Friday, September 11, 2009

Eight Years Later......

We can all remember where we were and what we were doing on September 11, 2001.  We were glued to the television for hours, staring in horror at scenes which would forever be etched in our minds.  Tragedy struck America and it would never ever be the same. Freedoms we took for granted were gone forever. When all the dust had settled, the Twin Towers had fallen, the Pentagon has sustained major damage and countless lives were lost.

Nine years later, America still stands, a country forever changed by the tragic events of one fateful day. Yet we still stand strong. We are still resilient. We still love our stars and stripes. We still remember the victims. We also know that freedom is to be cherished. It might come at a cost. Yet, we go on. It is important to remember that we can't take anything for granted and many things remain out of our control. No one expected what happened on that day. Life is short!

Support your military! Support your friends! Reach for your goals! Encourage those around you to do the same. Most importantly, celebrate the freedoms to which you have become accustomed, but celebrate them with the memory that everything has a price. Nothing should be taken for granted. We really aren't entitled to anything. No matter how cynical I may be, I know in my heart that it is important to be patriotic, love breeds love.  Pray for your troops and more importantly, pray for our President/Commander in Chief and his family, and also the future of our country and all the freedoms we hold dear. America is and will remain "the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave."

Copyright September 11, 2009 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

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