Sunday, March 13, 2011

Forgiveness is Not an Option!

Does it ever seem to you that certain issues or things are going to be a theme in your life for a period of time. Well, it happens to me all. the time. This year it seems that the themes that will keep coming up are forgiveness, finances, and trusting God at His Word. It is only March and things could change but so far these things keep being inserted in my spirit and popping up all around me.

I don't have a problem with forgiveness but I know people who do. It is sad to see the effect that harboring hurts and disappointments takes on these individuals. In turn it takes a toll on the people they love. It also takes a toll on the individual because it affects their health, relationships, and thought process. Unforgiveness easily leads to anger and bitterness.

Forgiveness is serious business. God has commanded us to forgive our brothers and sisters as He has forgiven us. Sounds so easy but we all know that we don't always keep that commandment.We hold on to hurt and pain like a it is an anchor. It is an anchor that can lead to complete and utter destruction. There is a reason we aren't supposed to go to bed angry. The devil loves unchecked anger or unforgiveness. It gives him just the opportunity he needs to poison your mind and have you thinking all crazy and not trusting people and all kinds of foolishness. The Bible tells us that in order for God to forgive us, we must first forgive others. That is rather powerful. We can't receive the free gift of God's forgiveness unless we give that same gift to whomever has wronged us. If you don't believe me, look up Matthew 6:15 and Luke 6:37.

Forgiveness is not for the other individual, it is for you. Often people don't even know that they have you bound up in anger. So tell the person they hurt you, forgive them and forget about it. Forgetting is difficult but dwelling on it doesn't help. God casts our sins in the sea of forgetfulness never to remember them again. Isn't that something? So liberate yourself! Yes, yourself, because you are in bondage. Let go of the hurt, anger, and whatever issue has you caught up. You aren't receiving the full measure of what God has for you if your aren't in His will. To be in His will, forgiveness, is NOT and option. It is a command. Till next time, be blessed and be a blessing!

Copyright March 13, 2010 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

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