Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lazy Days

Like a lot of the East Coast,we have been out of school more than we have been in school lately. Gotta love cold snowy days. So what does one do? Well if you are me, you read a lot. You watch a lot of movies, and well, you bake. Last week, we only were in school on Friday. If I ever get another job, outside of the school system, I will probably die. I absolutely love my work schedule. Can't beat it. 

That being said, Netflix has become my family's bestest friend. Everyone is watching{catching up on} some series and they watch every free moment they get. I can take it or leave it but given how much time off we've had, I too have gotten in on the action. I love a good show with complex characters, engaging plot, and lack of predictability. I am eagerly awaiting the return of two Netflix series. Orange is the New Black and House of Cards are really good shows. Again, no compensation but check them out. I am a big fan of Kevin Spacey and he is the star of House of Cards. Orange is the New Black grabbed me pretty quick and I am eagerly anticipating new installments.

Yesterday, I was home alone and had nothing else to clean  that I wanted to clean.. I decided to finally watch Fruitvale Station. It is the story of a young African American male, 22 years old who is senselessly killed by rent a cops the subway guards at a subway station on after ringing in the New Year. It left me teary and sad. It left his family and friends shocked and outraged. It left a daughter who was clearly a daddy's girl to be raised by a single mom. It left me again thinking about how quickly life can change. One minute, Oscar was celebrating the New Year with his girlfriend and homies and the next he was fighting for his rights as a man and minutes later, his life. The story is tragic and heartbreaking. Oscar is no angel but neither are most of us. He was flawed but he was a real complex young man who clearly loved his family and friends. Senseless deaths occur everyday all over this country and it really does make my heart ache. Life is full of twists and turns. It's precious. Tell your loved ones you love them.

When I am tired of watching movies and television, I resort to my favorite thing....baking or cooking. With the invention of Pinterest, there are a ton of new things out there to try. If the kitchen is not your area, then you might be inspired by the craft ideas. When all else fails, I love word games. My family will not play Scrabble with me despite the fact that it remains my favorite family board game. Thank goodness, my Iphone allows me to keep my mind productive. I have countless games of Words with Friends and Scramble with Friends going on. I am also addicted to Candy Crush Saga. Last week my daughter introduced me to Quiz up. Needless to say, I can keep myself entertained. I am not a napper so sleep is not high on my priorities. 

Finally, I do try to spend more time developing my relationship with Christ. I am always looking for inspiring devotionals and studies. I have read the Bible from cover to cover on several occasions. Every time, there is something new to discover about God and myself. If you are a Christian, you know that you are always a work in progress and there will always be room for improvement. This year I want my relationship with Christ to be more personal and more dynamic than ever before. I am trying to personalize the scriptures for myself because every promise God made is for me{and you too}. I think our prayers are strengthened when we make God's Word real and personal. I am hoping that as I go through various trials, that I can clearly see God's Hand every step of the way and that I give Him the praise He deserves. I want to be as faithful to Christ as He is to me. I already know that 2014 is going to be a game changer. Only God knows how He has worked it out. I am trusting and believing that Jer. 29:11 is written for me in this season of my life. Peace and blessings!

In Diva Love, 


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