I'm looking ahead to what this year will bring. I'm up for the mountaintop experiences and will pray that I have the fortitude for those that send me into the valley. So many times This year I've asked God why He trusts me with so much but this year, I'm going to leave that question behind and trust the process. Whatever He has for me, is mine. No matter how difficult things seem, I know He's there and He's equipping me for something.
The 40s are liberating in many ways. I love me more than ever-yes, flaws and all. I'm unapologetic about staying true to my values. I'm happy to remind you that I and you are a continuous work in progress. At this point, the opinion of others is pretty much irrelevant. Some friends are closer than family-so no, blood isn't always thicker than water. Some people's seasons simply end. Drama should be saved for anyone but me. I need to see a whole lot of places, so my passport must be renewed. Praying God sends some interesting men my way or opens my mind to dating in this day and age. I am comfortable in my skin...and following God's plan for my life. Embracing the life that I'm living right now even though it may not be the life I imagined. All that being said..in the words of my earthly father, "Life to the fullest, no regrets!" Happy Fabulous 48th Birthday to me!
In Diva Love,
Pam 😊🎂🎈