Thursday, October 7, 2010


Hey! I am not on top of my blogging game this week(got plenty on my mind, just haven't typed it all out) but my girl Dorna was. She had some things on her mind. So I present you with a guest blog. Dorna, like myself, welcomes feedback. Let us know what you think!


I have had several conversations with my boyfriend about what he feels is my disdain of following rules. According to him, I don’t follow rules or totally disregard them if I don’t like them. Unfortunately, he is not the only one of that opinion about me. Recently, I asked my boss what the protocol was for a certain method of communication and his response to me was, “Oh, now you want to follow the rules!!” So, I’ve been giving some reflection as to why the perception prevails (because it’s most certainly not true!!) Here are some of the thoughts that have come to me: 1). Most rules are short sighted; rule makers don’t always consider future possibilities. 2) The rule makers aren’t always the correct (or brightest for that matter) people to make the rules. 3) A lot of the time rules are too absolute; other than the 10 commandments, I’m not sure why I would follow everything to the letter. 4) A lot of rules are just plain stupid; but that goes back to my theory there are way more stupid people in the world than smart; therefore rule makers are stupid!!

One definition of Merriam-Webster’s definition of a rule is “a prescribed guide for conduct or action”. Another one is “an accepted procedure, custom, or habit” and finally, “the exercise of authority or control”. Now I realize that rules are part of everything we do in life otherwise we would have anarchy and chaos. So, I understand the need for rules but they should really be more guidelines allowing some flexibility. The more I pondered on this “rules thing”, I also realized most people don’t think rules should not be challenged!! I think that is probably my issue more than anything. For those who know me, things have to make some sort of sense to ME and if it doesn’t questions will be raised. The answer, “that’s the rule” is just not sufficient for me!! And that’s usually because the explanation has no basis in sound thinking, not my concern or it’s just plain stupid!! I often find myself asking someone when I’m challenging a rule/guideline/process “Does that make sense to you?” (What I’m actually thinking, “Seriously who came up with this crap?”) or “I’m the first person to have issue with this? These questions generally result in the “huh” look or “Ma’am you’re the only one who’s ever had an issue with this” or “Look lady (witch), you’ll have to take this up with someone else” (translate: get out of my face!) or “No, but that’s the rule”. These answers frustrate me to no end!

So, what I’ve determined is the majority of people will do as told without question. Going back to Merriam-Webster’s definition, rules are “accepted custom” (by the majority) to”exercise control” (by the rule makers). But here’s the thing, I use my “prescribed for conduct or action” based on my experience or what makes sense to ME!! I don’t necessarily know the rules because I don’t think like the rule makers and I’m never the rule maker (except in my home). I go blithely through life being Dorna and then BAM…I run into “the rules”. Rules not made by me or had my input. Rules made for those who don’t always want to think. Rules that don’t necessarily make sense to anyone other than the rule maker!

As a result of all this reflection, I submit I’m not a rule breaker but a rule challenger !! I invite everyone to question the rules also. Don’t always go with the flow, because crap flows downhill!!

As Pam says…be a blessing!!

Copyright October7, 2010 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

1 comment:

  1. I chuckled as a i read this post. this is so me. I was always questioning "the rules" at work. My supervisor hated coming to talk to me about work. This is why I was perceived as difficult in my last job. but the post is on point.
