Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gifts of the Heart

Merry Christmas!! This season is my favorite time of year. I love the togetherness of Thanksgiving and truly enjoy the time leading up to Christmas. I get joy and pleasure from buying just the perfect gift for my loved ones. My budget is small for Christmas, because we don't have it like that but it feels good to bless those you love with something you think they will like or know that they really want. Gifts are great and most of us like to receive them as much as we enjoy giving them (unless of course, you are a selfish self-centered individual). In that hustle and bustle, I am constantly challenging myself about whether I have bought in to the commercialism of the season or am I truly celebrating the birth of My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

 I want my children to know God's presence is a present. I try to teach them that it is the thought behind the gift that counts, not the amount. Some gifts are priceless. If you haven't learned that, then you probably need to go out and utilize the gift of your time and a word of encouragement. People are hurting and sometimes, your smile or comforting touch is a blessing. Unfortunately some of us only focus on donating our time and talent during the Christmas season. People need those things every day. We need to be the hands and feet of Christ every single day of the year.

So as you continue to go about the next few days spending money(and hopefully not creating bills), don't forget those less fortunate than you. Donating food and clothes is great but a personal touch fulfills something deep inside your heart. Jesus was the perfect gift for our sinless world. He sacrificed EVERYTHING and we didn't deserve it. Don't get caught up trying to give the most lavish gifts. The bests gifts in life are free-love, peace, and joy! Without Christ, there would be no Christmas!!

In Christmas Love,


1 comment:

  1. Sad to say that I am probably amongst the creating bills group. December is the month of my anniversary, hubbys bday, & of course Christmas. I feel like I stretched myself too thin. I need to do like you & remind myself to get behind the true meanit of Christmas! #blmhop Andrea @ www.be-quoted.com
