These are my resolutions for 2012:
I resolve not to make any resolutions which I probably wouldn't keep anyway. That being said, I welcome the New Year because it brings new opportunities and a fresh perspective to what might be an old situation. So I resolve to be a better me. That translates into being happy, healthy, and positive. I can't let my circumstances define my persona. In turn, I will remain true to the fact that God will carry me through the highs and lows of life. Who benefits from this? Well, everyone in my space. A better me means a better Christian, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, blogger, lover and anything in between. Every New Year is filled with promise. This year we each have 366 days to be better and do better. Don't make resolutions! Just put it in your head and heart that 201 will be more than you can dream or imagine and wake up each day filled with that purpose. One foot forward, no looking back! So what are you waiting for? There are only a few hours left and then you will only have 365 days to get it right.
Whatever your resolve or perspective, may 2012 be the best one yet. Life is journey, it takes a million twists and turns. Some are expected and others blow us away. The best that we can do is stay true to ourselves and not let the needs and wants of others change who we are at our core. We really can't be everything to everybody. We need to show resilience and grace in the midst of our storms. It is easier to smile than frown. Most important, we need to be honest...honest about our feelings, desires, shortcomings, and life experiences. Everyone can benefit from the truth. Finally, don't forget to pray, it may not change your situation but it will definitely change you! Enjoy all the blessings that are in store for you in 2012!
Divaliciously yours,
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