Friday, September 10, 2010

Revisting Why I Write

It has been a little over a year since I started this blog. So I think it is a fitting time to reiterate my reasons for doing so and also to reflect on what I have written. As I reviewed my original "Why Write" post, things haven't changed much in my opinion about why I do what I do. I still write for me and I still want to be transparent. I want to grow and I want to inspire you to grow. I want to challenge and be challenged. I want to exercise my God given gifts and talents. I also write to inspire my children to do and undertake whatever their hearts desire. Chante started a blog because she was inspired by me and her Big Sister/Cousin Toot. You never know how you will impact your child. In light of the post written yesterday, be careful to be a positive influence. Your children and someone else's are watching your every move and action!

I am a major procrastinator. It irks the hell out out my handsome husband. It works for me, not against me, in almost every situation. So of course this should have been written on August 26, 2010. That was the anniversary of my first post. Somehow, that day came and went and it never crossed my mind to review the year's worth of blogs. My blogs have run the gamut, topic wise. I have written about issues that are near and dear to me. I have highlighted current events and issues. I have reflected on legendary people. I have commented on history, parenting, and friendship. I have told you my favorite products and given you my pet peeves too. In short, I have a lot to say and I am not through yet. I have grown in my sharing and been honest. Transparency is still difficult, not because I don't want to be honest but because I don't really want to be judged. Who does?

Let this serve as  reminder to each of you. I am still and always will be a WORK IN PROGRESS.  I am not perfect but I still put my self and my opinions out there. My blogs are not about any of you(SN: neither are my FB statuses) per se. If we have a conversation and the subject matter weighs heavily on my heart, chances are it may become fodder for a blog post. I am never going to put anyone out there. I am going to state my opinion and it may not be politically correct.  You can always chose to read any other of the million other blogs out there. Sometimes, though, we need to come out of our little comfort zones and face the truth or be challenged in a different way. Growth is difficult but alas it is necessary. You can always provide me with an alternative view. I am willing to share my blog with a guest post. I am not writing to stroke egos but I would like my posts to be pleasing to God.Now sometimes, even that simply doesn't happen. I am a sinner saved by God's grace and mercy and sometimes flesh takes over. Note that that was a disclaimer. ;)

Finally, I really want to thank my loyal readers, especially those who offer comments both public and personal. The dialogue has been great! I am always left with something to think/pray about but more importantly, I am encouraged by each of your honesty and encouragement. If you told a friend to subscribe or check me out, I am eternally grateful. Strangers will tell you things your friends won't. For those of you who have spoken positively into my life and encourage me to keep writing, I am very appreciative. I am trying to work on God's timeline for a change so my book is still not ready to be birthed. Apparently, God still needs to prepare me in some way. Ruh-oh, it might be scary. I think I can handle it, but you never know.

So welcome to a new year with Miss Read! I will continue to be blunt, honest, and transparent. I will continue to address whatever I deem necessary. I hope you find it a thrill to keep up with me as I work through my issues and maybe yours too! That is why I write-to free my mind and yours and host of other reasons already listed in this and the previous post. Till next time, be a vessel God can use! Ciao!

Copyright September 10, 2010 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

1 comment:

  1. Because it's your forte in the words of a wise young aspiring Diva....
