In less than two hours, we will usher in a New Year full of hope and promise. A New Year means new beginnings, new promises, new adventures. As I type this post, I feel a bit melancholy. The holidays were bittersweet for several reasons. The main one for me is that my favorite sister-in-law lost her husband on Christmas morning. As I think about New Year's and what it brings, her face keeps coming to mind. Everything about the New Year will be different for her and it will also be difficult.
It is a reminder that New doesn't always mean better nor easy. For some folks, the New Year is going to bring about painful change, for others,it may bring difficult seasons of career, marriage, or parenting. You can substitute any number of things. No matter what 2013 has in store for you and yours, it is my hope that you have the resources in your life to help you through those difficult, I wanna give up moments as well as the let's celebrate this victory moments. Life is precious and you can't make it alone. You need the love and support of family and friends. You need the intercessory prayers of the believers in your life. You need to be able to find peace in the midst of the worst circumstances. You also need to find joy in those moments as well. You need to be able to forgive those who wrong you intentionally and unintentionally. Let go of the past and embrace the future.
God built you for everything you face. Don't forget to consult Him. Don't forget to pray. Don't forget to ask for prayers and for help if you need it. You are infinitely stronger than you think. Take care of you so you can be whole and able to help someone else. While your decisions may look crazy to the outside world, you have to do what's best for you. You may need to lose some friends, or cut out some activities, and be alone more often. Don't forget that God speaks in the quiet moments, so don't be afraid to sit still and discern His voice. Finally, be mindful of those around you. Many are hurting and in pain. Hurting people hurt others. Be kind and considerate. Check in on folks, I mean really check in. So often we ask how a person is doing but don't give them the space to be honest. Often, we need to simply dig a little deeper. Time is the cheapest and most wasted resource we have in our possession.
So as we say so long to 2012 (I must admit, I for one, am very happy to see it go), I wish every one of you a Happy Healthy 2013. I hope you get your heart's desires. I hope you are blessed beyond measure. I hope that not only are you blessed but also that you bless someone else along the way. There will be good days and bad, but I hope you stay the course and remain strong. Your eventual testimony will bless and encourage some else. If you are out tonight, please don't drink and drive. We all want to be safe. Be prayerful. Happy New Year to You and Yours! May it be prosperous and fulfilling!
In Diva Love and Anticipation,
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this is good!