I have been AWOL and Lord knows things have been moving and shaking in my absence. Sometimes it kills me not to put my opinion out there. Life calls though and I can't always post like I want, when I want. That being said, I am going to riff on several things.
First up, Herman Cain. I am going to keep it short and simple! I hate arrogant people who are also ignorant. Herman Cain fits the bill. I never considered him a serious contender for the GOP nomination but let's face it, their pickings are extremely slim. That being the case, he was allowed to gain popularity despite being ill informed on a variety of subjects. I am gonna say that he is also an unattractive womanizer. Goodness, he reminds me so much of Clarence Thomas that I wanna scream. I am mad because he didn't champion his wife enough to go immediately to clear up the drama of all these women coming out of the woodwork to say that he allegedly sexually harassed them. He made the wife wait five days before he went to see her. WTF? Dead wrong!As of this posting, I guess he's had plenty of time to mend fences with her because he has finally done the appropriate thing and removed himself from the media spotlight.Now we can focus n the antics of Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Happy happy joy joy!
Let me just put this out there. Is Gloria Allred the only attorney who can represent sexually harassed victims of men in the spotlight? I mean really. I hate seeing her! Maybe it's just me!
Jerry Sandusky was again arrested on yesterday as a ninth and tenth accuser have come forward to allege abuse at the hands of the former Penn State defensive coordinator. Joe Paterno has been been fired. The legacy of that University has been tarnished forever. The major question which emerges is this, actually there is no question. Joe Paterno was dead wrong for not being more proactive about Sandusky's problem. We are our brother's keeper and as a coach, Joe had a responsibility to do the right thing and pursue corrective action.
Donald Trump is back. Oh joy! Here he is talking politics again. Really, media whores are ruining the US one appearance at a time. What serious presidential candidate in their right mind would participate in a debate moderated by him? Trump has and always will have his own agenda. Any minute he will be talking about running again. Like that could happen.
Today, there has been another shooting at Virgina Tech. This really saddens me. I know you really aren't safe anywhere but my goodness, how much can one school take. I am praying that my children aren't interested in going there. Once again, the Virginia Tech community stands in need of our prayers and support. I am not sure what is going on but I know God is ultimately in control.
Black Friday was about two weeks ago. I am saddened by the stories of trampling, pepper spraying, and gunfire all to get a cherished item at a bargain price. At some point don't we have all the video games and electronics that we can use? Haven't these folks got Internet service? Order your stuff from the comfort of your home. If you must go out, use your manners people. Be on your best behavior.
I am going to close for now. I promise to return soon. In the mean time, It is the Christmas season. Christian or not, most folks get caught up in what is a spiritual holiday. Jesus is the reason for the season. Commercialism abounds but the true meaning of the season is giving. Go beyond the gifts and focus on your character. Are you giving your best? God gave us His best. Take a moment to pause and reflect on how far you come and what you have achieved. Did you make a difference? If not, it isn't too late.
In the Spirit of the Season,
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