grandmother have always represented strength and perseverance. They are my sheroes. I have a husband who puts up with me and my many quirks. He tries to gracefully handle the fact that I am an extrovert and he clearly is not. I am thankful for my children who challenge me and crack me up. They are a constant reminder that you shouldn't sweat the small stuff. My friends are a varied bunch...they are talented, sensitive, thoughtful and any and everything between. All of the people in my life make me a better person.
I am thankful for a blessed life. I have a roof over my head. I have a closet full of clothes. I never go hungry. I have transportation. I have what I need and every blue moon I get some of my wants. I am fortunate enough to give my children way too much(gonna work on that in 2010).
I am thankful that I can read and study my Bible whenever and wherever I want. I can worship and praise God with freedom. Not every country has that luxury.
I am so thankful that each day we are given opportunity to be better than the day before. If you screw up today, hopefully you will wake up tomorrow and have another chance to improve a situation, to right a wrong, or to forgive and forget.
This blog could go on forever. Unfortunately, I have cooking to do because my sister and her family will join us tomorrow, and my cousin too. I look forward to it. I love feeding people. I will miss my mom, grandmother , and brother but they all know that I love them and sometimes distance(and money) gets in the way. However you spend tomorrow, don't forget to thank God for whatever it is you are thankful for.
As the season continues, don't forget to share your abundance with those who are in need. Remember, need doesn't always look poor. Your neighbor might need their grass cut, the single parent in your midst might need a minute to herself for her sanity or to shop for her little ones. An older person might need you to run an errand or write out their greeting cards. Take the time to keep a divine appointment. You small gesture of kindness can impact someone in ways that you may never fathom.
Tomorrow, each of us will sit down to a table laden with food, with the people that we care most about. We will laugh, share fond memories, and hopefully make some new ones. Wherever you are and whatever you do, take a moment to reflect on what you cherish the most. Don't take it for granted. In the course of the year, there are trials and triumphs. There is loss and there is victory. We face seen and unforeseen obstacles but still, most of us stand. I am no exception. As I grow older, I realize that life really does throw you some curves but you have to stand tall and be positive. We are all works in progress and learn so many lessons along the way.
Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! May the joy of the season resonate in your hearts for many days to come! Be safe! Be a blessing!
Copyright November 25, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
I am so thankful that I learned that there was a difference between going to church and having a relationship with the Lord. Prayer brings peace and joy. The bumps still occur and often they are painful, but I am rooted in the fact that God really has orchestrated everything for our benefit. (Romans 8:28)
I am thankful for a wonderful family and many awesome friends. My mom and my grandmother have always represented strength and perseverance. They are my sheroes. I have a husband who puts up with me and my many quirks. He tries to gracefully handle the fact that I am an extrovert and he clearly is not. I am thankful for my children who challenge me and crack me up. They are a constant reminder that you shouldn't sweat the small stuff. My friends are a varied bunch...they are talented, sensitive, thoughtful and any and everything between. All of the people in my life make me a better person.
I am thankful for a blessed life. I have a roof over my head. I have a closet full of clothes. I never go hungry. I have transportation. I have what I need and every blue moon I get some of my wants. I am fortunate enough to give my children way too much(gonna work on that in 2010).
I am thankful that I can read and study my Bible whenever and wherever I want. I can worship and praise God with freedom. Not every country has that luxury.
I am so thankful that each day we are given opportunity to be better than the day before. If you screw up today, hopefully you will wake up tomorrow and have another chance to improve a situation, to right a wrong, or to forgive and forget.
This blog could go on forever. Unfortunately, I have cooking to do because my sister and her family will join us tomorrow, and my cousin too. I look forward to it. I love feeding people. I will miss my mom, grandmother , and brother but they all know that I love them and sometimes distance(and money) gets in the way. However you spend tomorrow, don't forget to thank God for whatever it is you are thankful for.
As the season continues, don't forget to share your abundance with those who are in need. Remember, need doesn't always look poor. Your neighbor might need their grass cut, the single parent in your midst might need a minute to herself for her sanity or to shop for her little ones. An older person might need you to run an errand or write out their greeting cards. Take the time to keep a divine appointment. You small gesture of kindness can impact someone in ways that you may never fathom.
Tomorrow, each of us will sit down to a table laden with food, with the people that we care most about. We will laugh, share fond memories, and hopefully make some new ones. Wherever you are and whatever you do, take a moment to reflect on what you cherish the most. Don't take it for granted. In the course of the year, there are trials and triumphs. There is loss and there is victory. We face seen and unforeseen obstacles but still, most of us stand. I am no exception. As I grow older, I realize that life really does throw you some curves but you have to stand tall and be positive. We are all works in progress and learn so many lessons along the way.
Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! May the joy of the season resonate in your hearts for many days to come! Be safe! Be a blessing!
Copyright November 25, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Attention!!......Your 15 Minutes of Fame Are Over
There is so much going on in the world that is serious and newsworthy. Yet, the media has a fascination with people and things who do not deserve unlimited attention and time of day. Frankly, I am sick of media whores whose lives are constantly invading my home uninvited. This is my current list of people who need to sit down and shut the hell up. Go away and live your life! Make us all happy....fade into oblivion! My list is random and not necessarily in order of how much you've gotten on my damn nerves. Loyal fans of mine, feel free to shout out those people who are intruding on you day to day lives without invitation. I am curious to see who is irking you.
1. Jon & Kate Gosselin-we are over you and your adorable children. Yes, they will need therapy but just think, they will have had such wonderful experiences gleaned from you prostituting them on TLC for years. It is now time for you to handle your business privately and figure out how to be the best parents possible for your 8 children without the help of loving fans everywhere lavishing them with gifts.
2. Sarah Palin-yea you, with your rogue self. Get yourself some real intelligence and go take care of your family. Read a magazine or two, legitimate ones, and stop playing the blame game. Your rhetoric is fueling ignorance and reflecting badly on the Republican party.
3. Levi Johnston-so you knocked up Sarah's daughter and now you are capitalizing on it by trying to taint her reputation(she's doing a fine job of that herself). You are playing a game that has been played for years and you really aren't that good at it. Your Playgirl photo shoot should shoot you right into oblivion because you are lacking in substance just like your baby's grandma.
4. Kanye West-capitalizing on being an @$$ is so not cute. You should indulge in a therapist's couch and work out your issues because your childish antics overshadow the popularity of your music.
5. Michael Jackson's entourage-you should all be ashamed to come out publicly....if you are his kid's sperm donor, who the heck cares. You are entitled to nothing because he's dead. Maybe in your haste to oblige his whacked out request you should've thought through all possible scenarios. Each of us is one day closer to death. I could go on but you all get the picture...
6. Former VP Dick Cheney-why you've decided to start talking now after an 8 year career of relative silence is beyond me. You too fan the flames of negative rhetoric that reflects poorly on the Republican Party.
7. Carrie Prejean-oops we found out that you really were a calculating air headed beauty queen. How are you going to promote a book and then get pissed off when people question the things you've written. Hello! Book tour! It's nobody's fault that you chose to be sanctimonious and then not one, but 8 sex videos surfaced. Like you, everyone wants their minute of fame.
8. Anne Coulter-the queen of controversy. Some of the aforementioned folks should take notes from her. She is a piece of work.
9. Unethical and/or scandoulus politicians-represent your constituents not your own personal agenda. Excuses are tools of the incompetent.
10. Conservative people who disrespect everything about the President's policies and agenda. Stop trying to hide your racism under the guise of a political agenda.
11. The Real Housewives of Atlanta-a poor representation of the ATL's African American elite. Someone tell me why it is the only one to have a token. Kim sure ain't African American(she's not married either) and there sure as hell are NOT any minorities on the other shows.
That's it for now but I am sure we can re-visit this topic at any time. Have a great weekend!
Copyright November 21, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
1. Jon & Kate Gosselin-we are over you and your adorable children. Yes, they will need therapy but just think, they will have had such wonderful experiences gleaned from you prostituting them on TLC for years. It is now time for you to handle your business privately and figure out how to be the best parents possible for your 8 children without the help of loving fans everywhere lavishing them with gifts.
2. Sarah Palin-yea you, with your rogue self. Get yourself some real intelligence and go take care of your family. Read a magazine or two, legitimate ones, and stop playing the blame game. Your rhetoric is fueling ignorance and reflecting badly on the Republican party.
3. Levi Johnston-so you knocked up Sarah's daughter and now you are capitalizing on it by trying to taint her reputation(she's doing a fine job of that herself). You are playing a game that has been played for years and you really aren't that good at it. Your Playgirl photo shoot should shoot you right into oblivion because you are lacking in substance just like your baby's grandma.
4. Kanye West-capitalizing on being an @$$ is so not cute. You should indulge in a therapist's couch and work out your issues because your childish antics overshadow the popularity of your music.
5. Michael Jackson's entourage-you should all be ashamed to come out publicly....if you are his kid's sperm donor, who the heck cares. You are entitled to nothing because he's dead. Maybe in your haste to oblige his whacked out request you should've thought through all possible scenarios. Each of us is one day closer to death. I could go on but you all get the picture...
6. Former VP Dick Cheney-why you've decided to start talking now after an 8 year career of relative silence is beyond me. You too fan the flames of negative rhetoric that reflects poorly on the Republican Party.
7. Carrie Prejean-oops we found out that you really were a calculating air headed beauty queen. How are you going to promote a book and then get pissed off when people question the things you've written. Hello! Book tour! It's nobody's fault that you chose to be sanctimonious and then not one, but 8 sex videos surfaced. Like you, everyone wants their minute of fame.
8. Anne Coulter-the queen of controversy. Some of the aforementioned folks should take notes from her. She is a piece of work.
9. Unethical and/or scandoulus politicians-represent your constituents not your own personal agenda. Excuses are tools of the incompetent.
10. Conservative people who disrespect everything about the President's policies and agenda. Stop trying to hide your racism under the guise of a political agenda.
11. The Real Housewives of Atlanta-a poor representation of the ATL's African American elite. Someone tell me why it is the only one to have a token. Kim sure ain't African American(she's not married either) and there sure as hell are NOT any minorities on the other shows.
That's it for now but I am sure we can re-visit this topic at any time. Have a great weekend!
Copyright November 21, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Friday, November 13, 2009
Despicable Behavior
Today, I am going to rant for a second or two. This morning I heard a story about a woman in Waco, Texas who faked breast cancer to raise money for her breast implants. First off, Waco, TX must be full of crazy folks. That's another story for another day but something to think about. Here's the simple version.
Trista Joy Lathern, age 24, lied to her husband and the public about a breast cancer diagnosis. She preyed on the public and her co-workers. A benefit was given to raise money for the chemotherapy treatments because she stated that she lacked health coverage. Her co-workers donated leave to her to enable her to receive the treatments. The mother of two did, in fact, have a lump, but it was found to be benign. The heifer went as far as to shave her head (and don a doo-rag) to give the appearance of the side effects of chemo. The benefit raised $10,000 for Lathern.
Her story fell apart when she sought breast augmentation from a local plastic surgeon who was aware of the benefit given in her honor. Thankfully, he wasn't a greedy doctor and based on his suspicions, contacted his attorney, who went to the sheriff. She went to another plastic surgeon a little further away and received her new improved boobs.
Now get this folks, her husband thought she had cancer like everyone else. Now this speaks volumes because what....he must not have been accompanying her to her treatments. Well the story goes on to say that they were having marital problems and she thought that the cancer would bring them closer. Then she goes on to state that she thought that the breast augmentation would mend the marriage. She is a sick puppy, huh? Needless to say, her husband of 7 months filed for an annulment on the same day that she was arrested.
This is despicable behavior on so many levels. It makes me want to kick her a$$ first. It is absolutely disgusting to prey on people for any reason. One of the reasons it raises my level of pissivity is this, I have had a breast cancer scare. It is harrowing to have a questionable mammogram and then have to wait or get a biopsy. It is also disappointing from the perspective of a person who has lost a loved one to cancer. You are eager to see a cure and you are vulnerable to victims of the disease. Her asinine actions cause the public to become leery of giving to worthy causes. It does reinforce the idea that you have to give with a free heart and let God take care of the rest. As we approach the true season of giving, be mindful that every one's heart is not aligned with Christ but not everyone is an underhanded snake like Lathern either. Give and give freely, but pray about the causes that you donate to and seek God's guidance. Use those discernment skills. I hope this is an isolated incident because we can't afford to have innocent people taken advantage of in such a despicable manner. Till next time, have a blessed weekend!
Copyright November 13, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Trista Joy Lathern, age 24, lied to her husband and the public about a breast cancer diagnosis. She preyed on the public and her co-workers. A benefit was given to raise money for the chemotherapy treatments because she stated that she lacked health coverage. Her co-workers donated leave to her to enable her to receive the treatments. The mother of two did, in fact, have a lump, but it was found to be benign. The heifer went as far as to shave her head (and don a doo-rag) to give the appearance of the side effects of chemo. The benefit raised $10,000 for Lathern.
Her story fell apart when she sought breast augmentation from a local plastic surgeon who was aware of the benefit given in her honor. Thankfully, he wasn't a greedy doctor and based on his suspicions, contacted his attorney, who went to the sheriff. She went to another plastic surgeon a little further away and received her new improved boobs.
Now get this folks, her husband thought she had cancer like everyone else. Now this speaks volumes because what....he must not have been accompanying her to her treatments. Well the story goes on to say that they were having marital problems and she thought that the cancer would bring them closer. Then she goes on to state that she thought that the breast augmentation would mend the marriage. She is a sick puppy, huh? Needless to say, her husband of 7 months filed for an annulment on the same day that she was arrested.
This is despicable behavior on so many levels. It makes me want to kick her a$$ first. It is absolutely disgusting to prey on people for any reason. One of the reasons it raises my level of pissivity is this, I have had a breast cancer scare. It is harrowing to have a questionable mammogram and then have to wait or get a biopsy. It is also disappointing from the perspective of a person who has lost a loved one to cancer. You are eager to see a cure and you are vulnerable to victims of the disease. Her asinine actions cause the public to become leery of giving to worthy causes. It does reinforce the idea that you have to give with a free heart and let God take care of the rest. As we approach the true season of giving, be mindful that every one's heart is not aligned with Christ but not everyone is an underhanded snake like Lathern either. Give and give freely, but pray about the causes that you donate to and seek God's guidance. Use those discernment skills. I hope this is an isolated incident because we can't afford to have innocent people taken advantage of in such a despicable manner. Till next time, have a blessed weekend!
Copyright November 13, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Living Water
Hey Folks! I am in a dry patch. You know, a little funk. Things are off in my world for various reasons. Don't get it twisted, I am still blessed beyond measure, but I am still down. When I am in this place, I turn to the Word or encouraging/inspirational quotes to feed my mind and soul. I am sure we all have little tricks to pull ourselves up and for me, nothing works better that God ministering through His Word. I keep an index card folio next to my bed. While I do my morning devotions, if a verse ministers to me, I write it in there for future reference. So I thought I would share some the verses that I depend on to give me back a little life and pep. If you are feeling blue, perhaps these same scriptures can also minister to your soul. I am going to stick with the NKJV to keep things simple. Also I have listed the verses in no particular order. Be blessed but more importantly, be a blessing.
Phillipians 4:6-8: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Psalm 46:10: Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
2 Corinthians 4:8-9: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—
Proverbs 17: 27-28: He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.
James 1:12: Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
Psalm 30:5: For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Zephaniah 3:17: The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Psalm 34:19: Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
1 Corinthians 15:33: Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
Proverbs 23:13-14: Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell.
1 Corinthians 15:58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I haven't listed the verses in any particular order. They are as random as they come. Depends on the moment and mood or whatever I am going through as to whether something touches me enough to jot down. I certainly hope this encourages you in a dry spell. Maybe you have different verses that quench your thirsty soul. By all means, please share them. You never know who you might encourage at the time. Be blessed and be a blessing. That is the best that we can offer anyone at any time. Till next time, I hope I have watered your soul. Peace!
Copyright November 10, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Phillipians 4:6-8: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Psalm 46:10: Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
2 Corinthians 4:8-9: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—
Proverbs 17: 27-28: He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.
James 1:12: Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
Psalm 30:5: For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Zephaniah 3:17: The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Psalm 34:19: Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
1 Corinthians 15:33: Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
Proverbs 23:13-14: Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell.
1 Corinthians 15:58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I haven't listed the verses in any particular order. They are as random as they come. Depends on the moment and mood or whatever I am going through as to whether something touches me enough to jot down. I certainly hope this encourages you in a dry spell. Maybe you have different verses that quench your thirsty soul. By all means, please share them. You never know who you might encourage at the time. Be blessed and be a blessing. That is the best that we can offer anyone at any time. Till next time, I hope I have watered your soul. Peace!
Copyright November 10, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Life, Uninhibited
Here's a really good question for you......answer honestly. If you could do anything in the world and money was not an issue, what would you do? Think of the answer without limiting yourself based on the thoughts of other people and your own self imposed restrictions. Now get your mind churning and tell us all exactly what you'd do. I am excited to see what your plans would be.
Now you know I wouldn't put such a wonderful question out there with first letting you in on my thoughts. Here goes..........After I open my Hallmark and Baskin-Robbin franchises, I would get my foundation in order. My foundation would be set up to mentor African American girls and expose them to opportunities normally not within their reach. I would also focus on eradicating illiteracy, and educating on the importance of fiscal responsibility, home ownership, and development of relevant small businesses. I would love to travel the world with my family doing random acts of kindness(small things with huge impact). I'd write several books and become a motivational speaker. Last of all, I'd go back to school to broaden my mind. What I want taken away from this experience is for my children to appreciate other cultures, to understand and value life from every perspective, and realize that they are, in fact, their brother's keeper.
This is not the first time I have put this question out there to folks. The first time, people wanted to make sure their responses would be confidential because they were hampered by what other folks would think of them. LISTEN UP! This is not a question for judgement. It is a question for you to lose your inhibitions and and just be whomever you want. If you could do whatever you want, what would you do? Who would you be? How would you utilize your personal influence? It isn't really that deep. Everyone is not going to be selfless. Everyone is not going to impact the world. The point is you have the freedom to be and do whatever you want, plain and simple. Share! Share anonymously! Be creative! Be free! You never know when that opportunity to live out your dream just might present itself.
Copyright November 17, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Now you know I wouldn't put such a wonderful question out there with first letting you in on my thoughts. Here goes..........After I open my Hallmark and Baskin-Robbin franchises, I would get my foundation in order. My foundation would be set up to mentor African American girls and expose them to opportunities normally not within their reach. I would also focus on eradicating illiteracy, and educating on the importance of fiscal responsibility, home ownership, and development of relevant small businesses. I would love to travel the world with my family doing random acts of kindness(small things with huge impact). I'd write several books and become a motivational speaker. Last of all, I'd go back to school to broaden my mind. What I want taken away from this experience is for my children to appreciate other cultures, to understand and value life from every perspective, and realize that they are, in fact, their brother's keeper.
This is not the first time I have put this question out there to folks. The first time, people wanted to make sure their responses would be confidential because they were hampered by what other folks would think of them. LISTEN UP! This is not a question for judgement. It is a question for you to lose your inhibitions and and just be whomever you want. If you could do whatever you want, what would you do? Who would you be? How would you utilize your personal influence? It isn't really that deep. Everyone is not going to be selfless. Everyone is not going to impact the world. The point is you have the freedom to be and do whatever you want, plain and simple. Share! Share anonymously! Be creative! Be free! You never know when that opportunity to live out your dream just might present itself.
Copyright November 17, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My MJ Favs
After writing the previous blog about Michael Jackson's movie, This Is It, I thought I would grace you with my all time favorites from his vast collection of songs. They are in no particular order. Trying to narrow it down to a few songs is no difficult feat. I love music and had not realized just how many songs of MJ's were in rotation on my Ipod. I'd love to hear what your favs are and why. Who else could make you halt your plans while they debuted their latest video? No one but MJ. Here's to you, music may not agree but hey there's hundreds of other songs to suggest to me and my fans to check out.
1. Man in the Mirror
2. I'll Be There
3. Human Nature
4. Got To Be There
5. You Are Not Alone
6. Earth Song
7. Smooth Criminal
8. She's Outta My Life
9. Black or White
10. I Just Can't Stop Lovin You
11. Gone Too Soon
12. Another Part of Me
13. Heal the World
14. Butterflies
15. Remember the Time
16. The Lady in My Life
17. Liberian Girl
Til next time.....Jam on my friends! Jam on!
Copyright November 3, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
1. Man in the Mirror
2. I'll Be There
3. Human Nature
4. Got To Be There
5. You Are Not Alone
6. Earth Song
7. Smooth Criminal
8. She's Outta My Life
9. Black or White
10. I Just Can't Stop Lovin You
11. Gone Too Soon
12. Another Part of Me
13. Heal the World
14. Butterflies
15. Remember the Time
16. The Lady in My Life
17. Liberian Girl
Til next time.....Jam on my friends! Jam on!
Copyright November 3, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Monday, November 2, 2009
This Is It

Since his death, my opinion has changed somewhat. I now view him as a musical genius who died of a broken heart. I have listened to his music so much in the past few months because my children have become obsessed with his music and his extraordinary videos. From the moment that the documentary, This Is It, was announced, my son has insisted that we see it. Who can deny an energetic, persistent, moon-walking kid the pleasure? There was no school, so off I went on a little date with my youngest child. He was very excited and I was reserved.
All I can say is MJ was the damn man as far as musical entertainment goes. The concert would've been off the chain! Based on the footage shown, I would scrape, beg, and borrow to witness the show. MJ's energy and genius made me think I could dance my arse off. NOT! Yet, there were moments where I just felt like I could get up and jam. My son articulated that same feeling. There are scenes where the dancers are in awe of MJ despite the fact that they were rehearsing onstage with him. They are so hyped by his performance and watching him, you can understand it. At one point, it is like they are at church where the worship and praise is so high that folks are getting happy. At another they are cheering and high fiving like crazy. Even holding back, vocally, the viewer is keenly aware that MJ has serious range and very good tone. He had planned to include his most popular songs and each one would be its own unique production within the concert itself. He's confident and in control of what is going on onstage. He's also a master at pleasing and teasing the audience, no doubt leaving them clamoring for more. For the record, MJ really does appear to be in good health and at the top of his game lyrically and physically.
Okay so we all know MJ took music videos to a whole nother level.....well I know his concert would raise the bar for other entertainers. His use of imagery and other creative methods was phenomenal. Absolutely awesome! MJ cared about humanity as well as protecting our planet for our future generations. All of this is evident in the superb production. I am positive it cost a mere fortune to put on a show of this calibur but would be worth every dollar spent. As I reflect on the number of concerts that I've seen, I realize that while they may have been good shows, none put forth the thought or the effort that was evidenced by this film. Shucks, they probably didn't even put this much thought into how the audience would percieve it.
All that said, I left the theater quite impressed with what could've been. MJ was treated with reverance and the utmost respect throughout the process. All of the individuals involved took their jobs quite seriously. They were inspired and honored to be a part of the tour. Of course, you couldn't have a better reference to boost your career. MJ was professional and respectful of everyone else and their feelings. He was serious about his craft. He was serious about preserving his voice for when it would matter. He was emphatic about elevating his show to a high level for the audience as well as letting his performers have their moment to shine. Say what you want about the tragic commentary that had become MJ's reality but no one can deny his ability to thrill and move his dedicated fans.
This Is It was to have been Michael Joseph Jackson's final curtain call and what a helluva curtain call it would've been. Unfortunately, God had other plans. We don't know what happened in Michael's home on that fateful morning, but God does, because He ordained it long long ago. What we do know is that his music is timeless and the effects of his genius will impact and inspire generations to come, in terms of elevating their craft, vocally and visually. We also know that a family is devasted and still mourning the death of a cherished loved one. It appears Michael Jackson will be larger and more profitable in death than he was in life. Whatever the case, I certainly hope he has attained the peace that seemed to elude him in life. I hope that his legacy will inspire each of us to be the best at whatever it is we do and to be more concerned about preserving humanity and our land. Now all we can do is wish and wonder how great that show would've been.
Copyright November 2, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

So this is a rather random post. Halloween brought out all the ghosts, goblins, and spooks. My kids have collected enough candy to feed a small nation and rot the teeth of everyone living in it. My neighborhood does Halloween pretty big so imagine what Christmas is like. (SMH) Now we all know Halloween is really for our children. Check this bull crap out.....My hubby, as usual, was left at home to distribute what would end up being not enough candy. Of course, I bought enough to feed a small army. He's a six foot African American man(who I left on the porch steps with a huge bowl of various kinds of candy) who is not thugged out, is very clean shaven. Anyhoo, I digress. He relayed to me that there were several individualswho would not allow their children to "trick or treat" from him. One was a man whose child was dressed as a Confederate soldier. Let's just say that we reside in a homogenous neighborhood with little color. Come on folks, how ignorant can you be? I was appalled to say the least. Reality check: Obama in the white house doesn't mean we've put aside our racist notions. Of course, I knew this, but come on, it's candy. Acceptance and tolerance are taught and learned in the home. Be careful what you teach your children.
Copyright November 2, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
Copyright November 2, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
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