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Like a lot of the East Coast,we have been out of school more than we have been in school lately. Gotta love cold snowy days. So what does one do? Well if you are me, you read a lot. You watch a lot of movies, and well, you bake. Last week, we only were in school on Friday. If I ever get another job, outside of the school system, I will probably die. I absolutely love my work schedule. Can't beat it.
That being said, Netflix has become my family's bestest friend. Everyone is watching{catching up on} some series and they watch every free moment they get. I can take it or leave it but given how much time off we've had, I too have gotten in on the action. I love a good show with complex characters, engaging plot, and lack of predictability. I am eagerly awaiting the return of two Netflix series. Orange is the New Black and House of Cards are really good shows. Again, no compensation but check them out. I am a big fan of Kevin Spacey and he is the star of House of Cards. Orange is the New Black grabbed me pretty quick and I am eagerly anticipating new installments.
Yesterday, I was home alone and had nothing else to clean that I wanted to clean.. I decided to finally watch Fruitvale Station. It is the story of a young African American male, 22 years old who is senselessly killed by rent a cops the subway guards at a subway station on after ringing in the New Year. It left me teary and sad. It left his family and friends shocked and outraged. It left a daughter who was clearly a daddy's girl to be raised by a single mom. It left me again thinking about how quickly life can change. One minute, Oscar was celebrating the New Year with his girlfriend and homies and the next he was fighting for his rights as a man and minutes later, his life. The story is tragic and heartbreaking. Oscar is no angel but neither are most of us. He was flawed but he was a real complex young man who clearly loved his family and friends. Senseless deaths occur everyday all over this country and it really does make my heart ache. Life is full of twists and turns. It's precious. Tell your loved ones you love them.
When I am tired of watching movies and television, I resort to my favorite thing....baking or cooking. With the invention of Pinterest, there are a ton of new things out there to try. If the kitchen is not your area, then you might be inspired by the craft ideas. When all else fails, I love word games. My family will not play Scrabble with me despite the fact that it remains my favorite family board game. Thank goodness, my Iphone allows me to keep my mind productive. I have countless games of Words with Friends and Scramble with Friends going on. I am also addicted to Candy Crush Saga. Last week my daughter introduced me to Quiz up. Needless to say, I can keep myself entertained. I am not a napper so sleep is not high on my priorities.
Finally, I do try to spend more time developing my relationship with Christ. I am always looking for inspiring devotionals and studies. I have read the Bible from cover to cover on several occasions. Every time, there is something new to discover about God and myself. If you are a Christian, you know that you are always a work in progress and there will always be room for improvement. This year I want my relationship with Christ to be more personal and more dynamic than ever before. I am trying to personalize the scriptures for myself because every promise God made is for me{and you too}. I think our prayers are strengthened when we make God's Word real and personal. I am hoping that as I go through various trials, that I can clearly see God's Hand every step of the way and that I give Him the praise He deserves. I want to be as faithful to Christ as He is to me. I already know that 2014 is going to be a game changer. Only God knows how He has worked it out. I am trusting and believing that Jer. 29:11 is written for me in this season of my life. Peace and blessings!
In Diva Love,
Today is the day we honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I am reflecting on his courage and magnetism. He was such an awesome orator. He moved people to action when he wasn't satisfied that people of color were being treated fairly. He moved a nation to correct it's injustice and the Civil Right Movement moved forward with fervor and speed under his repeated cries for justice and equality for all. Fifty years later, I am sure he would be pleased with our progress toward fulfilling his dream but I am sure he, like myself, would think we still had room for growth. The dream is still a work in progress in an America where color is the majority. We have work to do when it comes to treating people fairly in nearly every arena. Everyone wants their fair share of the pie. We all want to be recognized for our merit and pray that bias isn't holding us back.
We live in a society where the discussion of race is still not easily broached and discussions tend to be more superficial than honest. America is going to be continually forced to deal with the issue of color and treatment of people who are not white. We are in a unique position of progressing the dream without violence and less prejudices. We cannot overlook the tragedies of the past but we can move forward with dignity and grace. Heaven is going to be a rainbow of color and race; religion, education, money, and other frivolous things will mean absolutely nothing. We can no longer major on the minor.
Keeping the dream alive means embracing all races and colors, as well as insuring that our friends and neighbors are treated fairly and get to reap the same benefits as everyone else. Left to our own devices, we all have bias-conscious and unconscious but let's face it, our fear is really what holds us back. We need to champion ourselves and others but none of us should be held in higher regard than anyone else. We don't have to agree but we should be able to agree to disagree without hate, malice or violence. The best way to keep the dream alive, is to live it and ensure that those around us are living it too. All things start with one small action. If you can change one action, you can inspire change in your little sphere of the world. I think then and only then will Dr. King's dream be fully realized. I am going to do my part, are you going to do yours?
Keeping the Dream Alive
in Diva Love,
We are seven days into the new year and I had the day off due to excessive cold. I live in the DMV. It is safe to say that in Northern Virginia, we waste snow days left and right. Thank goodness the school system builds extra days into the calendar (which they don't give back if they go unused). I am from dreary Cleveland, Ohio where the sky is grey way more than it is blue. I grew up in harsh winters with bitter cold. We went to school with snow up to our knees and not a school bus in sight. Snow days were always the result of sub-par temperatures(think negative something crazy!). Needless to say, we hardly ever had them.
Fast forward about to my current life. Snow days are declared before a snowflake falls out of the sky. Parents are cyber-bullying a superintendent who chose not to close schools. People in this area can't drive in the rain so honestly sometimes it is safer to stay off the roads in the snow or ice. Which brings me to my rant. I have lived in this area since 1992 with the exception of about 2 years. It is time for the folks to get over their weather issues and suck up a few inches of snow. It has snowed enough in the years since that we should be able to handle these situations with grace and finesse. We should have enough salt and de-icer to treat the roads in a timely manner. Now granted I want my children and everyone else's to be safe. The county I live in hasn't quite figured out when to delay schools versus closing them. Part of the problem lies in the fact that they need to institute parking bans on streets so all streets can be cleared. School buses have a difficult time navigating some of these streets in the sun so ice makes it tricky. My point is that I think we need to adjust. Times are changing and so is the weather. Gone are the mild winters that the DMV is used too. Suck it up and adjust!
While I am ranting about cold, let me just say this: Parents dress your children properly for the weather. I am floored by the number of children who enter the school at 8:00AM with shorts, no jackets, thin T-shirts, and shower shoes. Seriously people?!?!?!? My car was reading 20 degrees so they must be cold. Heck I am freezing and I have on layers and a coat! Responsible adults are supposed to impart wisdom to irresponsible children.
Okay, I am off my soapbox about winter stuff. Let me share something that was really cool. My church is building a new facility to accommodate our growing congregation and hopefully decrease the number of services we currently hold. The foundation is done and covered but we are nowhere near completion. A friend of mine suggested that we go in and write the names of friends and loved ones that we wanted to see come to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior and be impacted by our church family. Our pastor shared the idea with us and told us to pray about who we wanted to impact in the future and be prepared to write those names on the first Sunday in January. On Sunday, I attended our 12:45 services(I usually attend 10:15 service) and it was so sweet to enter our new building and see the congregants excited about who they wanted our church to impact. I wasn't prepared for how emotional or humbling that experience would be. What a privilege it will be to witness the prayers of our congregation answered. It was cool to see a mom and her relatively young children sitting on the floor listing the children's peers. It was sweet to see people write their prayers as well as the names they had chosen. God is going to do extraordinary things in our church and I feel excited about that!
In May, I purchased a book called Q&A a Day-A five year journal. I absolutely love it. It encourages me to write something each day. The questions range from the deep to the irreverent and everything in between. I love it and I have gifted it. Just thought I'd share that! As for how I begin my morning, Sarah Young's Jesus Calling is a great devotional. It makes another great gift. I am not being compensated for this I just like them and am sharing.
Last but not least, I hope your year has begun on a positive note. Remember that God chose you for whatever you face. Yes, I often wish He didn't trust me so much but what a testimony once we reach the other side. Breathe and pray! Smile! Be kind and remember that if God is for you, who can be against you!
In Diva Love,
As we usher in a new year full of hope and dreams, it is easy to forget that every day is new and we can begin again. I am over resolutions. Oh I have things that I want and need to see come to pass in this new and never seen before year. I was more than happy to wish 2013 a fond farewell. It was a difficult year but I won't complain because God has a plan and though I certainly am not enjoying it, He knows what is best.
This year my prayer is quite simple. I want to grow in Christ. I want to exemplify His character when I would rather act like a ratchet chick with no sense. I want to be able to handle the tests that Christ has set aside for me without grumbling or complaining. This past year I kept thinking that I wish He didn't trust me so much. I am strong and independent but I still need my friends and family. I would be hurting without the prayer warriors in my life. I want to grow in my prayer life and be enriched spiritually.
I am going to stand on the promises of Jesus. They are true for me(and you). I hope to receive a double portion of God's blessings. I am looking for miracles and breakthroughs. I want to have a testimony that will bless some one's socks off. I have worked on becoming more transparent as I get older-still can't trust everyone with everything. So I guess I want the Lord to use me and whatever circumstances that I face as a vehicle for me and others but most importantly for His glory.
Father, bless anyone who is reading this blog. Let 2014 be the year of double blessings and miracles in their life and my own. Let us see You in ways we have never seen you before. Heal the broken-hearted. Provide in situations where there seems to be no way. Bless our nation and its leaders. Let us all be mindful that EVERYTHING comes from you and we can't rely on our own sufficiency. Let see things spiritually and discern the schemes of the devil. Let no weapon formed against us prosper. When all is said and done, let us give you all the praise and honor and help us to realize that we would never have made it without you. In the Name of Jesus! AMEN!