Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is Your Past Holding You Back?

A lot of conversations that I have had lately have centered on past relationships and past actions and how those things affect our life choices today. Many of us are haunted by demons of the past and we don't even recognize it. We don't recognize it because we have suppressed things to better cope with or to prevent hurting some one's feelings. What we fail to realize is that eventually suppressing things will hurt us and perhaps even those we love.

I don't have any cut and dry solutions to the problem of one releasing their past hurts and pains. I just realize that we all have some junk in our trunk that affects us daily. I am immensely aware that we need to let those things go to get to the blessing God has prepared for us.  In order to get through or past these things, we may need to have some tough conversations or take a hard look at ourselves in the mirror. I think every person can use a little therapy in their life. I'm just saying....we all have some stuff. Because we are all works in progress, it is pointless to play the blame game. Our parents probably did the best they could to protect and teach us so we could become productive adults.

It is easy for me to say don't let your past hold you back but it isn't necessarily easy for everyone to do. Some of us have trust issues and don't want to discuss our business with another party. African Americans usually seem reluctant to seek help. They often keep things in and I won't even get into some of the family secrets that never really get dealt with. I know some of you won't believe me but there is always a place to go to release your baggage. God is always there to hear your cries. His Word has been given to us to deal with all of life's issues. Did you hear me?  ALL OF LIFE'S ISSUES are dealt with in the HOLY BIBLE.

There are a million self-help books out there and trust me, one of them will say exactly what you want to hear. Is that really going to be helpful for you? I don't think so. Really, this blog is to encourage you to seek help from somewhere. Some of us aren't walking into our God-given destiny because we have not dealt with our past demons. We might be good but we aren't great. Good is the enemy of great! Why settle?!? Get yourself some help-paid, free, professional, or turn to God's map for our lives The Bible. You can get it in a vast multitude of translations meaning no thees and thous. LOL! Seriously though, deal with whatever is haunting you. It will free you and those around you. In Christ, there is liberty. We were meant to be free(ref. Galatians 5:1). Till next time, take the steps necessary to put the past behind and to press forward(ref. Philippians 3:14-15). Be blessed and be a blessing! Peace!

Copyright September 14, 2010 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

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