Saturday, January 7, 2017

Persistence begets Success

Happy New Year! 2017 is a week old. Any resolutions? Any highs? Any lows? No matter whether you make resolutions or not, the New Year makes you reflect on the past and reset your course for the future. I have goals and dreams but I don't make resolutions. I do usually choose a word to focus on for the year. My word for 2017 is persistence.

I'm going to persistently pursue being a better version of  my best self. I'm going to persistently pursue those things that give me life and that I feel passionate about. I'm going to persistently pursue becoming debt free and more retirement ready. I'm going to persistently pursue seeking/meeting a balancemate. There you have it! My year, my way! Well, sort of...we plan one thing, God has other ideas. I will always remain open and available to His leading. He's already charted the course, my responsibility is to trust Him. There are 358 days left in the year...get busy living your life, your way. I am cheering for you to achieve whatever dreams or goals that you have for yourself. Go forth! Be great! 


In Diva Love, 

Pamela 👑🙏🏽

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