Friday, June 29, 2012

Post-Surgery Thoughts

It is the last morning of a beautiful week in Virgina Beach. It was a most relaxing vacation. More like a simple prelude to the real vacation which is less than two weeks away. We will then be off to the Dominican Republic. BTW-if any of you out there have some recommendations of places to go or things to do or food to eat, please feel free to advise me. Today is supposed to be a hot 99 degrees but feel like 110 with the humidity. Can I just say that I don't know how anyone would want to spend any time in Hell.

Well it has been eleven days since I had surgery. I think I have a pretty good tolerance for pain and I also think I am a good patient. As of today, I am not pain free but I am not taking pain killers. The first five days of my recovery, I spent sleeping and simply trying not to get dehydrated. Kinda hard when you don't want to swallow even the spit in your mouth. Honestly, sleeping was the best thing for me. On Friday, I forced myself outta bed to prepare for this week away. Given the limited amount of calories and nutrition I took in, packing wore me out but it got done.

We arrived in Va. Beach to a beautiful sunny day and a city brimming with activity. Our condo was simply fabulous and all we have to to do is cross the street and bam, the beach. The week here has been low key, which I needed. My liquid and soft diet has improved. It is a terrible thing when soup hurts to go down. While ice cream and Popsicles sound like a great diet, I am no longer ten and hey, I am not a small woman. I also love food, especially good food. Lawd, am I missing potato chips.  Anyhoo, I say this to say that by the time we get on that plane to the DR, I should be completely healed and ready to try the delicacies of the region.

Here is what I have learned in the past few days. When the doctor says, "you will need ten days to recover after this surgery," please believe him. They get paid the big buck for a reason.  I really didn't consider the seriousness of my so called minor surgery. My family was fine, I simply was in denial. I am more of a control freak than I think. Percocet makes me feel really loopy so I probably didn't medicate as well as I could have. Admit where you are are. Don't pretend to be fine. I did because I didn't want to make my impromptu family trip turn into being about me and my pain. I faked it as much as I could and then I often curled up on a couch, in the bed or sat on the balcony to get a way from everything. I skipped some activities and believe it or not, my family could handle my absence. I will give a shout out to my husband, he took pretty good care of me and he was a trooper. especially the first few day when all I could do was sleep. I love him to death! The plus of being here is that there is a Rita's Italian Ice place not too far from the condo, it has been my friend. I hate not having one near my house. Their ices are the best. That is one thing that doesn't hurt going down. Well, I am going to end here. Gotta enjoy this last hot as Hades day here on the ocean. Have a fantabulous weekend and be safe! 

In Diva wisdom, 


Monday, June 18, 2012

Diva Dialogue-June, 2012

Well, I felt like it had been a while since I posted. I actually forgot that I posted on my birthday. June has been a busy month. I am so thankful to report that my lovely wise grandmother celebrated her 98th birthday. We have good genes and yes most of my family could be poster children for a "Black don't crack" ad. I feel incredibly blessed.

Yesterday we celebrated the men who responsibly care for and nurture their children. Hope that each of you had a Happy Father's Day. If you have a child and you aren't investing for whatever reason, today is a day you can make a decision to change that. Your child needs you. Trust me, you don't want them to seek acceptance, approval, or affirmation from outside influences. Love doesn't have to be predicated on money. Your time and investment are what is important.

It is now official. I no longer have any children in elementary school. Yippee! I am kind of bittersweet but it is great to be moving on. My son is beyond ready. He has been well prepared. I have seen him grow and mature in many ways. It is weird to watch him grow up. He's opinionated, and very matter of fact. it is his developing sense of humor that trips me out the most. He is going to drive some poor woman crazy one day. LOL!

My summer is pretty much planned out. I am not used to that but hey, it is what it is. There are good things happening. My sister is going to have a baby girl! I love shopping for girls so much better than boys. I am apparently going to miss all the baby showers. My cousin, @AKAKristin, is turning 30. I am going to miss her fabulous flirty 30 celebration too. She has planned out a weekend of fun. I am happy for her. I am having a minor surgery today. Initially, that wasn't in my plans but I guess God needed to build in some rest for this sista. Say a prayer for me. I supposedly need ten days to recover. We are going to Virgina Beach and the Dominican Republic this year. I also plan to go to the place that built me for about ten days. Haven't been home since May of last year. That sucks, right? It does! I need some mommy love! I also need to lay eyes on my grandma. I know that at 98, it is a blessing to have her. If you have read my posts for a whole, you already know how important she is to me. Gotta soak up that love and wisdom too. Oh and did I mention, that several ladies along with myself are going to do a summer study on Malachi. That should be interesting. Who studies Malachi? I know, hardly anyone. I am sure God will speak and unite our hearts more toward Him as we seek to learn and grow through the study. I will let you know how it goes.

In addition to all of of this, I was asked to teach a group of Spanish exchange students for a month. I am a little nervous but anticipating having fun with the teens from another culture. I know little to no Spanish but the purpose is for them to have the skills to hold conversations with their host families and interact in public during their stay here in the USA. My lesson plans are complete and I hope they will find the content both rewarding and entertaining.

Today is the first real day of summer vacation. I cherish this time with my children. Parenting is not easy and as I continue living in a home with a 14 year old girl, I am constantly reminded to pray. I am also reminded to ask other people to pray. Her godmother told me that the part of the brain that makes rational decision isn't fully developed till 25. Well dammit, why are we entrusting these babies to choose colleges, Presidents, to vote and to drink or to decide to fight for their countries? They really aren't ready for this type of responsible decision-making, are they? Sorry, I digressed. If you have the time and ability to be home with your children during the summer, make the most of it and have fun. Have hard conversations. Challenge them to read  and write and express themselves. Encourage them to serve someone other than themselves. One of the most rewarding things we've done this year is work at a local Food Pantry. We plan to continue to help out there during the summer. Teach them more about God and living a life that is pleasing to Him. Most of all, value the time even if the children are reluctant or attitudinal(or hormonal). This too shall pass. 

I am gonna end here. I am going to really attempt to post more regularly during the summer. As usual, I have a lot on my mind. I am already sick of the election BS. That being said....Be safe! Be a blessing to someone else. Take a moment for yourself each day. Pray for yourself and others. Till next time, Ciao!

In Diva love,


Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's My Birthday!!!!

Happy Happy Born Day to me! I am always happy in June. It is the best month of the year. There are some fabulous people with whom I share this birth month. Geminis are always interesting, unique people. Children graduate, Summer vacation begins, and people just seem excited about life. I always think I deserve a month long tribute, funny though, I am uncomfortable being the center of attention. 

God has been good to me and I can't help but to reflect upon it as I enter a new year of life. My journey is not always simple or easy but I know that I am extremely blessed. I have a great family and very awesome friends. I  know that faith is essential to me remaining sane on this life journey. I have experienced losses that hurt me deep to the core. I have family relationships that need repair. I continually remind myself that I choose my friends but my family is a whole other story. I know you all can relate. Sometimes you begin to think it ain't even worth the effort. 

I love the summer! My summer is already filling up and my idea of relaxation is quickly fleeting. Ahh, but I will be cherishing the memories that I create with my children and husband. Unfortunately my summer is going to begin with me having my tonsils taken out and a tube put in my ear. I thought I was going deaf. NOT! I am not looking forward to that but it is a necessary evil that I gotta deal with so all can be right in my part of the world.  Pray for me! I hate taking drugs, I have a high tolerance for pain. 

I am thankful for the things that I have learned along the way. I anticipate joy and pain in the year to come. There will be doors that open and others that will close.  Some friendships will blossom and others will fade. Through it all, I know God has already ordained this plan. I am hoping He will allow me to birth a dream that I have. I am also hoping He will bless me with a set of wheels. This sista might not be lucky  blessed enough not to really have to use it next winter. I have huge dreams for my children and I pray for their future spouses. I hope that my actions, words, and deeds are pleasing to Him. I am blessed and so are you. 

Not only do I celebrate my life and all its divaliciousness but I celebrate all my fabulous June babies! This month is yours. Attack it with fierce determination and a renewed spirit. Happy Birthday to each of you! A special shout out goes to Nanno, my grandmother who will celebrate 98 years on this earth on the 7th. God is good! She is one of two women that I wanna be like when I grow up(My mom is the other one). I love her to death and her impact on my life is indescribable. To my fellow Geminis and you Cancers who were fortunate enough to be born in June, Have a fantastic, fabulous Birthday celebration!!!

Enjoying Another of Life,
