Monday, September 19, 2011

God has My Back

Earlier today someone asked me what songs could summarize my life right now. One of my choices was a song by Kurt Carr called "For Every Mountain." The lyrics are as follows, "I've got so much to thank God for. So many blessings and so many open doors. A brand new mercy. Along with each new day. That's why I praise You. For this I give you praise. Chorus: For waking me up this morning.That's why I praise You. For starting me on my way. That's why I praise You. For letting me see the sunlight of a brand new day. A brand new mercy along with each new day. That's why I praise You. For this I give You praise. For every mountain You brought me over. For every trial you've seen me through For every blessing. Hallelujah for this I give you praise."  Whenever I hear it, it touches my soul.

I love music, especially gospel music. It is an integral part of my worship and praise experience. That song is always a gentle reminder that God can carry me through any and every problem. It also reminds me that just waking up and beginning a new day is in fact a blessing. The main fact though is that God has brought me through each and every trial. Some trials are mountains and others are molehills. In many of those trials, I felt alone and quite a bit of despair. Sometimes I could pray my way through but I am not afraid to have others intercede for me.

Life ain't easy and no two days are the same. No matter what, God never changes. His Word doesn't change. Nothing I experience as an individual is new to Christ. It is important that I focus my eyes on Him. People can and will fail you but He doesn't. On my worse day, it still isn't a horrible day. I never know how most of my issues/problems will work themselves out but God knows and He cares. He doesn't always work them the way I think He will but in every situation/circumstance, He reveals something about me and I learn something about Him and His character. In every case, I end up being just fine. I don't know who reads my blogs, nor do I know who has a relationship with Christ. What I do know is this, for me, a day without Christ would be extremely messed up. I have read the Bible from cover to cover on several occasions and every time, God shows me something new and different. Every experience grows me up and matures me. I have by no means arrived. I just trust that the Master's plan is the best plan for me. So please be encouraged. You too can make it through. Hopefully you have God on your side and in your life. Then you can join me in singing......till next time, Be blessed and of course be a blessing! Peace!

Copyright September 19, 2011 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

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