Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who Gonna Check Me, Boo?

As the year begins, we all make commitments to do better studying the Word of God. That is if you are a Christian and I certainly hope you are. I try really hard to commit to having some devotional quiet time each morning. It is very hard for me to commit to on the weekend. Recently, I was asked to be a part of a tech accountability group who would commit to reading the same devotional and checking in via e-mail. I am absolutely loving it. We don't all know each other and we have varying views on the material. We share our thoughts, struggles, and prayer requests. It has been going well so far.

We got the idea from a blog which explains how to set up your own. here is the link, The accountability period lasts for 90 days.  There is a study you can follow there or you can choose your own. The group is called Good Morning Girls. Tech accountability groups can take on a range of ideas. My girlfriend, Dana, had a group that focused on finances and financial issues. Groups like this support and encourage you to be better and do better. My group is using Donna Partow's, Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be: A 90-Day Guide to Living the Proverbs 31 Life. She is touching on lots of aspects women deal with from prayer, to home, to diet, and everything in between.

I am learning a lot about myself and I am thoroughly enjoying the perspectives of the women in my group. You never know what you can learn from someone else. We all need to be held accountable lest we go astray. What do you need to be held accountable for? Find you a small group of like minded people and set up a group. It might not be a spiritual accountability group, it may be health and fitness, finances, or parenting. Whatever it might be, try it. A three month commitment is a commitment. It is a short season. Everything works with checks and balances. We were not meant to journey life alone. So...who gonna check ya, Boo? Till next time, be a blessing!!!

Copyright January 27, 2011 by Pamela Cole Thorpe

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!! You are so right. We need to be held accountable for the things we do and need to be doing. I actually sked someone last year to hold me accountable for something and I think that it made them feel uncomfortable... maybe I asked the wrong person. I'm gonna find someone...
