Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who Gonna Check Me, Boo?

As the year begins, we all make commitments to do better studying the Word of God. That is if you are a Christian and I certainly hope you are. I try really hard to commit to having some devotional quiet time each morning. It is very hard for me to commit to on the weekend. Recently, I was asked to be a part of a tech accountability group who would commit to reading the same devotional and checking in via e-mail. I am absolutely loving it. We don't all know each other and we have varying views on the material. We share our thoughts, struggles, and prayer requests. It has been going well so far.

We got the idea from a blog which explains how to set up your own. here is the link, The accountability period lasts for 90 days.  There is a study you can follow there or you can choose your own. The group is called Good Morning Girls. Tech accountability groups can take on a range of ideas. My girlfriend, Dana, had a group that focused on finances and financial issues. Groups like this support and encourage you to be better and do better. My group is using Donna Partow's, Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be: A 90-Day Guide to Living the Proverbs 31 Life. She is touching on lots of aspects women deal with from prayer, to home, to diet, and everything in between.

I am learning a lot about myself and I am thoroughly enjoying the perspectives of the women in my group. You never know what you can learn from someone else. We all need to be held accountable lest we go astray. What do you need to be held accountable for? Find you a small group of like minded people and set up a group. It might not be a spiritual accountability group, it may be health and fitness, finances, or parenting. Whatever it might be, try it. A three month commitment is a commitment. It is a short season. Everything works with checks and balances. We were not meant to journey life alone. So...who gonna check ya, Boo? Till next time, be a blessing!!!

Copyright January 27, 2011 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

Saturday, January 22, 2011

10 Ways to Love People

My mom is on a roll. She has been sending some advice for life lately. She sent me this and of course I loved it. Not only is a good way to love others but it really is good for everyday living. Life would be less complicated if we can follow these simple guidelines. Give it a try. The year is still quite young and these rules can be utilized forever(and at any age). In fact, the younger we learn these things, the better off we'd all be. Remember, baby steps. If you fail, you can re-try daily. God gives multiple chances. I think He'd be more than pleased to see His children act out these principles in our day to day lives.

1. Listen without interrupting.  (Proverbs 18)

2. Speak without accusing.  (James 1:19)

3. Give without sparing.  (Proverbs 21:26)

4. Pray without ceasing.  (Colossians 1:9)

5. Answer without arguing.  (Proverbs 17:1)

6. Share without pretending.  (Ephesians 4:15)

7. Enjoy without complaint.  (Philippians 2:14)

8. Trust without wavering.  (Corinthians 13:7)

9. Forgive without punishing.  (Colossians 3:13)

10. Promise without forgetting.  (Proverbs 13:12)

Love is the greatest commandment of all. God has called us first into relationship with Him and then into relationship with others. It would be easy to be a Christian if we didn't have to deal with people. Life is not that simple. Employ these principles and exemplify love. If you need additional reinforcement about what it means to love, you should review I Corinthians 13. That said, let us all purpose to do do better at loving others. Have a safe and blessed weekend!

Copyright January 21, 2011 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Questionable Motives Part 2

Yesterday's blog just flowed out of me. That was great! What was even greater than that, was the confirmation I received during my morning quiet time and devotions, that what I said was on point. Yesterday, I challenged you to examine your motives. I encouraged you to make sure that the reasons you do what you do or say what you say or think what you think were edifying to Christ. Remember, only what you do for Christ will last.

This is what got me excited enough to share.....I am reading my devotions and the author points out that we bring harm to God when our motives and priorities aren't to please Him. Can you believe that? Harm! I am sure none of us ever wakes up thinking about bringing harm to God. After all, He has all power yet He gave us free will. Then I read another devotion and lo and behold it gave me this verse  to further confirm the fact that when our motives are wrong, we do bring harm to God. Matthew 12:30(NLT) states, "Anyone who isn't with me opposes me, and anyone who isn't working with me is actually working against me." 

That is a very powerful statement. In other words, we need to let God handle His own business. There is no need for us to manipulate a situation with wrong motives. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us to accomplish His will.  So today's question is, Do you really want to bring harm to God? I don't think so. So that being said, again, I challenge you to check your motives. Not only can you bring harm to God but you probably will end up bringing harm to yourself. Till next time, examine yourself. Peace!

Copyright January 20, 2011 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Questionable Motives

Have you ever heard the saying that only what you do for Christ will last? Have you ever really thought about the true meaning of that? If you really ponder that, it is DEEP. All your actions, thoughts, words, and deeds are pretty much worthless unless they were to edify Christ. Wow! Huh? The mere thought made me think that we should always be mindful of our true motives for the things we say and do(on the outside and in our minds).

As we journey through the New Year, let me challenge you to really think about why you do the things you do. Are you doing them for self gratification? Are you doing things to please others?  Perhaps you do things to prove a point or to manipulate a situation. Or are you doing them because they have eternal value? I know many of us act quite a bit without thinking. Others really do have some type of agenda. It would certainly be lovely if everyone had a Christ agenda. You would not question their motives because there would be none, other than to please Christ.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about why people do what they do? I think a lot about why I do the things I do. All of my actions are not to please Christ but I do desire to be more and more like Him each day. It is very challenging because of course I can't control all the variables. I can't pre-determine how people will act or re-act, nor can I control what they think or say. I can control my thoughts, words, and actions. It is a daily challenge for me to take my eyes off of the people that I deal with and try to please Christ. Satan is definitely not wanting that to happen. Already, it seems as if he is throwing darts at me from every angle. Well, I may not be victorious every day but I will not give up nor will I give in.

Sometimes you just know what you know. I know this is going to be a good year for me. Something in my spirit is telling me that. I have begun the year in a positive frame of mind. I have begun with a strong desire to grow in my RELATIONSHIP with Christ. To accomplish this, I must invest my time and energy in developing the relationship with God. I have great friends and family in my life who hold me accountable and encourage me in my walk. I hope you do too. I am examining my motives and trying to stay true to the Christian woman that I am supposed to be. I am staying prayed up and I have enough sense to call on other prayer warriors when I have no words. I want to please God and I want to leave a legacy that has eternal value. I hope you think about that in terms of your own motivation. Wouldn't it be a shame to have lived a whole life and it have no value in eternity? Till next blessed and be a blessing!

Copyright January 20, 2011 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Quick Check

I posted a blog encouraging each of you to join me in a Money Challenge. I hope some of you were inspired to save weekly even if you couldn't follow that plan. If you chose to join me and a few of my friends, you should be nine weeks into the challenge and have saved $45. Now, who's with me? I decided once I hit the $50 mark the money needed to go somewhere so it could grow even more. Next week, I will be opening a new account for the Money challenge duckets. So where are you and what are you doing with your savings? If you couldn't start then, it is a good time to re-evaluate and start the year off right. Hope your New Year is off to a blessed start. I feel great and already have in my spirit that this is going to be a wonderful year for me! Peace and blessings!

Copyright January13, 2011 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

Sunday, January 9, 2011

An Action Plan

I hope every one's  New Year is off to a blessed wonderful start. For me, so far so good. This is a short and sweet post. My mom sent this to me via e-mail, and well, I loved it enough to share with you. It is good advice as we find our selves already ditching our resolutions. It is also good every day life advice. Plus, I love acronyms. Take heed!


Help others.

Admit it when you are wrong.

Promote Christ at every opportunity.

Present yourself in the best way possible to serve as an example for others.

Yield not to temptations.

Never think an unkind thought of others.

Endeavor to work harder for the Lord.

Weed out your bad habits with God's help.

Yearn and pray for peace.

Earnestly desire a stronger relationship with Christ.

Attend church regularly.

Resolve to give all for Christ and his church.

It really is simple advice. If we strive to live it out, what a difference we can make in our own lives and those of others. If your New Year isn't off to a grand start. Today is a new day. Change your attitude and be positive, things can change on a dime. Till next time, be blessed and be a blessing!

Copyright January 8, 2011 by Pamela Cole Thorpe