Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Commandments of Pam

We all have a set of rules or core values that we live by, whether spoken or secret. Since the New Year has begun, I’ve been relatively quiet and mostly keeping to myself. Kind of a switch for an extroverted person such as myself. For whatever reason, I am in a very self-reflective mode and doing some serious introspection. I think I live pretty authentically but I want to make sure that I’m putting my best self forward and being the best version of me that I can be. As I grow older my tolerance for BS is extremely low and I really am having a hard time with phony and fake. So it came to me that I have some rules that never God had the Ten Commandments. Here they are, in no particular order, but each one is equally important.

1. Be Pamela-I can’t be anyone but myself...the sum of my successes and failures, my hopes and dreams including the ones that have been deferred. The uniquely blessed, somewhat flawed woman who has become very comfortable in her own skin.

2. Just because someone is treating you poorly, doesn’t mean you have stoop to their level. Karma never arrives when you want her to but she will eventually show up. 

3. Build your tribe well. Choose the people who have a front row set to your life wisely. My core circle of friends is tight, trustworthy, and supportive.

4. Live your truth and reality. Your life and experiences have been crafted for you and the grass isn’t alway greener in someone else’s yard. 

5. Have a belief system. My hope and faith are in the Lord, Jesus Christ. I love a divine appointment where God shows up and shows out unexpectedly. Prayer does change you and the situation.

6. Take time for yourself-indulge in your favorite hobbies-for me it’s reading, traveling, coloring, and wine tasting. Getting by yourself and focusing on things you love takes you away from the noise and distractions of the world.

7. Find at least one positive in each day. Trouble don’t last always and joy does come in the morning. Smiling is free.

8. Follow your intuition and trust your gut. 

9. Things are just things. Don’t let them define you. You can’t take any of it with you when you leave the earth.

10. Choose love. Choose forgiveness. Choose kindness. 

These are my basic principles. I am sure you have your own. Let me know yours. Be a blessing!

In Diva Love,

Pam 👑🙏🏽💜