Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful Me

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! Right now, I am sitting here with a full tummy watching football with my family. It's a good night even though some family is not here-they are in other places. I am so thankful that we had an awesome meal-My fam can throw down in the kitchen so we are never disappointed.. I am blessed to be in North Carolina with my sister in law, niece, and nephew. It has been nine and a half years since I've seen the kids, who are now wonderful young adults.

I am reminded that despite the trials and tribulations that I experience daily, God is good and I remain extremely blessed even when the lessons are painful. I am here with my children. We arrived safely despite the rain and even a bit of snow that followed us from Virginia to North Carolina. It is a blessing to see the children all interact without any awkwardness. It is also funny to see them all sitting on the sofa with at least one device in hand. It's driving my sister in law nuts.

I have heard from almost all the people who mean the most to me. I have posted a thankful post every day this month on Facebook. Some days, my posts were deep and others, they were mundane and frivolous but still, I had much to be thankful for. Not just during this season, but every day of the year. The holidays are difficult for many but hopefully despite missing their loved ones, they too realize that they are blessed.

God has always been good to me. He shows me favor in great ways and small. Any problems or worries usually end up being a waste of time and energy. I simply need to remember that He has never ever left me alone or without a solution better than I could conceive for myself. I am trying daily to surrender all to Him--all my fears, troubles, worries, desires, and burdens. It is not easy but it does build my faith.

If you are reading my blog, you too have many reasons to be thankful. You are here. You are breathing. You woke up this morning. You have electricity. You have food, clothing, and shelter. You have enough. In other words, you are blessed.  I hope you have given thanks with a grateful heart. As we wind down the year, remember to bless others. Pay it forward in some small way. Be kind, be giving, and smile. Let the love of Christ and all that He has done for you shine brightly throughout this season. Count your blessings!

In Diva Love,


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had a great time with family. I too try to approach most aspects of my life with a spirit of gratitude. It's not always easy but it just feels right.
