Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Be Encouraged

So today is Groundhogs Day.....Guess what? It is snowing again! Neither of those is the reason for this post. We are now into the second month of the year and I feel like I simply need to put a word of encouragement out there for my peeps. Times are difficult for everyone and folks are seriously depressed for one reason or another. That includes me. On any given day, we are all struggling with some life issue.

As a Christian, struggle with being down or complaining about my circumstances. The Bible tells us to be content in our various situations(Phil 4:11) and that all things will work for our benefit(Rom 8:28). We tend to forget that that will happen in God's time not ours. We simply need to pray and heed His voice. I know being obedient is so difficult sometimes, especially when you want to throw up your hands and scream at the top of our lungs. You know that you want to throw an all out tantrum sometimes. It just might feel liberating but as adults we usually let cooler heads prevail.

So what is my point? It is this...Weeping may endure for the night but joy does come in the morning(Psa 30:5). Joy may simply be the fact that we woke up with the ability to think and move. Well someone didn't, so be joyful in that fact. God sees and knows every struggle we face. Praying doesn't change His position, it changes ours. Just a little talk with Jesus really does make it right. Whatever your situation, it could always be worse. On our worse day, our situation just ain't that bad. If you need to be convinced, ask a person who still is wondering about a loved one in Haiti. Ask a person who just lost everything in a house fire. The list goes on. We have much to be thankful for. Our pain leads to growth in our character. God has not put more in front of you than you can bear(I Cor. 10:13)

So my friend, be encouraged, God has not forgotten you. Use your support system, we are supposed to bear each other's burdens(Gal. 6:2). When this season passes, you will have a testimony to share with and inspire others. Guess what? It just might bless someones socks off. I love you but God loves you more. Don't let that problem or difficult circumstance have victory over you or steal your joy. You are equipped to handle it and you are going to be better/stronger for it. I know it! I hope you do find some encouragement in this message. We all need it sometimes. Lift up your head and carry forth. I know you will be fine!

Copyright February 2, 2010 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

1 comment:

  1. This is very good sound advice, and it comes straight from the scriptures so there's no arguing with that! My mom was the extremist when I was little. You know little one's can be the most impatient and seemingly dissatisfied with their itty bitty lives. She used to tell me to think about the little girl with no arms or no legs. You have no idea how many years I glanced around for that little girl. Needless to say it got me to thinking about how fortunate I was even if I was without whatever it was I was wishing for. Weather I think has a lot to do with our mood sometimes too, but reflecting on God's word can remind us of how much he values us personally, and how much we have to be thankful. Thanks Pam. I know I needed the reminder.
