Monday, May 24, 2010

The Top 10 Reasons that I love My Husband

My husband and I are quickly approaching our 14th Anniversary. May 25th to be exact. We married after a year of dating but we had been friends for 10 years prior to going on our first date. We have had our share of ups and downs, and I will be the first to tell that marriage takes work. It also takes compromise and candid communication. Quality time and a lot of sex only help the situation. As I grow older, I know that prayer is also a necessity. Personal prayer and the prayers of other believers. Can never have too much of that. So all that said, a good friend of mine challenged several of us to list the top ten reasons that we love our husbands. I told her that I would publish my response as a blog.

I started this blog several weeks ago and while I was gung ho, initially, Satan stepped in and had his way. He caused a little havoc in our marriage and then I wasn't feeling writing about my husband nor was I feeling marriage at all. So I got writer's block and set the whole blog aside.

I'm back! Tomorrow is May 25th! 14 years have gone by since we said our vows before God and about 135 witnesses. The havoc has subsided. SN: Despite the valley experiences that we share, Dmitri is the love of my life and there is no one I'd rather take this life journey with. So here you have it, the top ten reasons that I love Dmitri Jean Anthony Thorpe. This list is no way conclusive and it is definitely changeable. I love him for different reasons at different times. Also, the list is in absolutely no particular order.

1. Dmitri is always gonna have my back and protect me fiercely, even if I am wrong.
2. Dmitri is extremely loyal to me, his children, and his convictions.
3. He makes the best Bar-B-Que dishes and we share a love of good food and wine.
4. He makes me think and he challenges me on a deep level.
5. He always makes me his number one priority.
6. He is a serious competitor no matter what. Family game night is serious in this house, so is miniature golf, and anything else that can remotely resemble a competition.
7. He makes me feel beautiful on my worst day, in my ugliest moments.
8. He is my biggest champion and supporter, no matter what it is I've decided to undertake.
9. Although he hates to shop, he always chooses nice clothes for me and he gives excellent gifts.
10. He accepts me for who I am, the good, the bad, and even the ugly.

I could go on and on. We have two children and he is good to both of them. He wants the best for them and me. He provides well so that we can experience life to the fullest. Remember, I believe exposure is everything. Our love story is not special or rare but it is OUR story and each day we get a chance to add to it and enhance it. No one can tell you how to be married but if you are or were, you know there are many hills and valleys. You have to be committed to each other to get through both. You need support and prayer to make it, too. Mostly you need love and a commitment to that love to deal with the problems that you face. Sometimes you might even need therapy but remember, what God has joined together, let NO MAN put asunder!!! With that said, "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US!!!!!"

Copyright May 24, 2010 by Pamela Cole Thorpe


  1. happy anniversary! d and i are lucky to have so many wonderful role models of what a successful marriage should look like. :)

  2. Thanks Tiff! You two are lucky. Even good marriages have their share of ups and downs. Getting through them is a testament to your dedication to stick it out for better or worse. Always go back to why you fell in love in the first place!
