Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I haven't been a writing mode or reading mode lately. If you know me, then you know that means something might be off. I feel I owe it to my readers to post regularly and I have been MIA for a couple weeks. To ease my guilt, I thought I would post a Thankful blog. I know this is done quite a bit in November to honor Thanksgiving. Every day that we wake up and have breath, moving limbs, and a sound mind we should be thankful. Hence this post. 

When I look back over the past year, I have a  million small reasons to be thankful for what God has done. This year, my husband and I had the pleasure of hosting several members of his family who came to visit. To borrow a term, most of these visits could be considered "milestone trips." All families have their share of dysfunction and his is no exception. Sparing you all the details, it was truly a blessing for his aging mother to come along with his oldest sister. Later in the year, another of his sisters visited and I truly gained a good girlfriend. We were also fortunate enough to have my hubby's children come to visit. If you know us well, you know that is a miracle that has been prayed for for a really long time. Every visit went well and a great time was had by all. My husband is a happy camper and I am thankful to be able to witness all these things come to pass. God is faithful and His timing is perfect even when we don't think it is. 

I am also thankful for the haters in my life. Truth be told, they motivate me. Life is tricky but God always reveals the true character of the people in your sphere of life. You never know who is trying to salt your game. Case and point, I asked an "acquaintance" about her opinion on something I had been asked to do by a common friend of ours. We had a brief conversation and I was done. As chance would have it, I was meeting the common friend right after. As we sat chatting, she opened her e-mail and there was one from the "acquaintance" I had questioned earlier. The acquaintance, had sent her an e-mail in less than a span of a half an hour and indicated that she had spoken with me but had some reservations about me doing what I had been asked to do. WTH? Who does that? I immediately got pissed off because my questions were a) quite general and b)because the person was in no position to have reservations about me in that capacity. SN: I knew I'd see the acquaintance the next day and she'd be smiling in my face(unbeknown  to her that I saw the e-mail). Of course I thought about confronting her and the earlier versions of me would have done so without reservation but the tactful mature me, let it go and tucked it into my head for future retribution reference. I will let you know how things turn out there because I don't deal well with backstabbers or well intentioned folks who stick their noses where they don't belong. 

I am also thankful for my friends and family. Most of my close friends live in different cities. God knows when to have them check in. Just when you think you might lose it, a well placed call from a person who knows the real you, does wonders for the soul. Not a day goes by that I don't praise God for the people I have chosen to have a role in my life, nor does a day go by that I don't give thanks for the the dysfunctional bunch of folks that I didn't choose (my lovely family). God knows what we need but more importantly who we need to cultivate the best of us or build in us the character that brings Him glory. The cast of characters in my life is as varied as it is flawed but I wouldn't trade them for anything. I am blessed and I know it. Thanks for allowing me to vent/share/digress. Till next time, remember it is the little things that are important.

In Thankful Diva love,


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mommy Blahs #1

I have a headache as I type this blog. My oldest child is 14 and she is a Freshman in high school. She is a very intelligent young lady whose goal appears to be excelling in underachievement. You'd have to understand that my hubby is the consummate overachiever and I simply don't settle for mediocrity. God has challenged me with both of my children. they love life and everything about it but they aren't pressed about making a statement and leaving their marks. OMG! I was a busy in  high-school and college. I was NOT an A student, in fact, I was an average student. I did however participate in any and everything. My husband was #2 in his class and he too was a busy student. My kids are content to sit back and chill. Lawd, this entitlement generation is going to give me a coronary. We are miffed because nothing in us has prepared us for handling this.

I don't want to impose my agenda on my children but I know it is my role as a parent to spur them to greatness. My daughter has the ability to be an A student. She is lazy and hates to study. She is NOT interested in participating in any activities. My issue is this, if you aren't super busy with activities, you have to be an awesome student. Hubby and I are ranting about being well rounded for college applications and you know what? It is frustrating as all get out! She doesn't get it and we can't make her. Anyhoo, God has shown me yet another area of specific prayer! Pray for me and my children! I keep telling my kids to tap into their God-given power. Them being afraid of their power limits their friends. I think they need to spur their friends to greatness. and vice versa.  It is stressful when you see things in people that they fail to see in them selves. Don't get me wrong, there are adults who suffer from this but children still have more hope and potential to impact their niche.

Okay, I think I am over it now! Well not really! Thank goodness for God's grace and mercy. More importantly, for His plan. He has mapped out a future for both my children. No level of underachievement will keep them from doing that which He has for them to do. That nugget is keeping me sane right now. Thanks for allowing me to rant on what for most bloggers is Wordless Wednesdays! Love you guys!

In Kicking & Screaming Diva Love,

Pam :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


We are still early in the year so most of us are still planning out how this year will be the year that we will (insert your plan here). Yep, we have a plan for things to happen even if we haven't made any resolutions. So, what does that have to do with a seed you ask? Well it is real simple. A seed is equipped with everything it needs to become a plant. The seeds contain the leaf, the stem, and the flower. We simply need to plant it and water it, and give it a bit of sunshine. 

Has God ever put something on your heart? Is there something you know that you are supposed to do but haven't done it? What is stopping you? Is it fear, anxiety, worry, or doubt? We too are equipped with everything we need. Sometimes we need to step out on faith and just do that thing. It may not make sense to anyone but you (and God). If God has told you to do something, He has already equipped you with everything you need to accomplish it.  So here I go, issuing you yet another challenge. Let 2012 be the year that you birth whatever it is that God has spoken to your heart. All you can do is put one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.  

Ponder this verse in your heart, The Message says it quite plainly, "Because you're not yet taking God seriously," said Jesus. "The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, 'Move!' and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn't be able to tackle." (ref: Matthew 17:20) The Word is telling us that with just the minutest bit of faith, nothing is impossible. To further confirm, James 1:22 states, "Don't fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear!"  (ref: The Message) So what are you waiting for? Your destiny (and mine, because this is just as much about me as it you) is calling! Get started! Be blessed and be a blessing!

In Diva Faith & Love, 


Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Beginnings!


These are my resolutions for 2012:

I resolve not to make any resolutions which I probably wouldn't keep anyway. That being said, I welcome the New Year because it brings new opportunities and a fresh perspective to what might be an old situation. So I resolve to be a better me. That translates into being happy, healthy, and positive. I can't let my circumstances define my persona. In turn, I will remain true to the fact that God will carry me through the highs and lows of life. Who benefits from this? Well, everyone in my space. A better me means a better Christian, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, blogger, lover and anything in between. Every New Year is filled with promise. This year we each have 366 days to be better and do better. Don't make resolutions! Just put it in your head and heart that 201 will be more than you can dream or imagine and wake up each day filled with that purpose. One foot forward, no looking back! So what are you waiting for? There are only a few hours left and then you will only have 365 days to get it right.

Whatever your resolve or perspective, may 2012 be the best one yet. Life is journey, it takes a million twists and turns. Some are expected and others blow us away. The best that we can do is stay true to ourselves and not let the needs and wants of others change who we are at our core. We really can't be everything to everybody. We need to show resilience and grace in the midst of our storms. It is easier to smile than frown. Most important, we need to be honest...honest about our feelings, desires, shortcomings, and life experiences. Everyone can benefit from the truth. Finally, don't forget to pray, it may not change your situation but it will definitely change you! Enjoy all the blessings that are in store for you in 2012! 

Divaliciously yours, 
