Today is Christmas Eve! Yea! You all know that I absolutely love Christmas. From my previous post, you also know that I was having trouble getting into to the spirit of the season this year. Well the moment is upon us. I know there are folks out there shopping today but alas, I will not be one of them. Children are eagerly anticipating all the material things that they will receive under their beautifully decorated trees tomorrow. Parents are exhausted from running to and fro to find the right toy or gadget. Cookies are baked, parties have been given. The sad thought is that most of things have not included the real thing. Jesus, the reason for the season. You all are aware that Christmas is a spiritual holiday, aren't we? Funny, even secular folk get caught up in the wonder of the moment.
Christmas Eve is a good time to reflect on the past year and start looking ahead to the year to come. If you are reading this post, you are very blessed. God has been good to you. For some reading the post, it has been a good year, for others perhaps, it has been stressful year. All of us have weathered our share of ups and downs, trials and triumphs. We have lost loved ones, gained new friends, watched our finances stretch beyond our wildest imaginations. We've seen politics played out in the most immature and condescending fashion. Celebrities fiascoes have invaded our homes and wasted our time(and energy). Terrorists have been captured and killed. Icons have died and left legacies that will forever change technology. Television will not be the same but of course we already know that given the number of reality televisions shows that air daily and the lack of talk shows being able to survive.
No matter what has happened, guess who was NOT surprised? You got it, GOD. He ordained every single moment. I often find myself wondering why He allows some of the foolishness. Look what sin has done. Anyhoo, I digress! Christmas Eve is one of my favorite part of the season. Energy is high in my house and just about every other house in the world. What I hope is not missing is the reflection of what happened long long ago. The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Like Mary, the Virgin Mother, there are things we really should ponder in our heart.
Christmas should be carried with us throughout the year not just from Thanksgiving to New Year. Our hearts should be filled with love for others 24/7. We should be kind to strangers and service workers. We should be hospitable, we should be caring and we should be happy. Our minds should go to the lonely neighbor down the street, the childless widow at work, the countless men and women who sacrifice their family time and unfortunately, sometimes their lives to protect our country, and the saints who serve on mission fields to spread the gospel of Christ. Our prayers should also be filled with these people. I say it all the time, "Be blessed and be a blessing!" Blessing don't have to cost a thing. It takes nothing to smile, hold the door, or engage someone in a really meaningful conversation. The gift of time is precious but it is also priceless.
Jesus had the unique ability to meet people wherever they were. Jesus met all of their needs. Physical, mental, emotion, and most importantly, their spiritual needs. Ministry is work but He made it look so easy. Jesus was never impatient and always had an agenda, yet He took time to nourish His own spirit with prayer. He surrounded himself with a myriad of characters who were constantly surprised by His compassion, power, and insight. Take note my friends. and take heart. Life isn't easy. It is even more difficult when you only focus on yourself and fail to pray.
As we embrace the real day that has been set aside to celebrate the birth of Christ, let us all reflect on how unselfishly God gave His only Son Jesus Christ for us. Let us not keep Jesus out of our celebration. Let us hold the love we have at Christmas in our heart the whole year through. Embrace your family and friends and hold them close. Yea, I know they are all dysfunctional but hey, they are your dysfunctional peeps. Be kind to strangers, all the time. Donate to charity! SMILE! PRAY! BE BLESSED AND BE A BLESSING!
Whatever you celebrate...Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Christmas......let it be filled with love and laughter. Be merry. Be thankful for all God has brought you through. You aren't the same person you were last Christmas. Hopefully, that is a good thing. Everyday is a new day. Christmas spirit can be a part of every one of them. As the night ushers in Christmas, remember that without CHRIST, there would be no Christmas and that Jesus is the reason for the season. Make that reality a part of your thoughts for the next 36 hours. You simply can't have a celebration with out inviting the guest of honor to the celebration! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
In Diva love,
Very eloquent.....remembering the reason for the season is the only thing that keeps me sane. Thanks for the reminder. I hope your holidays have been blessed. I look forward to catching up with you in the new year.