Can you believe it!?! Another major snow storm in the DMV(DC, MD, VA area). It is the 4th largest snowfall ever. People, I have lived in this area off and on since 1992. It still amazes me that the area is surprised when God blankets us with mounds and mounds of snow. I realize that we certainly should not expect the ginormous amounts of snow seen in Cleveland or Buffalo but dammit, it does snow here and frankly we should be used to it.
The Dept. of Public Works is always caught off guard and the proper budget allocation never occurs. Sometimes, we even run out of salt and the other necessary items to treat the roads. Dare I even discuss the grocery store situation? Are you really that short on milk, eggs, bread, orange juice, and toilet paper? How long do you think it will be before you can actually leave the safety of your warm home? It is just not that serious! Unless of course you have no electricity or trees are falling down around you.
I believe in safety and precaution. I will never knowingly jeopardize the welfare of anyone. I really think there needs to be a class for driving in the snow. It is something that you can only learn from experience. When we have major snow, I stay home and enjoy my family as much as possible. We play games, watch movies, and bake and eat a lot. I stay home, not because I am not able to drive in the snow but because I can't drive for everyone else. If the children were given a snow day, they stay home. They don't get to sleep over a friends or go to the movies because heck if it was too dangerous to go to school then it is still too dangerous to be out cavorting with their friends. Snow days and blizzards are a great opportunity to really exhale and do some things you haven't done. It is also a good time to bond with your family. No obligations or commitments are weighing on you.
The picture, accompanying this post, is of my street. Not a plow had come through. That was around 3PM today and it had been snowing for over 24 hours. As of this moment, a plow has gone down the middle of my street, one time. Like myself, my neighbors are wondering where the heck we put all this snow. I could hardly walk, the snow was almost up to my crotch. My kids are already wondering if they will again enjoy the warmth and comfort of home on Monday. Note though that they want to attend the Annual Super Bowl Party at a friends house tomorrow! They are a trip! Go figure. Well maybe not, I am watching the news as I type this post and two school systems have close for Monday and Tuesday.
So I have had my say. Tomorrow I will again help my husband by shoveling. I will continue to bake cookies and cakes at my family's request. I will read, read, and read some more. I will play Wii like crazy. Cabin Fever takes a while to settle on my family. We love being in our pajamas. We enjoy each other's company and we have enough space that we can retreat to our own areas when we've had enough of each other. We go out and take pictures(or we keep gong to the window) as we marvel at God's handiwork. The peace and brightness of fresh fallen snow can only bring you to the thought that He is the Master Creator. No matter whether you love the snow or not, it is always beautiful as it sits on the trees and branches. So as you get quiet before that picturesque scene, you have to give God praise. Oh, by the way, they are predicting additional snow on Tuesday.
Copyright February 6, 2010 by Pamela Cole Thorpe
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